
Weighing 550 grams at birth, the "slap baby" has been through life and death for more than 120 days! Before being discharged from the hospital, the doctor's letter was moving

author:Jimu News

Jimu News reporter Liu Xun

Correspondents: Gao Chenchen, Zhang Jingyi

"After more than 120 days, the baby finally survived, and I am grateful to the 'temporary parents' who have been with me. On November 14, at the "World Premature Baby Day" event in Wuhan Children's Hospital, Ms. Yu, the mother, received the "graduation certificate" issued by the medical staff to the baby, and instantly burst into tears.

The boy "Xiaoqiang" stayed in his mother's womb for only 23 weeks, weighed only 550 grams at birth, and underwent surgery at 12 days of age when he weighed less than 700 grams, setting a record for the lowest weight of a child undergoing surgery in the hospital. The doctor who guarded all the way emotionally wrote a 1,400-word "thank you letter" to thank the baby for making the doctors and nurses feel the unyielding life.

Weighing 550 grams at birth, the "slap baby" has been through life and death for more than 120 days! Before being discharged from the hospital, the doctor's letter was moving

The baby's family took a group photo with the medical staff before being discharged from the hospital (photo by correspondent Zhang Guoguo)

The "slap baby" has a birth weight of only 550 grams

November 17 is the "World Day of Premature Babies", and the doctors and nurses of Wuhan Children's Hospital invited the premature babies who have recovered and been discharged from the hospital to "return to their parents' homes". At the scene, the 4-month-old baby Xiaoqiang became the best spokesperson of the hospital.

Recalling the scene of Xiaoqiang's birth, the medical staff still remember it vividly. In July this year, Ms. Yu, who was 23 weeks pregnant, suddenly felt that something was wrong, and not long after rushing to Wuhan Children's Hospital (Wuhan Maternal and Child Health Hospital), the little one could not wait to be born.

"The baby weighed only 550 grams at birth, and weighed only a bottle of mineral water. What's even more distressing is that he is only the size of an adult's palm, and his thighs are about the same thickness as an adult's fingers. The medical staff said that when holding the little one, everyone's heart was pinched, you know, this is a premature baby with ultra-low weight in clinical practice, and it is extremely difficult to treat due to the incomplete development of some important organs.

Wuhan Children's Hospital neonatal physician Wang Jin received the obstetric call, and Dr. Xia Xin, two nurses together to push the mobile incubator to the obstetrics department, to the obstetrics just in time for the baby to be born, when the baby could not breathe on its own, the whole body was bruised, several people immediately put into the rescue, and with the mobile incubator to escort the baby to the neonatal internal medicine ward. As a result, the baby also began his own "life adventure".

The mother, Ms. Yu, said that she and her husband have a daughter, 14 years old this year, this is their second child, and she had already thought of a nickname, but she did not expect the baby to be born prematurely. Ms. Yu saw his weak appearance when she visited the baby in the air, so she and Yuan Lu, a neonatal internal medicine nurse, gave her son a nickname - Xiaoqiang, hoping that he would be tenacious and survive the difficulties.

Weighing 550 grams at birth, the "slap baby" has been through life and death for more than 120 days! Before being discharged from the hospital, the doctor's letter was moving

Doctors and nurses guard the baby day and night (photo by correspondent Zhang Guoguo)

Emergency surgery for intestinal perforation at 12 days of birth

In the incubator, the nurse builds a "bird's nest" to simulate the environment in the mother's womb, making the baby more comfortable and secure. But on the 11th day of the baby's birth, doctors found that he had not finished passing meconium and was in critical condition. Generally speaking, the baby can be finished in meconium within 3 days after birth, but Xiaoqiang prematurely, intestinal development is extremely immature, although the doctor has been trying to find a way, but the child has not been able to discharge viscous meconium, resulting in meconium intestinal obstruction, causing severe peritonitis, which may endanger the child's life.

At that time, Xiaoqiang's abdominal wall showed an abnormal blue and purple color, and the expert team said that it could not be delayed any longer and that surgery should be performed immediately. However, it is difficult to operate on a baby who is only 11 days old, and the blood vessels of newborns are extremely thin, and it is very difficult to anesthetize alone.

Late at night on July 17, experts from the neonatal surgery department and anesthesiology department of the hospital gathered to quickly formulate a surgical plan, and the medical team led by Xing Fuzhong, deputy chief physician of the neonatal surgery department of the hospital, and Xia Hui, anesthesiologist, went into battle to perform emergency surgery at 1 a.m. the next day.

During the operation, the experts found that the baby's abdominal cavity was full of meconium, and there was also a serious infection. Among them, the ileal segment has necrosis and perforation of the intestinal tube due to meconium stasis, and two small holes with a diameter of 3 mm have appeared, and excrement continues to overflow. In the limited operating space, Xing Fuzhong first flushed the abdominal cavity, then removed the necrotic ileum about 20 cm long, cleaned the meconium in the intestinal tube, and reconstructed the ileostomy.

At 4:30 a.m. on July 18, Xiaoqiang returned safely to the neonatal intensive care unit, where he was guarded by neonatal physician Wang Jin all night until the child's vital signs stabilized, and everyone breathed a sigh of relief.

Lu Wei, director of the neonatal surgery department of the hospital, lamented that the child's weight at the time of surgery was 600 grams, and the doctor was like "carving" on a quail egg, which also set a record for the lowest weight in the hospital.

More than 120 days to overcome the hurdle of life and death

Under the careful care of medical staff, Xiaoqiang survived the high-risk hurdles such as breathing, surgery, infection, feeding, chronic lung disease, and retinopathy of prematurity.

"For such a small baby, every feeding is measured in milliliters, and every bite is difficult. Huang Yanping, head nurse of the Department of Neonatal Internal Medicine of Wuhan Children's Hospital, said that Xiaoqiang's development is backward, and he often forgets to breathe when feeding, resulting in a rapid decrease in blood oxygen saturation, so there is a risk in every feeding, and nurses need to keep an eye on it at all times. The day after Xiaoqiang was born, the nurse began to feed 0.5 ml every hour, little by little, to his lips, and then observe his tolerance after feeding, so that he can adjust at any time.

In order to take better care of Xiaoqiang, Dr. Wang Jin took as much time as possible to guard Xiaoqiang's incubator. "Xiaoqiang weighs 800 grams today", "weighs 900 grams", "weighs more than 1000 grams today"... Dr. Wang Jin and the nurses carefully recorded Xiaoqiang's daily changes and sent them to the neonatal internal medicine medical group of Wuhan Children's Hospital as soon as possible. Each set of data affects the hearts of medical care.

Wang Jin said that he knows that the child's parents are very worried, and as long as the baby's condition is stable, he will make more than 10 phone calls a week, and has been talking for more than 80 hours. Xiaoqiang's father said gratefully: "The doctors are the reassurance of our family. ”

"The name is really right, Xiaoqiang is very tenacious, the parents have always insisted, and with the joint efforts of the medical staff, we have won this 'life and death battle' of premature babies!" Zeng Lingkong, chief physician of the Department of Neonatal Internal Medicine, sighed.

Doctor Writes Letter of Gratitude for "The Indomitable Life of Life"

In the past 4 months, Xiaoqiang has risen from 550 grams to 2,100 grams, and all physiological indicators meet the criteria for discharge. Dr. Wang Jin, who accompanied Xiaoqiang all the way, was very emotional and wrote a "thank you letter" to the baby in swaddling clothes.

"Xiaoqiang, thank you for choosing us, our team is trying our best to pave the way forward for you on the road of your growth, this road is full of thorns, loss and hesitation, seeing you now, more joy. It is precisely this joy of loss that constitutes the ups and downs of life. "Xiaoqiang, thank you! After a lot of hardships, I have seen the unyielding life from you, in the face of all kinds of difficulties, your small body seems to have infinite energy, and it is this energy that allows you to safely overcome so many difficulties, and I hope you will continue to have infinite energy to face life in the future." ”

On November 14, Xiaoqiang's parents gave the pennant to the neonatal surgery team and the neonatal internal medicine team that had been guarding the child for more than 120 days. At the same time, the medical staff also handed over the prepared "graduation certificate" to her mother, Ms. Yu, and she burst into tears instantly, "It's not easy to come this way!"

"The angels who arrive early are our 'little heroes'. Zeng Lingkong, chief physician of the Department of Neonatal Internal Medicine of Wuhan Children's Hospital, said that the medical staff witnessed the smooth "graduation" of angels who arrived early one after another, and it is the duty and mission of newborns to help them turn the corner.

"When we treat a baby, it's not just about saving a baby, but also about the quality of life in the future. In the future, we will closely monitor the situation of the children and work together with parents to ensure that the growth and development of these early angels can also 'catch up with the big army' and have a healthy future." Huang Yanping, the head nurse, said.

(Source: Jimu News)

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