
From throwing money from a high altitude to cutting land and seeking peace, talk about the things of those losers in ancient and modern times, "losers" do not ask the source of the "bulk losers" incident, thrifty and virtuous, undefeated


Weibo hot search a few days ago on the list of such a thing that makes people cry and laugh:

From throwing money from a high altitude to cutting land and seeking peace, talk about the things of those losers in ancient and modern times, "losers" do not ask the source of the "bulk losers" incident, thrifty and virtuous, undefeated

The old couple saved more than 6,000 yuan, and as a result, the little grandson was raised downstairs. Fortunately, the students who passed by had virtue and helped to find more than 50 pieces.

The child is small, who knows what the money is for, I think this red piece of paper is quite festive, floating like the scattered flowers of the goddess. Afterwards, adults criticized education, and probably there was no next time.

But if education is not in place, and when you grow up, you are so "detached and enlightened" about the money left by your predecessors, this will become the "loser" in our Chinese mouth, called "profligate" in English.

From throwing money from a high altitude to cutting land and seeking peace, talk about the things of those losers in ancient and modern times, "losers" do not ask the source of the "bulk losers" incident, thrifty and virtuous, undefeated

This kind of role has never been absent since ancient times.

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="10" > "loser" regardless of provenance</h1>

There is an old saying called "three generations of wealth", which seems to give us a hint: scattered family wealth must also have capital, and it must be born "with a golden spoon" - in fact, it is not.

No matter what age or social class, as long as the concept of money is not very sound, the human farce or tragedy of "selling the field without pain" will also appear in ordinary people's homes.

The network live broadcast is on fire, and the children who do not know the blood and sweat of their parents have generously "given" the family wealth to the Internet celebrities and anchors, and give these young people who are "interested in video creation" the first bucket of gold.

From throwing money from a high altitude to cutting land and seeking peace, talk about the things of those losers in ancient and modern times, "losers" do not ask the source of the "bulk losers" incident, thrifty and virtuous, undefeated

Of course, given that these "gold lord fathers" are people with limited capacity for civil conduct, most of the money can still be recovered; but if the person who scatters the money is an adult in his 30s, the family can only consider itself unlucky.

And many of the reasons for "scattering wealth" are "irresistible".

Like what:

【英文】be addicted to sth

【Chinese】Addicted to XXX

Not to mention drug addiction, gambling addiction and other illegal losers, even if it is a legal thing, as long as it contains "addictive factors", it can make people sloppy.

The "evergreen tree of the ghost animal area" on the bullet screen video website - "Big Brother" is a typical example.

In this world, no one loves cough potions more deeply than he loves them: demolishing homes, nibbling on the old, and ensuring the supply of potions; a praise for the potion's "vigorous miracle" has resounded in the Internet cultural circles for many years.

From throwing money from a high altitude to cutting land and seeking peace, talk about the things of those losers in ancient and modern times, "losers" do not ask the source of the "bulk losers" incident, thrifty and virtuous, undefeated

Save money to buy vigorously, vigorously produce miracles

What I never expected was that "vigorous" did not "miracle" come.

During a robbery trip to raise money for the purchase of potions, he was subdued by the "manly" stubble and locked up for several years.

Compared with the "force majeure" of addiction, there are also young offspring who squander limited family wealth to satisfy vanity: Mr. Zhang Tianyi's novel "Bao's Father and Son" is about a loser who "does not know that money is precious, and scatters thousands of golden fathers and tears".

Then again, no matter how bad the money is, the ceiling of the quota cannot be too high, even if it becomes a hot social news, it cannot play a "shocking" educational significance.

This is why in those "cautionary tales", the rich families of Zhumen, and even the losers of the princes of one side, open up: they evaporate hundreds of millions of family wealth at every turn, and the "impact" comes at once.

Compared with these, the tens of thousands of dollars to tip the anchor or buy "vigorous" are at best a fraction.

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="122" > "bulk losers" events</h1>

Su Dongpo's father, Su Xun, used the "Theory of the Six Kingdoms" to severely criticize those high-ranking and powerful losers.

I have to say that the losers are a bit "realm", and they are no longer satisfied with cash and real estate: directly squandering city by city.

【英文】Just image how their founding fathers, to obtain a patch of land, weathered biting cold and burning heat, and toughed out thistles and thorns. However, their descendants didn't treasure it but frivolously gave it offhand by relinquishing five towns today and ten cities tomorrow just to pursue peace of a single night. Waking up and looking around, they were surprised to find themselves again besieged by Qin soldiers.

【Wen YanWen】 Si Wei's grandfather, frost dew, cut thorns, to have a size of the land. The children and grandchildren do not cherish it, and give it to others, such as abandoning grass and mustard. Cut five cities today, cut ten cities tomorrow, and then sleep peacefully. Looking up at the four realms, qin bing was at the end.

[Vernacular] Thinking of their grandparents and fathers, braving frost, rain and dew, and cutting thorns and thorns, they have this bit of land. But the children and grandchildren do not cherish it very much, and they all give it to people, just like throwing weeds. Cut off five cities today, and cut off ten cities tomorrow, so that you can sleep peacefully for a night. Tomorrow when I get up and look at the surrounding borders, the army of the Qin State is coming again.

- "On Passing the Qin"

Translated by Xu Jingcheng

There is nothing new under the sun, and this act of sacrificing one's ancestral inheritance and seeking retribution was concocted by Empress Dowager Cixi more than 2,000 years later - "measure the material resources of China, and tie the joy of the country", and cut the land to pay one-stop service, which is called one in place.

The descendants of the House of the Sages will still inevitably have a bad loser's play.

Among Confucius's beloved disciples, the most generous in the family was Zigong. The brain is alive, can speak eloquently, and can do business, which the teacher Confucius admitted:

【英文】Duanmu Ci refuses to accept his fate, yet he is constantly successful in business.

[Wen Yan Wen] gives not to be killed, but the goods are cultivated, and the billions are repeatedly hit

[Vernacular] Duanmu Ci (Zigong) did not keep his duty, went to do business, guessed the market, but was repeatedly guessed by him.

- "Analects" (Chinese and English bilingual recitation version)

Although he was complained that "cleverness is not used on the right ground", it did not affect Confucius in the slightest to praise him as "the instrument of Hu Lian - the pillar of the national social society".

Just such a big Confucian businessman who "has both virtue and wealth" and accumulated thousands of family wealth almost let a descendant lose it.

This descendant is called Uncle Duanmu, who is said to be the grandson of Zigong, and is a "boy who scatters wealth" like a fake bag.

Uncle Duanmu does not know how to do business at all, nor does he have a skill, and does not know how to make money. But spending money is not ambiguous: what is a rare treasure? Which is the Jade Food? If you look at it, you can't get it.

Almost every day, the guests feasted, the kitchen never broke the fire; he did not finish spending his own money, and he also scattered his family wealth to the township.

In his old age, the money was clean, the family was surrounded by disciples, and there was no one left for posterity; when he was sick, he had no money to grab medicine, and when he died, he had no money to go to the funeral; in the end, it was the villagers who returned their belongings to the Duanmu family one after another, and the loser was able to enter the soil with dignity.

Is it a detached "master" or a "madman" who loses? The debate about how Duanmu Uncle characterized it has not been broken since ancient times, but it has not been conclusive since ancient times. No matter what the evaluation of him is, anyone with a normal brain does not want this "big god" to appear in his home.

Good villains know to fish for something at home, the light can not go in, who can stand this?

You see Liu Bei, who went to Luoyang to study in his youth, was also the money of the defeated family, the sound and color of dogs and horses, and a bunch of officials and eunuchs; but the parents of people had insights, saved connections, and accumulated intangible capital for future success.

From throwing money from a high altitude to cutting land and seeking peace, talk about the things of those losers in ancient and modern times, "losers" do not ask the source of the "bulk losers" incident, thrifty and virtuous, undefeated

More recently, you see that Taiwan's Cai Yanming is also the rich second generation of the loser: the first time he took charge of the enterprise, he lost a bottom and lost 100 million; but this time the "loser" accumulated a wealth of experience for the future rise, and finally founded the "third-year second class Li Ziming's favorite" Want Want Group.

From throwing money from a high altitude to cutting land and seeking peace, talk about the things of those losers in ancient and modern times, "losers" do not ask the source of the "bulk losers" incident, thrifty and virtuous, undefeated

It seems that the practice of spending thousands of dollars is not a "loser", and the result must be let speak. If you succeed and have a return of "geometric numbers" multiples, all kinds of "scattered wealth" can be attributed to "investment behavior".

So the question also comes, who has such good foresight, can define the current spending like dirt, whether it is "for the future investment", or simply a loser?

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="138" > frugality and undefeated</h1>

Therefore, instead of worrying about this "blind box problem", it is better to do things in one step, so that future generations cannot lose.

In this regard, we can refer to the sparse practice of the Western Han Dynasty: inviting the villagers to eat a feast every day, and treating them with good wine and meat every day

Its central idea can be summed up in one sentence, that is:

Lose the money and leave future generations with no money to lose!

The old man did this very "Uncle Duanmu".

To say "high emotional intelligence" is to be "alternative"; to say "low emotional intelligence" is to lack of heart and eyes.

However, no matter what others think, the old man's heart is like a mirror, not stupid at all - after all, a stupid person cannot be proficient in the Analects and the Spring and Autumn, let alone go to the Han Dynasty Palace and become an imperial master.

In the year of his return to his hometown, the emperor remembered his merits and gave him twenty catties of gold; the crown prince thanked the teacher for his kindness and gave him more - fifty taels of gold.

This pile of "pensions" totaled 70 catties, which is equivalent to more than 16 million yuan now, which was a huge amount of money at that time.

So how can the old lady Fu make up her mind to "lose the light" and not leave a little industry for her children and grandchildren?

In the Analects, there is such a passage that inspired him.

【英语】A bowl of rice was his food,and half a gourd of water was his drink. He lived down a shabby lane. Truely, hardship others would find intolerable made no difference to his cheerful demeanor. A fine man indeed was Yan Hui!

In the dark alley, people are overwhelmed by their worries, and they will not change their happiness. Hyun-jae, back also!

A basket of rice, a scoop of water, living in an alley, others can not bear this kind of poverty and sorrow, but Yan Hui does not change his self-sufficiency. What a virtuous, Yan Hui!

From the perspective of Confucianism, if the children and grandchildren are virtuous, even if they are not rich, they can be left alone, support themselves, and preserve their ambitions and virtues; if the children and grandchildren are not young, there is not much "bad money" for them to lose, and they can also avoid harming the township and shame the family.

As the saying goes, "Raising a child is not as good as the father, what to do with the money; what to keep the money for; what is the better thing to raise the child than the father."

Of course, at the moment when house prices and prices are high, children who buy houses and get married will inevitably need their parents to leave money to fund. However, no matter when, where, and what the family situation is, as beneficiaries, we cannot ignore the hard-won wealth; we should always keep in mind the two traditional virtues of "filial piety" and "frugality".