
There are children queuing up for follow-up visits and being infected with influenza A, the latest reminder from the National Health Commission

There are children queuing up for follow-up visits and being infected with influenza A, the latest reminder from the National Health Commission

There are children queuing up for follow-up visits and being infected with influenza A, the latest reminder from the National Health Commission

Recently, many places have entered the season of high incidence of respiratory infectious diseases, with an increase in the number of outpatient and emergency departments in hospitals, an increase in the number of respiratory disease infections in children, and news about "fever" has also been on the hot search many times!

A school in Zhejiang was closed for the whole class, and the number of outpatient visits reached five times the original daily average

On November 24, according to Yueniu News, many students in Lu Xun Primary School (Renmin Road Campus) in Yuecheng District, Shaoxing, Zhejiang Province took leave due to fever, and a notice of class suspension has been issued.

According to the class suspension notice, on November 23, the head teacher of the class reported that many students in the class had fever, and after investigation, on the 23rd, there were students who took leave due to fever, and there were more than 5 cases of fever above 38 °C that day. After receiving the report, the school immediately reported it to the district CDC. According to the opinions of the Yuecheng District Center for Disease Control and Prevention on disease prevention and control, it is now a period of high incidence of influenza, and the current situation of the class requires a four-day suspension of prevention and control measures. As a result, the class will be closed from November 24 to November 27 and will resume on Tuesday, November 28.

Recently, in addition to children infected with the flu, many adults have also been inspired.

According to the Qianjiang Evening News, since the end of last week, the number of patients in the fever clinics of the Qingchun and Qiantang campuses of the Shaw Hospital affiliated to the School of Medicine of Zhejiang University in Hangzhou has begun to gradually rise, and in the past week, the number of fever clinics in the two hospitals has been 400-500 person-times/day, while the number of fever clinics in the peak hours is 100 people/day, which is four or five times the original average daily volume. Chen Huiying, head nurse of the fever clinic of the Qingchun Campus of Sir Run Run Shaw Hospital of Zhejiang University, said that most of the patients who came to the clinic were young and young, mainly with influenza A.

Dai Jianying, head nurse of the emergency department of the Second Affiliated Hospital of Zhejiang University of Traditional Chinese Medicine (Provincial Xinhua Hospital), also located in Hangzhou, said that since Monday, the number of fever outpatient visits in the hospital has increased day by day, and the number of adult visits alone has exceeded 100 people per day, which is more than 3 or 4 times that of normal years. In terms of age, there are other cases such as new coronavirus infection and mycoplasma pneumonia, and in terms of symptoms, there are many high fevers, but most of them are mild.

There are children in Beijing whose cough has been relieved, and they go to the follow-up clinic and queue up to get a flu again

Recently, influenza, adenovirus, and respiratory syncytial virus have been excreted before Mycoplasma pneumoniae in the proportion of children's outpatient visits in Beijing. In other words, we have entered a period of multi-pathogen epidemic. The multi-epidemic epidemic increases the risk of cross-infection in closed environments and crowded places, which can easily lead to multiple infections in children, so more attention should be paid to protection.

Dr. Luo Liman, vice president of Beijing East District Children's Hospital, said in an interview that some children had a cough that had been significantly relieved and their body temperature had also dropped, so they must have a follow-up visit and line up, and they went back the next day with a fever and found a flu A again.

Luo Liman, vice president of Beijing East District Children's Hospital, said that if the child's symptoms are relieved, there is no need to be particularly dogmatic, and it has to be rechecked every few days. The doctor reminded parents to accept that "it takes time to get better", observe the changes in the child's condition, and do not rush to the hospital repeatedly.

"Time, sometimes can cure a lot of problems. In the process of waiting for the hospital bed, after two or three days, I called the parents, and the parents said that they were better and did not need to be hospitalized, which was quite a high chance. Dr. Luo said that respiratory diseases such as influenza A, adenovirus, respiratory syncytial virus, and Mycoplasma pneumoniae infection are self-limiting diseases, and patients with mild symptoms can take medicine in the outpatient clinic or even at home for two days, but some parents are very anxious and want to be hospitalized. "I often say that our pediatricians give a lot of injections, which is to cure the heart disease of parents. ”

So, when does a child have a respiratory infection, do I need to go to the hospital, and under what circumstances does a CT scan be done?

If you have these symptoms, you should see your doctor

Niu Bo, deputy director of the respiratory department of Hebei Provincial Children's Hospital, said that it is generally recommended that drugs can be administered for symptoms in the early stage of respiratory tract infection, such as runny nose, nasal congestion, cough, phlegm, fever and other symptomatic treatment. However, if the child does not get better or worsened after about 2 days of symptomatic treatment, it is recommended to go to a regular medical place for treatment to find out the cause of the disease and take targeted medication.

Li Tong, chief physician of the Department of Infectious Diseases of Beijing You'an Hospital, once said that for the elderly, young children, pregnant women, high-risk groups with underlying diseases, low immunity and obesity, it is more likely to develop severe disease after infection. Therefore, once the disease occurs, you should seek medical attention as soon as possible, identify the cause, and treat it in time.

For the general population, if there is no trend of relieving the high fever for more than 3 days during the rest period, or if there is severe cough, chest pain, chest tightness, shortness of breath, wheezing, etc., infants and young children have feeding difficulties, and even drowsiness, listlessness, irritability, etc., they should also seek medical attention in time.

"If the child has a severe cough, persistent fever, low lung rales or low breath sounds on physical examination, and has been exposed to mycoplasma, influenza and other infections, CT examination should be done. Niu Bo introduced. At the same time, if it is not required by the condition, it is recommended not to repeat it in the short term.

The main prevalent pathogens in people of all ages

This afternoon, the National Health Commission held a press conference to invite relevant experts to introduce the prevention and treatment of respiratory diseases in the mainland's winter.

Mi Feng, spokesman of the National Health Commission, said that at present, as winter has entered one after another, respiratory diseases have entered a period of high incidence. The National Health Commission and the National Bureau of Disease Control and Prevention continue to carry out respiratory disease surveillance and situation assessment, promote influenza vaccination, regularly dispatch the supply of medical resources and diagnosis and treatment in various localities, strengthen work guidance in a targeted manner, and organize experience exchanges and technical training.

Surveillance shows that in recent years, respiratory infectious diseases are mainly caused by influenza, in addition to rhinovirus, Mycoplasma pneumoniae, respiratory syncytial virus, adenovirus, etc. According to the analysis, the recent continuous rise of acute respiratory diseases in mainland China is related to the superposition of multiple respiratory pathogens.

The main pathogens circulating vary by age group. Wang Huaqing, chief expert of the immunization program of the Chinese Center for Disease Control and Prevention, said that the results of multi-source surveillance show that the main pathogens of respiratory infectious diseases in different age groups are different in the recent past.

People aged 1-4 years old are mainly influenza virus and rhinovirus;

People aged 5-14 years old are mainly influenza virus, Mycoplasma pneumoniae, and adenovirus;

Influenza virus, rhinovirus, and new coronavirus are the main among people aged 15-59;

People aged 60 years and older are predominantly influenza viruses, human metapneumovirus, and common coronaviruses.

Mi Feng introduced that all localities should scientifically coordinate medical resources, implement a hierarchical diagnosis and treatment system, transfer forces across departments and hospitals, give full play to the role of medical alliances, and improve the diagnosis and treatment ability of general infections and the efficiency of identification and referral of severe cases; Information on medical institutions providing services such as fever clinics should give play to the role of Internet hospitals and primary medical and health institutions to facilitate the masses to seek medical treatment in an orderly manner nearby;

Here is also a reminder to everyone: adhere to the hygienic habits of wearing masks, ventilating more, and washing hands frequently, and advocate that key groups such as "one old and one young" actively get vaccinated. When you have respiratory symptoms, you should take precautions, maintain social distance, and avoid cross-infection within your family and work. Large hospitals are densely populated, the waiting time is long, the risk of cross-infection is high, and if there are children at home with mild symptoms, it is recommended to go to primary medical and health institutions or general hospitals for paediatric treatment. (Source: Beijing Daily, CCTV News, Health Times, Yueniu News, Qianjiang Evening News; collation: Liu Jinping)

Editor: Li Yunpeng

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