
Huawei's Pangu model is on the car, far ahead Blue Media GPT

Huawei's Pangu model is on the car, far ahead Blue Media GPT

Huawei Zhijie S7 on-board smart assistant Xiaoyi access to the Pangu model

At the Zhijie S7 press conference held on November 28, Yu Chengdong, Executive Director of Huawei, CEO of Device BG, and Chairman of Intelligent Vehicle Solution BU, announced that Xiaoyi, the in-vehicle intelligent assistant on Zhijie S7, will be connected to the Pangu large model to provide functions such as instrument information, vehicle knowledge, short word wake-up, custom timbre, smart ticket booking and movie viewing, air index perception, and in-car temperature, and become a private car consultant for car owners.

It is understood. The relevant functions supported by the Pangu model support all Huawei Smart Car models equipped with HarmonyOS 4.0 in Chinese mainland, which are expected to be available after the OTA version upgrade in March 2024.

vivo unveils a new series of phones, calling them "the first batch of AI large-scale model phones"

On November 29, the vivo S18 series mobile phones started to warm up, and officially called it "the first batch of AI large model phones". According to reports, this mobile phone uses vivo's self-developed AI blue heart model, which will be the industry's first batch of mobile phones with tens of billions of models in the terminal. The previous vivo X100 series was actually equipped with a large blue heart model. According to official sources, the blue heart model will contain a total of 5 models of three parameter magnitudes: 1 billion, 10 billion, and 100 billion, covering core scenarios and leading the model in the industry. In the future, AI products based on the blue heart model will be available to all users, so that everyone can enjoy the convenience and happiness brought by the technological revolution.

Taotian Group is preparing to build a large model team

According to market sources, Taotian Group is preparing to build a large-scale model research team and has started recruitment. It is reported that the large-scale model research of Taotian Group will mainly focus on two scenarios: one is to search and push, and the other is to browse the content. The team building work was jointly led by Dai Shan, CEO of Taotian Group, Ruohai, CTO of Taotian Group, Zheng Bo, CTO of Alimama, and others.

Loongson's strongest processor and self-developed GPGPU are coming, revealing Tock's "Three Musketeers"

Recently, the new generation of CPU 3A6000 independently developed by Loongson Zhongke, a domestic CPU company, was released, which is also the latest milestone achievement in the field of domestic CPU in mainland China. Loongson 3A6000 adopts Loongson's independent command system LoongArch, which is the first product of Loongson's fourth-generation 64-bit high-performance microarchitecture LA664, and the main IP cores are independently developed and produced using mature technology, with a main frequency of 2.5GHz, supporting multi-threading technology, and a total of 8 logic cores in the whole chip. Hu Weiwu, chairman of Loongson Zhongke Technology Co., Ltd., said that the performance of 3A6000 has reached the level of the tenth generation of Core quad-core processors.

ByteDance established a new department, Flow, to focus on the AI application layer

According to 36Kr, it was learned from multiple independent sources that ByteDance recently established a new AI department, Flow, and the technical leader is Hong Dingkun, vice president of ByteDance Technology. According to a person familiar with the matter, the business leader of the new department is Zhu Wenjia, the head of the byte model team. It is reported that in the byte circle, Flow recently released a living water recruitment post, and social recruitment has also begun for a while. In the post, the department claimed to be ByteDance's AI innovation business team, "At present, two products have been launched in China and overseas, Doubao and Cici, respectively, and a number of AI-related innovative products are being incubated." A number of people familiar with the matter said that in this adjustment, Byte also transferred candidates from various BU such as Feishu and Douyin to make a new C-end product in this department.

Inspur Information released 100 billion open source large model source 2.0

Inspur Information officially released the 100-billion-level open source large model source 2.0, with parameter values of 102.6 billion, 51.8 billion, and 2.1 billion respectively. According to reports, Source 2.0 has re-evolved in mathematical logic, mathematical computing, and code generation capabilities, and innovatively adopted LFA and local convolution to enhance the attention mechanism, which can effectively capture local information and short-dependent information, so that the model can more accurately grasp the strong semantic association between contexts, and learn the essence of human language habits and paradigms in programming ability.

The Academy of Sciences et al. proposed a Wensheng video framework based on physics engine

On November 21, researchers from the Shenzhen Institute of Advanced Technology of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, the University of Chinese Academy of Sciences, and the VIVO AI Lab jointly proposed GPT4Motion, a new text-generated video framework that does not require training. GPT4Motion combines the planning capabilities of large language models such as GPT, the physics simulation capabilities provided by Blender software, and the Wensheng graph capabilities of diffusion models to dramatically improve the quality of video synthesis.

21 organizations in the United Kingdom and the United States have released guidelines for the development of secure AI systems

On November 26, local time, the Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA) of the U.S. Department of Homeland Security (DHS) and the National Cyber Security Centre (NCSC) of the United Kingdom jointly released the "Secure AI System Development Guide" to provide AI system developers with cybersecurity decisions in the development process. The guidelines were developed in collaboration with 21 other agencies and ministries around the world, involving all G7 member states, and is the first of its kind in the world. The guide addresses four key areas in the AI system development lifecycle: security design, secure development, secure deployment, and secure operations, with each section highlighting considerations and mitigations that can help reduce cybersecurity risks in an organization's AI system development process.

Lanmeih/Today's Topic

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