
The woman on the anti-Japanese front of Hideko Midorikawa awakened the conscience of the Japanese army and was hunted down and killed by the Japanese military

author:Phantom of the Sea

During the Japanese invasion of China, a Japanese troop carrier was driving on the wide Yangtze River with a full load of soldiers. The deck was packed with weary Japanese soldiers, and a Japanese veteran crouched on deck with a gun in his hand, his beloved radio in his hand. A familiar voice came from the radio on time, a woman shouting at the Japanese soldiers in pure Japanese. This pure Japan did not come from Japan thousands of miles away, but from Wuhan, the jurisdiction of the Chinese army.

The veteran, Murakami Tengki, listened to a familiar voice and had tears in the corners of his eyes. Suddenly, he stood up violently, roared and rushed to the bow of the ship, then roared and jumped directly into the rough Yangtze River. In an instant, his figure disappeared into the rolling whirlpool. At this time, the voice on the radio was still shouting at the Japanese soldiers.

The voice came from a real Japanese, and her name was well known to Japanese soldiers in China. Hideko Midorikawa, who tells her countrymen her name every time she broadcasts, is a real Japanese.

The woman on the anti-Japanese front of Hideko Midorikawa awakened the conscience of the Japanese army and was hunted down and killed by the Japanese military

But she opposed this evil war of aggression, she hated the Japanese emperor who started the war, and when the Japanese soldiers fought and killed people in China for the Japanese emperor, their parents, wives and children starved at home. And many of their wives and daughters were forced to become military prostitutes, selling their bodies and souls in the name of dedicating themselves to the country.

The suicide veteran, because he found his daughter in the comfort station, could not bear such a ironic blow in his heart, and chose to end his life after hearing Hideko Midorikawa expose the crimes of Japanese militarism.

The Suicide of a Japanese soldier was not the only example, so the Japanese military top brass issued a hunting order for Hideko Midorikawa, treating her as a traitor.

Who is this Hideko Midorikawa, why she is hated by her compatriots, why the Japanese soldiers chose to commit suicide because of her, let's unveil this mysterious Japanese woman and understand her story!

Hideko Midorikawa is actually a pen name, and her original name was Teruko Hasegawa. She was born in Ishiyama Prefecture, Japan, to a wealthy family. His father was an entrepreneur, owned a large construction company, and was also a very cultured architect.

Teruko Kawa's father was very fond of Chinese culture, and he believed that China's traditional culture was broad and profound, and it was very worth learning and studying. So when Chuan Zhaozi was very young, he hired a special Chinese teacher for her to teach her To speak Chinese, write Chinese characters, and understand Chinese culture.

The woman on the anti-Japanese front of Hideko Midorikawa awakened the conscience of the Japanese army and was hunted down and killed by the Japanese military

Therefore, Kawa Teruko has developed a great interest in the mysterious China since childhood, and Chinese culture has deeply attracted her. As a result of her good education from an early age, Teruko Hasegawa was not only erudite, but also grew into a thoughtful, independent woman with independent thinking and views on many social phenomena.

Teruko Hasegawa was later admitted to Nara University to learn Esperanto, which was once popular. At that time, some people in the world created a new language called Esperanto, hoping to use this language as a popular language for future world integration, so as to avoid national prejudices and defects of local languages. (But this plan ultimately failed!) )

During His time at School, Japanese militarism unleashed a feverish war mentality at home, vigorously preaching wars of aggression and making China the target of war.

This kind of militaristic thinking is actually a conspiracy of foreign expansion set off by militants in the Japanese military for their own interests and for the sake of some strata in Japan in order to transform domestic contradictions.

If we look at it from an objective point of view, there is no territorial border between China and Japan, let alone fierce conflicts, and with China's weak strength at that time, it is impossible to provoke a relatively strong Japan.

However, under the extremely perverted propaganda of the Japanese militarists, most Japanese citizens at that time believed that war should be declared on China and occupy Chinese territory. Some are even fanatical enough to think that Chinese have occupied the fertile land that should belong to them, and the reasons need not be asked at all, just take the land over.

The woman on the anti-Japanese front of Hideko Midorikawa awakened the conscience of the Japanese army and was hunted down and killed by the Japanese military

Encouraged by this fanatical irrational trend of thought, Japan fell into an era of national militancy and collectively lost its mind. At this time, Teruko Hasegawa had always maintained her rationality, and she could not think of a reasonable reason to invade China in any way.

China is not harmful to Japan at all, and the Japanese people's reasons for discrimination against China are so naïve and bizarre. Out of love for Chinese culture and responsibility for her conscience, she became one of the few anti-war activists at that time.

Even after the September 18 Incident, she wrote several anti-war poems in Chinese, calling for the cessation of the war of aggression. Because of this, she was expelled from Nara University. At the same time, she also suffered from the exclusion and scorn of her classmates and compatriots, but she did not change her thoughts and judgments, and continued to insist on standing on the side of justice.

During her university years, she met Liu Ren from China, whose outstanding talent and unique elegant temperament deeply attracted Kawa teruko. Liu Ren was also attracted to this Japanese girl who could uphold justice and fairness, and soon the two entered the stage of hot love, and vowed to marry despite obstacles.

In the context of the time, Teruko Hasegawa's choice of her husband was naturally resolutely opposed by her parents. Although her parents admired Chinese culture, they had a different view of the Chinese at the time. In Japan, there are completely different views of ancient China and contemporary China, and some people even put forward the idea that "there was no China after the Southern Song Dynasty".

However, the stubborn Teruko Hasegawa resolutely decided to marry Liu Ren and follow him to Shanghai, despite her parents' objections.

The woman on the anti-Japanese front of Hideko Midorikawa awakened the conscience of the Japanese army and was hunted down and killed by the Japanese military

At this time, on the eve of Japan's all-out war of aggression against China, the Japanese people's various pre-war preparations were already on the rise, and even the people had already smelled the coming of war. Liu Ren and his wife also actively participated in the anti-Japanese movement in Shanghai, constantly writing anti-Japanese and anti-war articles.

On July 7, 1937, the Japanese invaders launched the notorious "Lugou Bridge Incident", and a full-scale war of aggression against China broke out. Subsequently, the Kuomintang implemented a passive resistance strategy, and gradually lost and retreated, and a large part of north China fell.

In Shanghai, however, Teruko Hasegawa became increasingly active in anti-war propaganda, with many of her articles and broadcasts being written for Japanese soldiers. In her opinion, these Japanese soldiers were ordinary people in China, they all had wives, children, and parents, and they could have lived and worked in peace and contentment at home.

But now they are being incited to come to China, where the chinese people are being slaughtered for no reason, while the families of these Japanese soldiers continue to live hard lives at home. The war brought only endless disasters to the two countries, and it was not as beautiful as the Japanese emperor boasted.

She once wrote in an article: My Japanese compatriots, when you take up a gun and set foot on Chinese soil, most of the people you encounter are unarmed Chinese people. Like us, they work the land in exchange for a meager income to make ends meet.

But your coming has plunged them into hell, their homes destroyed, their lands seized, their property plundered, their wives and daughters raped. The originally kind and generous Japanese people came to this land and became the devil who did nothing evil...

With the airwaves, Hideko Midorikawa's name and voice reached the radio in the hands of The Japanese soldiers. The name Hideko Midorikawa immediately spread throughout China and Japan.

The woman on the anti-Japanese front of Hideko Midorikawa awakened the conscience of the Japanese army and was hunted down and killed by the Japanese military

As the situation in the War of Resistance Against Japan deteriorated, Shanghai was attacked by the Japanese army, and Liu Ren and his wife were forced to leave Shanghai and flee to Guangzhou. After learning that the Japanese army had committed heinous crimes in Nanjing, Hideko Midorikawa cried loudly, she could not believe that her compatriots could do such a beastly act. Therefore, she hated the Japanese emperor and Japanese militarism more deeply, and she strengthened her anti-Japanese and anti-war struggle even more firmly.

Although Hideko Midorikawa fought for the anti-Japanese resistance, she was also met with suspicion and criticism from some Chinese. Many people suspected that she was a spy sent by Japan to steal intelligence by publicizing the anti-Japanese resistance, and even arrested for it when she was in Guangzhou. Fortunately, he was rescued by colleagues from Esperanto and later moved to Hong Kong.

During their time in Hong Kong, unable to find a suitable job, Liu Ren and his wife fell into a situation of poverty and poverty, and even life was difficult to sustain. But even in such a difficult situation, they still did not give up the determination to resist Japan, and even if they starved and suffered, they still had to persist in resisting Japan.

Soon after, Mr. Guo Moruo learned of their plight in Hong Kong, so he reached out and invited them to Wuhan to participate in the anti-Japanese and anti-war propaganda. Mr. and Mrs. Hideko Midorikawa then came to Wuhan, the frontier of the anti-Japanese resistance, where Hideko Midorikawa used a magnetic voice to broadcast an anti-war declaration to the Japanese soldiers and Japanese people, exposing the atrocities of the Japanese army and the lies of the Japanese emperor.

Hideko Midorikawa said on the radio that I am a Japanese and are considered traitors by many Japanese, but I do not regret it. If I had the chance, I would like to take up arms and join the Chinese army and drive the Japanese back to their hometown. This is not your homeland, no territory, and no enemies.

The woman on the anti-Japanese front of Hideko Midorikawa awakened the conscience of the Japanese army and was hunted down and killed by the Japanese military

In the eyes of the Japanese military, the Chinese is cowardly and decadent, and the Chinese army is simply vulnerable, so they dare to break into the positions of the 100,000-nineteenth Route Army at the Lugou Bridge with less than 10,000 troops. But the weakness of the Nationalist government made the Japanese feel unexpectedly smooth, so they began to clamor for three months to eliminate the main force of the Kuomintang Central Army (not three months to eliminate China).

However, After all, Japan is a small country, and no matter what, it cannot get rid of the reality of lack of resources. Their large-scale battle lasted only more than a year, and almost drained the national strength. After the Battle of Wuhan, the two sides entered a stalemate, and although the Japanese army still had the initiative on the battlefield, it was inevitable to fall into a protracted war of attrition.

At this time, the psychology of the Japanese soldiers on the battlefield also underwent subtle changes, and they found that after coming to China, many things were different from the propaganda when they were recruited. Chinese are not as vicious and hateful as they describe, they seem to be just poor and weak people, similar to their lives in the countryside.

The Japanese army, which has always called itself the Army of Justice, has committed various atrocities on Chinese soil. The viciousness and animalism buried deep in the hearts of the Japanese were strongly aroused, and after they vented, the whole person fell into emptiness and remorse. Ordinary Japanese soldiers had a large number of psychological problems during the war, and suicide and madness of soldiers occurred from time to time.

But the Japanese military has pursued a strong policy of repression that has directed the soldiers to vent their grumpiness on the battlefield and Chinese civilians. At this moment, Hideko Midorikawa's voice slowly came out of the radio in the hands of the soldiers.

The Japanese soldiers heard her voice, as if they had felt a hint of spring warmth in the cold and windy winter. Under the constant conquest and the threat of death, the conscience of the Japanese soldiers was awakened by this voice from their hometown.

Conscience and bestiality are intertwined, and ordinary soldiers are actually ashamed and humiliated by their sins.

Hideko Midorikawa asked on the radio: Do you feel guilty when your bayonet stabs at the unarmed Chinese.

This is not a just war, it is a sin, a heinous sin you have committed against Chinese!

When you fell on this land, who were you fighting for and for whom were you serving your allegiance? Are the undead on the altar heroes or criminals?

The Emperor of Japan has deceived you, will you still receive a letter from the family? Are your parents, wives and children still starving? Have your wives and daughters been tricked into joining the army and used as comfort women with the army...

This series of soul interrogations was regarded by the Japanese military as a flood beast, and they even issued an assassination order against Hideko Midorikawa.

Later, the military top brass even confiscated the radios in the hands of the soldiers and forbade them to listen to the radios again, so as not to be "seduced" by Hideko Midorikawa.

The woman on the anti-Japanese front of Hideko Midorikawa awakened the conscience of the Japanese army and was hunted down and killed by the Japanese military

Hideko Midorikawa's family has also been implicated, her father's business is nearly bankrupt, and her family's safety is threatened. But in her heart, she still insisted on justice, insisted on opposing the war, and insisted on fighting for the war of resistance of the Chinese people.

Hideko Midorikawa's righteous deeds have been appreciated and supported by people of insight, but at the same time they are still constantly criticized and doubted. At that time, there were many traitors in China, but more people were determined to resist the war to the end with great anger. We should be able to understand the grief and indignation of our countrymen when we were invaded and when we saw our compatriots and even our relatives slaughtered.

Therefore, they formed a bloody feud with the Japanese, and their hatred for the Japanese even exceeded everything. Under this hatred, they hated everything about Japan, and Hideko Midorikawa was questioned more than once by anti-Japanese patriots.

There are also people who think that Midorikawa is only a person who betrays and betrays his country with her husband and does not deserve sympathy and support. Some even claimed that they did not need the help of the Japanese.

This irrational voice was very common at the time, but Hideko Midorikawa persisted, constantly propagating the cruelty of the war and the lies of militarism to the Japanese soldiers and Japanese people through the radio and the press.

After the fall of Wuhan, The Green River's family moved to Chongqing, where he was received by Zhou Enlai.

The Communist Party of China advocates uniting all forces that can be united, even if they are on the front line of the anti-Japanese resistance, and the bayonets they face to face with the Japanese devils can witness the heinous crimes committed by the Japanese army against the people of northern China. But the Chinese Communist Party has always believed that not all Japanese are bad people.

There are also peace-loving anti-war people among the Japanese, and there are also japanese soldiers who do not want to fight and do not want to kill. Moreover, after the Eighth Route Army captured Japanese soldiers on the battlefield, through continuous education, a large number of Japanese soldiers also realized their crimes and began to oppose the war of aggression.

Some of them expressed remorse, and some even began to help the Eighth Route Army fight back against the Japanese invaders and became Japanese fighters in the Eighth Route Army.

Therefore, Zhou Enlai was well aware that in fact, many Japanese people were opposed to the war of aggression against China in their hearts. If we can win over these people, it will be of great help to our war of resistance.

When meeting Hideko Midorikawa, Zhou Enlai said to her: "The Japanese imperialists have described you as a "squeamish traitor." In fact, you are a good daughter of the Japanese people, a true patriot! ”

The woman on the anti-Japanese front of Hideko Midorikawa awakened the conscience of the Japanese army and was hunted down and killed by the Japanese military

Deng Yingchao also encouraged Hideko Midorikawa: "We are actually fighting side by side! ”

Eiko Midorikawa was moved to tears, and she said excitedly, "This is the biggest encouragement we have received!" ”

Later, Hideko Midorikawa's broadcast also spread through the radio stations of the Eighth Route Army on the North China front on both sides of the Yellow River and inside and outside the Great Wall.

As we mentioned before, Hideko Midorikawa has a good and comprehensive education, is a thoughtful, independent thinker, and she is also a scholar. There is a profound study of Japanese society, all strata of Japan, especially the Japanese militarists.

She once wrote a book, "Japan on the Wrong Road", which deeply analyzed the true face of Japanese militarism and had an extremely ulterior motive.

After fourteen years of arduous resistance and the joint efforts of the anti-fascist people of the world, China has finally won the long-awaited victory in the War of Resistance. The war in which Japanese militarism attempted to destroy China was finally a complete defeat.

At this time, Hideko Midorikawa should be like Chinese, shedding tears of happiness. But she also has a very different feeling from ours, and the taste may only be known to herself.

On the afternoon of August 21, 1945, japanese representatives determined all the contents of the surrender agreement in Zhijiang, and formally determined the surrender of all Japanese troops in China. Just so-called: eight years of anti-Japanese war from Lugou, a piece of paper fell to Zhijiang!

The woman on the anti-Japanese front of Hideko Midorikawa awakened the conscience of the Japanese army and was hunted down and killed by the Japanese military

The people of the whole country, and even the anti-fascist people of the whole world, were immersed in the joy of celebrating the end of the war, and the long-lost peace had finally arrived.

However, calmly and objectively speaking, Japan's surrender this time was not complete. The top brass of the Kuomintang and the Communist Party of China soberly realized that Japan's surrender, especially its surrender to China, was unwilling and unwilling, not a sincere surrender.

The Atomic Bomb of the United States and the hundreds of thousands of Soviet Red Army defeated the Japanese Kwantung Army within a week, making the Japanese base camp realize that it could not resist the attack of the two superpowers of the United States and the Soviet Union with its remaining strength.

At that time, the main japanese naval and army forces in the Pacific had been wiped out by the United States, and the Kwantung Army had been defeated by the Soviet Union, leaving little left. There were not many Japanese troops in Southeast Asia, but most of them were killed by australian troops.

At that time, there were almost no young and middle-aged troops on the Japanese mainland, only the old and weak women and children were left, and even the basic weapons could not be equipped. The Japanese high-level knows that the only remaining main force at present is the main force of the Japanese Army on the Battlefield of China, so the most urgent task is to save these hundreds of thousands of fresh troops.

Hideko Midorikawa's book "Japan on the Wrong Road" analyzes in detail the root causes of Japan's surrender. She profoundly exposed that the Japanese emperor and militarist forces did not really concede defeat, but by no means surrendered sincerely, and the purpose of their surrender was to preserve their strength in order to make a comeback in the future.

Hideko Midorikawa has a profound study of the situation in Japan, the Japanese imperial clique and militarists. She knew that these forces were deeply entrenched in Japan, and that some families had centuries-old history, and that they had ambitions for outward expansion in their bones.

If we do not take this opportunity to completely eliminate the Japanese emperor and these militarists, we will surely become a major disaster in the world in the future. Once they get the opportunity to make a real comeback in the future, it will not only bring disaster to the world again, but also may bring a devastating blow to Japan.

Therefore, as a true patriot, Hideko Midorikawa called for the absolute elimination of militarist war criminals, institutions and such extremely harmful ideas. Let the young people in Japan clearly recognize the great harm caused by the expansion war and completely eliminate the hidden dangers of war.

The woman on the anti-Japanese front of Hideko Midorikawa awakened the conscience of the Japanese army and was hunted down and killed by the Japanese military

But it is a pity that after the war, the United States deliberately retained some militarist forces for the sake of its own interests in dominating the world, making them a tool for the United States in East Asia.

As a result, many war criminals who committed the most heinous crimes were not punished as they deserved, and the Japanese invading forces caused unprecedented disasters and losses to the Chinese people. But after the Tokyo trial, only seven Japanese war criminals were hanged.

The concerns that Hideko Midorikawa mentioned in her book later became a reality. The Japanese militarists later evolved into right-wing extremists. They had a strong presence in Japan, retained their original family interests, and inherited militarist ambitions and desires for expansion.

Today, we can still deeply feel the threat from Japan. Starting from textbooks, the Japanese continue to deceive their own young people so that they do not admit the history of aggression against China and even distort the facts of the war. In fact, this has sown the seeds for their continued external expansion in the future.

More than 20,000 war criminals continue to be enshrined in the shrine, and these criminals who once participated in the war of aggression have become glorious martyrs worshipped by the Japanese people today.

The woman on the anti-Japanese front of Hideko Midorikawa awakened the conscience of the Japanese army and was hunted down and killed by the Japanese military

Once upon a time, we kindly reminded Japan: the past does not forget the teacher of the future!

But in the future, we have to always be vigilant that The Japanese right-wingers, the wolf's ambitions, and the selfless heart will not die!

After the victory of the Anti-Japanese War, The Midorikawa Hideko family returned to Liu Ren's hometown of Jiamusi, where he was hired as a teacher at Northeastern University. Later, Hideko Midorikawa accidentally caused an infection at the time of induction of labor, and later died at the age of 35 due to ineffective treatment.

Later, his husband, Mr. Liu Ren, became depressed due to excessive grief and depression, and he also left with her three months later, leaving a pair of children.

As a Japanese, Hideko Midorikawa was able to soberly and rationally view Japan's acts of aggression and devote herself to China's cause of the War of Resistance Against Japan. She was a true anti-Japanese hero, and we should distinguish the peace-loving anti-war activists like her from the Japanese imperialists. Recognize who is a friend and who is an enemy, and cannot be blinded by narrow nationalism.

Just like the policy of our party, we must unite all the forces that can be united!

I am the Phantom of Shi Hai, and I am following me to praise history.

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