
LU English shares three ways to improve concentration

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LU English shares three ways to improve concentration

Dear Students,

Do you find it difficult to concentrate during your studies?

Today, LU English shares three ways to improve your concentration and help you study effectively.

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LU English shares three ways to improve concentration

1. Avoid browsing distracting websites to stay focused while studying

We've all been in a situation where we've been locked in the library all afternoon, immersed in hard reading, as we work to learn and improve cognitive function. However, people are easily bothered by social software such as WeChat, Weibo, Douyin, etc.

If you want to keep studying and stay focused, you need to avoid being distracted by social media. To keep you on track, try to set a certain amount of time each day to study. Then, set a timer on your phone and focus on learning while the timer runs. to learn better, thus increasing your productivity.

2. Choose the right environment to focus on learning

Many people prefer to choose coffee shops or other lively places when studying. These places are noisier than the library, but they do help some people study effectively.

While it may help some people concentrate better, it may make it difficult for some people to stay focused due to activities in the context of the environment.

So, our expert advice to help you focus is to know your learner type.

So, we're going to test what type of learner I'm going to test.

By knowing your learner type, you can discover new ways to focus and also help you understand your study habits that will make long hours of study productive. You'll know how long you'll be able to concentrate and when you'll need a short break, and you'll know if it's beneficial to listen to something while you're studying and won't be distracted by background noise.

On the other hand, it is necessary for visual learners or kinesthetic learners to turn off notifications and other background stimuli on their phones.

So, when preparing for the ultimate learning course, the next piece of advice we want to follow is to choose the environment that best suits you.

Improve concentration by setting clear learning goals and exercising

When you sit down to study, having a clear goal can:

Helping you stay motivated

Help your brain break down learning goals into smaller tasks

However, sometimes when you're trying to motivate yourself to study but struggle to stick to a task, clear learning goals aren't enough to stay focused and keep your head sharp. Here are two simple strategies to make it easier for you to focus.

The first is to know what you want to learn before you start, and the second is to exercise regularly.

When you are physically active, it causes blood to flow to the brain. Participating in physical activity stimulates your brain cells and helps promote their development, especially in the hippocampus. So taking 20 minutes to exercise before studying can improve your concentration and improve your concentration in your studies.

We guarantee that you will enjoy it more than playing classical music tracks through the headphone jack. While music can help some people focus, it can also make you feel sleepy.

LU English shares three ways to improve concentration

3. Pomodoro Technique: Learn how to concentrate better and work more efficiently without being distracted by the outside world

The Pomodoro technique is a focused technique for better learning. It was developed by Francesco Cirillo in the early 90s of the 20th century as a powerful tool to combat procrastination and improve concentration.

It breaks down the work into manageable intervals (a set amount of time), known as the Pomodoro technique, with short breaks after each time interval. This method takes advantage of our limited attention span to maintain attention.

To use the strategy, you need a timer. There are various apps available, such as the 30/30 app on the iPhone, which offers a clean interface and customization options.

Start by selecting a task, then set the timer to 25 minutes, and work without stopping.

After the timer goes off, leave the place of work and rest for five minutes.

This is a great time to be physically active or to rehydrate quickly. After completing the four Pomodoros, take a longer 20-minute break.

In order for this strategy to be effective, interference must be minimized. Aim to concentrate for 25 minutes and avoid social media or other websites. If you're using your phone as a timer, consider flying or Do Not Disturb mode, although the latter may affect your timer notifications.

If there is a distraction, use Francesco Cirillo's "Notice, Negotiate, Callback" strategy to deal with it without distracting you.

The notification, negotiation, callback strategy is a way to manage interruptions during focused work periods.

It includes notifying the interrupter that you're busy, negotiating a later time to meet their needs, and calling back to fulfill the promise when your focused task is completed.

This task can be used when dealing with boring or uninteresting tasks, such as practicing top-down and bottom-up listening to learn English.

Running only one 25-minute cycle can help overcome the initial resistance; often, the momentum is built from there. It is effective for a range of activities, from study to research.

However, feel free to adjust your approach, and if you're focused, you can skip breaks or extend work intervals.

For example, a 50/10-minute interval may be better suited for some tasks.

Keep in mind that the strategy is a flexible system designed to meet your needs.

Modify it as needed to find the one that works best for you.

Whether it's sticking to traditional 25/5-minute segments or experimenting with different time intervals, the key is to enhance your focus so you can get more done.

Do you think you're still having trouble concentrating, or are these tips helping you concentrate better?

Mastering attention and productivity in learning, especially when learning English or other languages, is a journey of self-discovery and adaptation.

Understanding and using these strategies can provide you with effective tools to enhance your learning experience.

Keep in mind that what works for one person may not work for others, so you must personalize these methods to suit your individual needs and learning style.

Whether it is:

  • Avoid distractions
  • Set clear goals
  • Combine with regular physical activity

Each step contributes to a more focused and fruitful learning session. Ultimately, the key to success is your willingness to experiment, adapt, and persevere in finding what really works for you.

Using these tips as a starting point, you may find yourself more focused and enjoying the learning process more than before.

Be curious, stay motivated, and let your newfound focus guide you toward your educational goals.

About LU English:

LU English is a leading English language education provider dedicated to empowering children between the ages of 5 and 12 with language proficiency and critical thinking skills. The team has a wealth of certifications and qualifications, including Cambridge Certification, Advanced Academic Certificate, TEFL Certificate and C2 Certificate in Second Language Proficiency. Their extensive teaching experience spans the globe, including countries such as the United States, China, Taiwan, Turkey, Colombia and the United Kingdom.

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