
Apple's success in "stealing the tower"? There is a chain reaction of cutting off the supply to Huawei, and OnePlus must have a greater pursuit

author:Lively Universe Kei

The competition in the mobile phone industry has been in full swing, and the two giants, Huawei and Apple, have been in a fierce confrontation. Even with the so-called "supply cut", Huawei is still one of Apple's biggest competitors. A recent news is even more eye-catching, it seems that Apple is trying to seize Huawei's market share through a "porcelain" drama, which has put domestic mobile phone manufacturers in a situation of self-chaos.

Apple's success in "stealing the tower"? There is a chain reaction of cutting off the supply to Huawei, and OnePlus must have a greater pursuit

After the release of OnePlus Ace2, the domestic mobile phone camp has become lively, but this excitement is not a positive performance. In order to attract attention, OnePlus chose a radical propaganda method and took the initiative to "declare war" on other manufacturers. At the press conference, OnePlus compared the products of many competitors, from configuration to price, and carried out a full range of targeted benchmarking. Unsurprisingly, the OnePlus Ace2 wins in every way. However, this is not the end, OnePlus announced on the day of its first sale that its sales exceeded the sum of the two major friends, although no specific data was released, but this move caused a lot of doubts.

Apple's success in "stealing the tower"? There is a chain reaction of cutting off the supply to Huawei, and OnePlus must have a greater pursuit

Subsequently, the friend announced a price cut of 300 yuan, and OnePlus shouted again, saying that the product was not good, and the price reduction was useless. Such high-profile behavior can cause controversy at any time, and OnePlus never seems to be absent. Its purpose is obvious, that is, to launch OnePlus's signboard and comprehensively "touch porcelain" friends. Objectively speaking, OnePlus is indeed not as famous as its friends, and brands such as Redmi, Honor, and iQOO are more well-known than OnePlus. As a young brand that has just returned to China, OnePlus seems to be fearless, even disregarding business ethics, and unscrupulously "touching porcelain", which is obviously unwise.

Apple's success in "stealing the tower"? There is a chain reaction of cutting off the supply to Huawei, and OnePlus must have a greater pursuit

Consumers also expressed their dissatisfaction with this, and some netizens began to dig deep into the sales data of OnePlus Ace2. According to BCI's public data, the monthly sales data for February alone shows that OnePlus Ace2 is only 30,000+, while K60 is more than 100,000+, a considerable gap. What's more, the sales figures for the first sale are very crucial, and OnePlus is clearly lagging behind and not as strong as it claims.

Apple's success in "stealing the tower"? There is a chain reaction of cutting off the supply to Huawei, and OnePlus must have a greater pursuit

After Huawei was suppressed by the United States, the People's Daily issued a warning that in addition to strengthening self-research, it should also diversify its layout, support domestic supply chain enterprises, and promote the common progress of the industry. However, OnePlus seems to have completely ignored this. Only when China's mobile phone industry progresses, Huawei can develop, Apple can not easily "pick up leaks", and there is hope for domestic mobile phones. Enterprises should have greater pursuits and go beyond personal interests, which is the lesson that Chinese enterprises should learn from Huawei's core breaking incident. The People's Daily's reminder should not be ignored, hoping that domestic mobile phone manufacturers will stop "infighting" and instead devote themselves to more important matters.

Apple's success in "stealing the tower"? There is a chain reaction of cutting off the supply to Huawei, and OnePlus must have a greater pursuit

The occurrence of this series of events makes us think deeply about the development status of the mobile phone industry. The competition between Huawei and Apple is only one corner, and the competition between domestic mobile phone manufacturers has become more and more intense. Behind this competition, brands like OnePlus that dare to "touch porcelain" have emerged. However, whether this way of competition is wise and whether it is in line with business ethics is worthy of our in-depth consideration.

Apple's success in "stealing the tower"? There is a chain reaction of cutting off the supply to Huawei, and OnePlus must have a greater pursuit

Looking back at the publicity and behavior of the OnePlus Ace2, we can't help but ask, should companies adhere to a certain moral bottom line in the competition? OnePlus chooses to attract attention through bold propaganda and high-profile rhetoric, but will this hurt its brand image in the long run? Consumers' perception of the product is often not only about configuration and performance, but also about brand credibility and business ethics.

Apple's success in "stealing the tower"? There is a chain reaction of cutting off the supply to Huawei, and OnePlus must have a greater pursuit

On the other hand, the price cuts of friends and the counterattack of OnePlus have undoubtedly troubled consumers. In market competition, price wars are inevitable, but whether they should respond to price reductions through high-profile publicity and attacks is also worth pondering. Enterprises should promote each other in competition, rather than gaining competitive advantage through negative means.

The extension of this series of events also involves consumers' perception and choice of brands. In the market, consumers are faced with numerous choices, and a brand's image and reputation often directly affect their purchasing decisions. Whether OnePlus's high-profile publicity can truly win the trust of consumers is a question to watch. In brand building, we should pay attention to long-term and steady development, rather than short-term false fire.

In general, the competition in the mobile phone industry is fierce and cutthroat, but companies should maintain business ethics and long-term development vision in the competition. Huawei's core break incident has taught us that only when the domestic mobile phone industry makes progress together can it be invincible in the international market. As an emerging domestic brand, OnePlus should be more cautious about competition and pay more attention to the construction of brand image to win the trust of consumers.

In this uncertain market, in order to be invincible, enterprises not only need to make continuous breakthroughs in technological innovation, but also need to strive for excellence in brand building and marketing. It is hoped that in the future, domestic mobile phone manufacturers can realize that unity and cooperation are the key to achieving common development, rather than damaging the image of their peers by "touching porcelain" and other ways. If domestic mobile phones want to emerge in the international market, they need more unity and cooperation to jointly meet the challenges of the international market.

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