
The scrotum is damp and loves to sweat, premature ejaculation and impotence find the upper body, so that the tone can be good!

author:Traditional Chinese medicine Zhang Xinfang

The five major syndrome types of scrotal dampness are explained clearly at one time to help you improve your classification! Hello everyone, I am Dr. Zhang of traditional Chinese medicine, the weather is getting colder and colder, and the clothes on my body are getting more and more, but the temperature difference between morning, noon and evening is too large, and the clothes are too thick, so it is easy to sweat, in fact, sweating in this case is a normal phenomenon, but some netizens do not sweat in other places, only the private parts often sweat, always wet, that means that there is a problem with the body, in fact, scrotal dampness is also one of the diseases often seen in andrology, because the scrotum is often in a humid environment, which is particularly easy to cause infection and inflammation, thereby affecting men's health and prone to impotence, premature ejaculation and other problems, today, I will tell you about the five major types of scrotal dampness, and how to regulate it, I hope it can help you!

The scrotum is damp and loves to sweat, premature ejaculation and impotence find the upper body, so that the tone can be good!

The first syndrome type is hepatobiliary damp heat betting, this type of patients are generally because of improper diet, often eat spicy and stimulating food, or lack of exercise, stay up late, etc., resulting in damp heat endogenous or damp heat retention in the liver and gallbladder, the liver's excretion function will be affected, the operation of the qi is blocked, and the dampness will gather in the body, and then follow the liver and gallbladder meridian downward, and finally converge in the scrotum, there will be scrotal dampness, and at the same time, patients with damp and hot liver and gallbladder will also have dry mouth and bad breath, yellow urine, sticky stool, A burning sensation during bowel movements. If you have these symptoms, you can refer to Gentian Liver Pills to clear the dampness and heat on the liver and gallbladder. You should also pay attention to eating less spicy and greasy food, but also have a moderate amount of exercise and keep getting enough sleep.

The scrotum is damp and loves to sweat, premature ejaculation and impotence find the upper body, so that the tone can be good!

The second syndrome type is caused by cold and damp stagnation, when there is dampness in our body, and there is cold evil into the body, cold and dampness are combined, it will form cold dampness, cold and dampness block or cold and dampness descend, there will be scrotal dampness, such patients in addition to scrotal dampness, but also will have symptoms such as decreased appetite, heavy body, loose stools, etc., if this situation occurs, you can consider Ling Guishu Gan Pill to warm Yang and dispel cold.

The scrotum is damp and loves to sweat, premature ejaculation and impotence find the upper body, so that the tone can be good!

The third syndrome type is kidney yang deficiency, our traditional Chinese medicine believes that kidney yang has the function of transpiration and vaporization, which can discharge excess water in our body from the body, once the kidney yang is deficient, the water vapor in the body will gather in the body, and there may be a situation of scrotal dampness, and at the same time, patients with kidney yang deficiency will also have frequent urination and urgency, clear and long urine, soreness and cold pain in the waist and knees, and men are also prone to decreased desire.

The scrotum is damp and loves to sweat, premature ejaculation and impotence find the upper body, so that the tone can be good!

The fourth syndrome type is kidney yin deficiency, our traditional Chinese medicine believes that yin deficiency produces internal fire, when kidney yin deficiency, kidney yin can not restrict kidney yang, there will be a situation of fire, yang fire heat leads to the outflow of jin fluid, there may be scrotal dampness, at the same time, patients with yin deficiency will also have symptoms such as hot hands and feet, hot flashes, night sweats, insomnia and dreams, at this time, you can consider Zhibai Dihuang pills to nourish yin and reduce fire.

The scrotum is damp and loves to sweat, premature ejaculation and impotence find the upper body, so that the tone can be good!

The fifth syndrome type is qi stagnation and blood stasis, qi is very important to our body, qi can carry blood, blood can carry qi, once the qi is stagnant, the blood will not run smoothly, if it is stagnant in the lower focus, there may be a damp scrotum, at the same time, such patients will also have pain in the private parts, when urinating, there will be painful urination, and the tongue will also appear dark purple and other colors, if these symptoms appear, you can refer to the less abdomen and stasis soup to add or subtract, to achieve the effect of blood circulation and stasis.

The scrotum is damp and loves to sweat, premature ejaculation and impotence find the upper body, so that the tone can be good!

Okay, that's all for today's sharing, we'll see you next time. #中医#