
Different age groups of chicken babies have different painting styles

Different age groups of chicken babies have different painting styles


Nowadays, anyone who has a little chicken baby idea will more or less add some communication groups, and chicken baby groups of different ages have different chat styles and topics of concern.

As a new preschool parent, he is innocent and kind, willing to share, and spends money like dirt, he will not have so many hearts and eyes, and he will not be able to keep talking.

There are a lot of braggarts about Versailles, but Heiwa's skills are clumsy. Black, also for blowing.

Different age groups of chicken babies have different painting styles

Because the child is still young, there is no way to talk about whether the student is a scumbag or a scumbag, and everything is in the blind box stage, so parents will have a lot of fantasies, trying to find the prophecy that the child is about to grow into a school bully from the clues.

Ten years ago, the little baby mother (at my time) was keen to predict the child's language talent, mathematical talent, memory talent, liberal arts and science tendency, etc., through various small things, and today's little baby mother prefers to analyze the child's ability by spending money to test IQ.

What visuospace, fluid reasoning, working memory, processing speed... Relish and talk about the day. It reflects a good wish, and I would like to call it "scientific fortune telling".

Different age groups of chicken babies have different painting styles

In addition to predictions, preschool chicken babies are getting more and more fierce. Because the cubs are actually very cooperative, and regard "learning" as a game, so as long as the parents are bold, high-level, and broad-minded, they can indeed make certain "achievements". For example, cross-level is also a relatively popular topic in the little baby group.

If you don't cross a two-level +, you're embarrassed to cross levels in the cub group chat.

When I got to the group of elementary and middle grades, the style of painting began to change. Some of the group members are noticeably closer and have a better understanding of each other's situation. At a glance, you can see that these are small groups that have formed a partnership in private.

Prediction has been forgotten by elementary and middle school parents, and the focus has become progress and class type.

If the cub group is IQ test less than 140, and it is not easy to open its mouth to participate in the discussion, the small and medium group is not a high-end class type and is not good at talking.

Different age groups of chicken babies have different painting styles

Now this generation of chicken baby parents have not caught up with the good time, so they will secretly do some online diagnosis, unlike the first few years of us, which were busy taking the baby to various institutions offline every day.

There are two weeks in every semester, and the major training teams open the mountain gate to recruit, shuffle, and rank, which is lively.

However, compared with the previous era, when tens of thousands of people in the city participated in the "Xueersi Cup" and presented awards, we seem to have missed a lot of excitement.

Times are different, but institutions always have a way to "diagnose" your baby. What IQ, what indicator, is not as intuitive as the score. Every time the diagnosis is completed, parents will discuss it for a long time.

The teaching characteristics, class type, difficulty, progress, and way out of the institution, the children's achievements and the invisible seats of the rivers and lakes, in various discussions of large and small groups, complete the basic knowledge reserve of "people in the circle", get to know far-reaching partners, and build contacts in the circle.

Different age groups of chicken babies have different painting styles

In fact, primary school is very important, learning habits, learning progress, who to learn from, difficult pain points, inside and outside the school, many things need to be adjusted. If a person can't figure it out, throw it out and ask, discuss and discuss, compared with the cub group, it will be much more pragmatic.

The most important thing at this stage is to find your match.

Entering the small high group, the style of painting has changed greatly, everyone is preoccupied, and everyone is full of anxiety. The small ascension that is close at hand is like a sword of Damocles hanging over the head, making it impossible to really relax.

Regardless of whether the cow is a cow or not, everyone is in the black baby, because it is indeed a cow and there is no sense of security, one day does not go ashore, and one day is not quiet.

Everyone has gone through hardships and slapped in the face, everyone is absolutely modest and cautious, and the once arrogant preschool chicken baby leaders and small, middle and large slam players are now black babies with snot and tears.

Different age groups of chicken babies have different painting styles

They are so black and sincere, so black that the details are full, whenever you are almost about to believe it, and want to tear up for each other, there are insiders who can't stand it and jump out to expose it. At this time, you know that you are a edamame dad again.

Press: Edamame's dad once hugged and cried with Heiwa's mothers, and finally found out that the other party was a player of the CAE+ training team. Nowadays, "Edamame Dad" is used as a verb to describe those who are deceived by black babies.

So then I only had one line:

Feel free to expose each other!

There are no discussions in the large group before the exam, but when the results are out, you will find that almost everyone participates.

How many people along the way were disheartened, how many people were unhappy, how many people left the scene gloomily, how many people saw through the red dust... Those who can still be active in the front line of the chicken group in the last stage of primary school have no idle people (no good stubble).

Kodaka is the darkest moment in elementary school, and everyone doesn't dare to brag about it. The large group is not painful or itchy, talking about some topics such as being sick and seeing a doctor;

Different age groups of chicken babies have different painting styles

In short, the painting style of the chicken baby group is all the way down, from high morale to gray mood, from hopeful to hopeless, from enthusiastic sharing to hiding and tucking, from "everyone raises children and wants to be smart" to "no disaster, no difficulty, no illness".

I would like to call it growth.

Finally, when it came to the first day of the new year, I felt like I had jumped into a new cycle.

The first day of the new year is not divided into upper and lower, everyone still has expectations; the second day of the first year is polarized, and the parents are in a war; the third day of the first year is to go underground and stay away from the upside-down dream, and finally nirvana.

As for a sentence that the group at each stage likes to say:

Our group can't be disbanded, and we will have to go on a blind date to find a family in the future!

Hehe, there are many infatuated group friends, who has seen the chicken baby group that does not disperse?

Different age groups of chicken babies have different painting styles

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