
At the end of the G20 summit, Biden supports India's entry into the norm, but there is one condition, China's vote is very important

author:The daily life of Xue Mei and Yao Yao

The two-day G20 summit has finally come to an end, and Biden supports India's "normalization", but the United States has already set a condition. In the reform of the UN Security Council, China's vote has become the key. What is Biden's purpose in supporting India's "normalization" at this time? Why is China's veto power crucial?

On September 10, local time, the two-day G20 summit came to an end. Judging from the reports of a number of Indian media, in addition to inviting the African Union to become a full member and adopting the declaration of the G20 leaders' New Delhi summit, India, as the host, has also received strong support from US President Biden for "normalization".

This support has sparked widespread speculation and discussion. To understand the motives behind this, let's analyze this incident in depth and relate it to the reform of the UN Security Council.

At the end of the G20 summit, Biden supports India's entry into the norm, but there is one condition, China's vote is very important

For the past few decades, India has been seeking to become a permanent member of the United Nations Security Council. However, no matter how hard it tried, India failed to do so. China, Russia, the United States, France and the United Kingdom, as the P5, have vetoed India's application almost every time.

India has had a goal of becoming a world power since the time of Jawaharlal Nehru. However, economic power is only the first step to becoming a truly global power. India needs to make a breakthrough in a number of areas, including politics, military and diplomacy, and joining the UN Security Council is a critical step in achieving this goal.

India has repeatedly applied for permanent membership in the UN Security Council, but has been thwarted each time. This led India to adopt a different strategy and began to enlist the support of other major powers. Last year, France made clear its support for India's "normalization," and more recently, the United States has also expressed its support, but with one condition: not to exercise the veto.

At the end of the G20 summit, Biden supports India's entry into the norm, but there is one condition, China's vote is very important

This means that the United States supports India as a permanent member of the UN Security Council, but India must commit itself not to abuse its veto power. It was an explicit agreement to tie the U.S.-India relationship firmly together and to enable the U.S. to exert greater influence on the United Nations after India's "normalization."

However, China's veto power has become a key factor. As long as China is willing to exercise its veto power, it can stop the US plan at any time to turn the UN Security Council into a body under full Chinese control.

In this context, China's position is crucial. China needs to exercise its veto power cautiously in order to ensure that the principle of international peace and stability is upheld. China can take this opportunity to negotiate with the United States on UN reform to find a more balanced and just solution.

At the end of the G20 summit, Biden supports India's entry into the norm, but there is one condition, China's vote is very important

In short, Biden's support for India's "normalization" is to increase the influence of the United States in international affairs. However, China's veto power has become a key counterweight to the United States. China needs to exercise its veto power cautiously to ensure that the reform of the UN Security Council is carried out on a fair and balanced basis. The incident highlights the game between major powers in international politics and their balance between defending their own interests and maintaining global stability.

As a neutral observer, I believe that US President Joe Biden's decision to support India's permanent membership of the UN Security Council at the G20 summit has sparked a lot of discussion and concern. There may be multiple motives and intentions behind this decision.

At the end of the G20 summit, Biden supports India's entry into the norm, but there is one condition, China's vote is very important

First of all, Biden's support for India's "normalization" may be due to geopolitical and economic interests. India, as a large population and a rising economy, is an important strategic partner for the United States. By supporting India's international standing, the United States can consolidate its influence in the Indian Ocean region against China's rise in the region.

Second, the United States may want to see India as an ally to counter China. In the current international relations, the competition between the United States and China is intensifying, and India, as another great power in the Asian region, can balance China's influence to a certain extent. Therefore, supporting India's candidacy as a permanent member of the UN Security Council can be seen as a geopolitical strategy aimed at strengthening cooperation with India.

However, China's crucial veto power in this process makes China's position crucial. China may see U.S. support for India as a threat to its own interests and may take steps to prevent India's "normalization." This will trigger more geopolitical tensions and have far-reaching implications for international relations.

In general, Biden's decision to support India's permanent membership in the UN Security Council has complex geopolitical motives. With this move, the United States hopes to strengthen cooperation with India, but may also want to use India to counter China's rise. However, China's response will be crucial, and whether China uses its veto power to prevent India's "normalization" will have a significant impact on future international relations.

In assessing this event, we can see the complexity and intensification of competition in international politics. The rivalry between the United States and China has become the focus of global attention, and India, as an emerging power, has become a key factor in this rivalry. The U.S. decision to support India's permanent membership in the U.N. Security Council reflects U.S. concerns about regional balance and recognition of India's rise.

However, China's position is also crucial. China is not only a permanent member of the UN Security Council, but also has veto power. China's response will determine whether India is able to realize its desire to "normalize". It also exposes the need for reform of the governance structures of international organizations, such as the United Nations, to reflect the realities and balance of today's world.

Overall, this incident highlights the complexities and geopolitical rivalries in international politics. U.S. support for India's "normalization" is a strategic move, but its actual impact will depend on China's response. The international community needs more dialogue and cooperation to address global challenges, not to further exacerbate competition and tensions.

Summing up the above events, we can draw the following conclusions: at the G20 summit, US President Joe Biden supported India's decision to become a permanent member of the UN Security Council, a decision with multiple motives and geopolitical considerations. The United States wants to strengthen cooperation with India and may see India as an ally against China. However, China's veto power makes it key in this process, and China's reaction will determine whether India is able to achieve its desire to "normalize". This incident highlighted the complexity and competition in international politics and the need for reform of the governance structures of international organizations to reflect the realities and balance of today's world. The international community needs more dialogue and cooperation to address global challenges, not to further exacerbate competition and tensions.

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