
Real Madrid habitually lies, Bayern sneaks behind the back, and Barcelona makes people laugh

Real Madrid habitually lies, Bayern sneaks behind the back, and Barcelona makes people laugh

Real Madrid really don't want Mbappe anymore?

I don't know if you believe it or not, but I don't believe it anyway. If you don't talk about transfer fees and high salaries, which team in Europe's top five leagues will not want Mbappe. The reason why many teams are silent is mainly because they can't afford Mbappe's salary and possible transfer fees of more than 100 million.

Real Madrid did not have much spare money in their hands after renovating the Bernabeu, and they had leveraged hundreds of millions in the beautiful country before. When Mbappe was close to Real Madrid again this summer, Real Madrid's mouthpiece reported that if Mbappe could really be negotiated, the club would "borrow" about 200 million euros from the bank.

Real Madrid habitually lies, Bayern sneaks behind the back, and Barcelona makes people laugh

Real Madrid obviously feels the financial pressure, and it is not easy for the money saved in the Champions League years to maintain a relatively healthy operation when the overall environment in La Liga has been getting worse and worse in recent years. Real Madrid actually has a hard time accepting that Mbappe's salary is the same as when he was at Paris Saint-Germain, so Real Madrid's total salary will surpass Barcelona and become the highest paid club in Europe.

The expenditure of more than 500 million euros will have a big impact on the rest of Real Madrid's recruitment. And Mbappe came to Real Madrid with a contract of at least 5 years, which means that Real Madrid will have a lot of pressure in five years. Real Madrid would actually be willing to sit down with Paris Saint-Germain and talk, and it would be more appropriate to lower the transfer fee in the winter window. Because if you come to Real Madrid without a visa, although there is a transfer fee left, including the signing fee, there may be a higher salary, so the cost will definitely be higher in a few years.

Real Madrid habitually lies, Bayern sneaks behind the back, and Barcelona makes people laugh

Real Madrid "smartly" chose more than a month before the winter window, releasing the news that the club would not bring in Mbappe. Anyone with a discerning eye knows that Real Madrid is a trick, and they also know that they want to make Mbappe anxious, and then put pressure on Paris Saint-Germain to let him go as soon as possible.

This is not the first time that Real Madrid has lied habitually, the most recent time was when Fiorentino announced that Real Madrid's recruitment had ended after Joselu joined this summer, so openly lying. Then Real Madrid brought in Garcia, Bellingham and others, so who would believe what Real Madrid said.

Real Madrid habitually lies, Bayern sneaks behind the back, and Barcelona makes people laugh

We all say that Paris is stupid, but in fact, Paris is smart, watching Real Madrid release the news, there is no response at all. It shows that Real Madrid's strategy did not work, and Paris Saint-Germain still insisted on either renewing the contract or leaving at the end of the season. For Paris, they don't care about the transfer fee at all, they just want to be tough.

Real Madrid just wants Mbappe to take a salary cut, if Paris still insists on itself, then the next thing to see how much Mbappe "loves" Real Madrid at the end of the season. Real Madrid hope his salary can be reduced to 35 million euros, 15 million euros less than when he was in Paris. Isn't this a trick that Real Madrid used to make Barcelona "upside down"? As a result, he also used it.

Even if Mbappe's salary is reduced to 35 million euros, Real Madrid's total salary expenditure will still exceed 500 million euros, then according to La Liga's salary cap rules, Real Madrid's available funds for new signings will be greatly reduced. Because of this rule, more than 10 teams in La Liga have encountered problems in registering reinforcements this season.

Real Madrid habitually lies, Bayern sneaks behind the back, and Barcelona makes people laugh

Real Madrid's lineup is just one center forward, which can be said to be "complete". And the person who can meet Real Madrid's starting center forward requirements will definitely not be Joselu. The transfer fee may exceed 100 million, and after missing Kane, Real Madrid naturally wants Haaland the most, and in terms of winning the Ballon d'Or, Real Madrid has an advantage over Manchester City, and it has a very big advantage.

If you get Mbappe, you can't do it 100% if you want to get Haaland and Real Madrid, and the salaries of the two people are not affordable by any team. And Real Madrid already has No. 7 in the team, and Mbappe has come to how the two of them will divide the playing time. Mbappe can also play as a centre-forward, but he works better on the wings. If you let one of them be substituted, you must know that these two are both "two or five boys", and they will definitely make a fuss.

So at this time, it is very likely that Bayern will get a good opportunity, Real Madrid has always coveted Bayern's Davies, Bayern naturally does not intend to sit still, if it really can't keep Davies, but also take a big general from Real Madrid. If Real Madrid's No.7 is not happy at Real Madrid, Bayern is really a good place to go. Swap Davies for Real Madrid's No. 7, fast horses for fast horses Bayern doesn't lose, Real Madrid earns.

Real Madrid habitually lies, Bayern sneaks behind the back, and Barcelona makes people laugh

In terms of lineup, Real Madrid can get close to perfection and needs quick results, especially Mbappe needs to prove himself quickly. Because Real Madrid's salary structure is very good, and his high salary suddenly upsets the balance. Unlike Messi, who played a little bit from Barcelona back then, everyone was convinced that Messi had no doubts. But Mbappe is an outsider, as long as Mbappe is not in shape, there will definitely be people in the dressing room who will raise his salary, and looking at Manchester United has been a very good example.

The main reason is that the gap is too big, the annual salary of more than 10 million after tax in the Real Madrid team is the top, and Mbappe has been at least 2-3 times higher than the top salary in the team, which will become a time bomb for the club at any time. Real Madrid fans welcome Mbappe, Barcelona fans welcome Mbappe to Real Madrid, and those who can disrupt Real Madrid's progress need a "thorn" like Mbappe.

If you choose one of the two, Haaland is really more suitable than Mbappe to be introduced by Real Madrid, although Manchester City is in good form under Pep Guardiola, but the temptation of Real Madrid's 14 Champions League titles is still very great.

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