
Jingdong Retail Xin Lijun: One factory raises 10,000 people, and ten thousand factories raise one head anchor

author:Able to observe and think

Since the pre-sale started at 8 p.m. on October 24, the 19-day 2023 Double 11 Shopping Festival has come to an end. The 2023 Double 11 Shopping Carnival has ended, with sales of 213.5 billion yuan, 187.8 billion yuan and 135.6 billion yuan on the three major platforms of Taobao, Tmall and, respectively, and it is said that the performance has reached a new high.

Jingdong Retail Xin Lijun: One factory raises 10,000 people, and ten thousand factories raise one head anchor

During this year's Double 11, a number of Anhui water army swiping gangs were arrested, Jingdong procurement and sales and Xiao Yang Brother frantically attacked Li Jiaqi for controlling the price and empty inventory monopoly, Wang Hai broke the news that Li Jiaqi sold fake in the live broadcast room, and Xiao Yang's 103 million yuan "Three Sheep Global Headquarters" was put into use, and consumers broke the news that merchants first raised prices and then lowered prices, and that Double 11 was not a low price throughout the year.

However, even today, searching for "Double 11 performance" on Baidu and other websites, the news about "the first day of pre-sale of Li Jiaqi's live broadcast room on Double 11 sold 9.5 billion on the first day, a significant decrease from the performance of 21.5 billion in 2022", still occupies the list.

1. What is the concept of 9.5 billion sales in 4 hours?

1. Discuss from the perspective of revenue scale

According to relevant laws and regulations, the annual revenue threshold for industrial enterprises above designated size in China is 20 million yuan; The annual revenue threshold for commercial enterprises above designated size in China is 5 million yuan.

Li Jiaqi 9.5 billion yuan in 4 hours, although it is a significant decrease from 21.5 billion yuan in 2022, it is still equivalent to the annual sales of 475 industrial enterprises above designated size and the annual sales of 1,900 commercial enterprises above designated size.

And Li Jiaqi's live broadcast room (the United States ONE company and affiliated companies) created nearly 2,000 commercial enterprises above designated size or nearly 500 industrial enterprises above designated size in one year's revenue in 4 hours, which is really terrifying.

2. Discuss from the perspective of total tax payment

For commercial enterprises, the general VAT tax rate is about 1% of the total sales and the income tax is 25% of the total profits.

According to this standard, Li Jiaqi's first sales of Double 11 were 9.5 billion yuan in 4 hours, and the total tax payment of value-added tax + income tax was at least more than 100 million.

Many netizens are concerned: Did he and his company pay taxes according to the regulations? How much tax was actually paid?

3. Discuss from the perspective of employment

The sales volume of 9.5 billion yuan is equivalent to the performance of 1,900 commercial enterprises above the designated size in one year, and 1,900 enterprises can provide 19,000 jobs per year based on the calculation that each enterprise provides 10 jobs.

And how many jobs does Li Jiaqi's U.S. ONE company (and its affiliates) actually provide to the society?

Jingdong Retail Xin Lijun: One factory raises 10,000 people, and ten thousand factories raise one head anchor

2. CEO of JD Retail: "10,000 factories raise a head anchor"

Xin Lijun, CEO of JD Retail, said at the 2023 JD 11.11 Media Open Day that he was very surprised that the commissions of some top anchors were as high as more than 20%.

He pointed out that this commission level has exceeded the profit margin of most enterprises, making the industry have a strange phenomenon of "one factory raising 10,000 people" to "10,000 factories raising one head anchor".

Jingdong Retail Xin Lijun: One factory raises 10,000 people, and ten thousand factories raise one head anchor

3. Related thoughts on live broadcast e-commerce:

1. In recent years, e-commerce, especially live broadcast e-commerce, has developed extremely rapidly, which has brought convenience and driven the development of many industries such as packaging and logistics. However, e-commerce has indeed caused countless companies and supermarkets in the retail distribution field to close down, and too many people have lost their jobs.

2. The head anchor has the right to speak in the industrial chain, which has far exceeded that of manufacturing enterprises and platform enterprises, so high commissions have made it a common phenomenon (it is understood that the actual commission ratio of live broadcast e-commerce is as high as 30% or even more than 40% of sales), we should pay attention to the distribution of interests of the entire live broadcast e-commerce industry in the entire industrial chain, and should not let hundreds of millions of physical manufacturing enterprises become vassals of live broadcast e-commerce and workers who earn hard money.

3. It is inevitable that there is an imbalance in distribution between different industries and different fields. The state should improve relevant laws and regulations, improve mechanisms and programs for the redistribution of social profits, and promote social equity. We can't let a very small number of top anchors earn billions or tens of billions every year, and hundreds of millions of manufacturing enterprises and commercial enterprises can only barely survive and keep going out of business.

Many netizens can't help but ask: What value has Li Jiaqi, the head live broadcast e-commerce V, created??? Are they bringing real bargains to consumers? Or will it bring a lot of tax and jobs to society?

The answer doesn't seem to be. They just bring themselves billions of dollars and tens of billions of dollars at every turn, and bring injustice in social distribution, so they must change and move towards fairness.