
Nvidia launched the AI processor H200, just one word: fast! | Blue Media GPT

Nvidia launched the AI processor H200, just one word: fast! | Blue Media GPT

Finishing|Black Sheep Editor|Wei Xiao

Nvidia upgrades AI processors, and the H100 is released 90% faster than the H200

On Nov. 14, chipmaker Nvidia is updating its H100 artificial intelligence (AI) processor to add more features to the product that helps it dominate the AI computing market. Nvidia said Monday that the new model, called the H200, will use high-bandwidth memory, known as HBM3e, to better handle the large data sets needed to develop and execute AI. Amazon's AWS, Alphabet Inc.'s Google Cloud and Oracle's Cloud Infrastructure have all said they will start using the new chip next year.

Alibaba's intelligent information business group released a large model of quark

On November 14, Alibaba's intelligent information business group released a full-stack self-developed quark model with hundreds of billions of parameters. The model will be applied to many scenarios such as general search, medical health, education and learning, and workplace office, and the Quark App will also be fully upgraded with the help of self-developed large models. Wu Jia, President of Alibaba's Intelligent Information Business Group, said that AIGC technology based on large models will bring new changes to search products and accelerate the next generation of search.

Humane releases Ai Pin, AI's iPhone is coming?

Humane, a startup founded by former Apple employees, unveiled its first AI-powered wearable device, the Ai Pin, on November 10, a tiny flashing gadget that can be attached to clothing. The tool aims to eventually replace smartphones, projecting information onto the user's hand, allowing users to take calls and perform various tasks without having to hold a smartphone. The company said Ai Pin is also equipped with a number of AI-based tools, including the ability to search, send messages, and manage emails. The Ai Pin uses a Snapdragon processor, is equipped with a Qualcomm AI engine, and houses depth and motion sensors, an ultra-wide camera, and a laser ink display. The Ai Pin starts at $699 and will be available in the U.S. on Thursday, November 16.

More details have been revealed about Meta and Tencent's VR devices for the Chinese market

The Wall Street Journal, which broke the news that Meta may be returning to the Chinese market through a partnership with Tencent's VR product, now brings more information about the device itself. The hardware, which is said to be released in late 2024, has more performance than the Meta Quest 3, but the optical scheme is not as good as the latest Quest 3. Meta and Tencent will have an exclusive partnership in China, but it seems that the new product will eventually be sold in other regions as well. Most of the hardware sales will go to Meta, while Tencent will mainly profit from the consumption of content and services such as "software subscriptions and game sales".

Musk's AI was also released, called Grok

On November 5, Elon Musk's AI startup xAI launched a chatbot called Grok for some users of X, who he believes has a similar sense of sarcastic humor to himself. Musk, who owns X (formerly Twitter) for a year, said Grok was trained by "real-time access" to the platform's information. In a blog post, xAI said that Grok's design was inspired by Douglas Adams' comedy science fiction novel The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy. "Grok is designed to answer questions with a bit of wit and is a bit rebellious, so if you hate humor, don't use it!" xAI emphasizes.

Amazon's new large model Olympus, with 2 trillion parameters, is stronger than GPT-4

On November 9, some media broke the news that Amazon is training its second large model, the internal code name Olympus (Olympus), which has the same name as the Japanese camera brand Olympus, which was once in the limelight in China. Amazon intends to integrate Olympus into its own online retail stores, Alexa voice assistant on devices such as the Echo, and provide new features to the AWS platform. It is said that this large model has a parameter high of 2 trillion (2000B), which is more than the rumored GPT-4 with a parameter of about 1 trillion, and may be launched in December this year. The reason why I say "rumors" is because OpenAI once revealed that the number of parameters of GPT-3.5 is as high as 175 billion, but after GPT-4 was launched in March this year, it has been silent about this issue, and many speculations from the outside world have been refuted by Altman as "complete nonsense", but he has never disclosed how much.

GPT-5 has started training?Ultraman: The monthly income of 700 million is not enough to burn, and I hope Microsoft will invest again

This is the latest information publicly revealed by OpenAI CEO Altman. He told the Financial Times that OpenAI's revenue growth has been good this year, but the company is still not profitable. OpenAI plans to continue to raise money from its patron, Microsoft, and other investors — and earlier this year, news broke that Microsoft would invest another $10 billion in OpenAI over multiple years. In addition, Sam Altman also admitted that OpenAI is developing the next generation of large model GPT-5, but did not disclose a specific release schedule.

Gauss is Samsung's generative AI model, and it could become one of the selling points of the Galaxy S24

In the field of generative AI, Samsung has finally made good moves. Earlier, they officially published their own generative AI model, Gauss (named after the famous mathematician of the time), and like mainstream products, it also covers the fields of language (translation, summarization, writing content), images (changing style, improving progress), program code (programming assistance), etc. Samsung has already implemented this solution internally to improve productivity, and according to the Korea Times, Gauss is also likely to become one of the main features of the new flagship Galaxy S24. With Qualcomm offering more powerful device AI capabilities on the Snapdragon 8 Gen 3, Android manufacturers are actively promoting their own large-scale model products. If nothing else, Samsung should integrate Gauss with the existing Bixby assistant. But whether it can form a differentiated selling point may require a sustained answer in the next few months.

Windows 10 is also going to be AI, and the experience is about the same as the Windows 11 version

The Copilot AI feature, which was just introduced to Windows 11, is "soon" back for Windows 10. Copilot's experience and estimation capabilities on Windows 10 and 11 are about the same, including additions to plug-ins and more. Editor Zac Bowden writes. If Microsoft does have this intention, the number of users of Copilot will increase significantly. At present, Windows 10 still has 1 billion monthly active users (for reference, the number of monthly active users of Windows 11 more than two years ago is about 400 million), which is a resource that cannot be ignored for both AI training and ecosystem construction.

Musk has made a chip that allows blind people to see again, but he has to wait to get it

Musk Neuralink is working on a chip. Solving blindness with brain-computer interfaces. Musk revealed for the first time the new progress of the vision chip. Not long ago, Neuralink was approved for clinical trials and began recruiting quadriplegic patients, and at present, according to Bloomberg, Neuralink has not yet implanted the device into humans, but thousands of people are waiting in line. Next year, they plan to operate on 11 people, bringing the number of surgeries to 22,000 by 2030. According to the previous path, it is to make a hole in the human brain and put a chip like a "coin".

Lanmeih/Today's Topic

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Nvidia launched the AI processor H200, just one word: fast! | Blue Media GPT
Nvidia launched the AI processor H200, just one word: fast! | Blue Media GPT
Nvidia launched the AI processor H200, just one word: fast! | Blue Media GPT

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