
"Ace vs. Ace 8" Jia Ling's absence caused controversy, and was reported by netizens and asked radio and television to be removed from the shelves


With the acceleration of the pace of social life and the diversification of cultural consumption, variety shows are like a flash in the pan, updated rapidly, and the audience's taste is getting higher and higher.

In this case, after the eighth season of "Ace vs. Ace" was launched, there was no longer the scenery of the past, which caused a lot of doubts and complaints.

"Ace vs. Ace 8" Jia Ling's absence caused controversy, and was reported by netizens and asked radio and television to be removed from the shelves

First of all, Jia Ling's absence makes the audience feel like they have lost their soul. Jia Ling has always been popular with the audience for her unique funny talents, but her absence has made the whole show a lot less laughing.

"Ace vs. Ace 8" Jia Ling's absence caused controversy, and was reported by netizens and asked radio and television to be removed from the shelves

Although Shen Teng worked hard to maintain the speed of the show, it was obvious that it was difficult for one person to support the laughter and quality of the entire show. But the actual effect is much worse than before.

"Ace vs. Ace 8" Jia Ling's absence caused controversy, and was reported by netizens and asked radio and television to be removed from the shelves

Then Guan Xiaotong was mischievoked and made people cry on his birthday. Shen Teng has always been known for his comics, but because he ridiculed Guan Xiaotong with the program team, he was also scolded by netizens.

"Ace vs. Ace 8" Jia Ling's absence caused controversy, and was reported by netizens and asked radio and television to be removed from the shelves

Shen Teng couldn't support it alone, and it all relied on the help of old people like Yang Di, Tang Yan, and Sha Yi, and the results were all unsatisfactory. There is nothing innovative in the program team, it is just some old-fashioned tricks, such as microphones, tacit questions and answers, etc., there are not many laughs, and the audience yawns.

"Ace vs. Ace 8" Jia Ling's absence caused controversy, and was reported by netizens and asked radio and television to be removed from the shelves

At the same time, viewers also raised the issue that the content of this show is detached from real life and may mislead people's values.

"Ace vs. Ace 8" Jia Ling's absence caused controversy, and was reported by netizens and asked radio and television to be removed from the shelves

Some of the actions and performances in the show are for comedic purposes, but in the process of this "funny", it can also lead to inappropriate imitation by some people, especially for teenagers, which may have a negative impact on their values.

"Ace vs. Ace 8" Jia Ling's absence caused controversy, and was reported by netizens and asked radio and television to be removed from the shelves

Audiences expect that in addition to entertainment, entertainment should also convey positive messages and values. They are worried that the content of these TV programs will bring incorrect values to young people, which will have a bad impact on society.

"Ace vs. Ace 8" Jia Ling's absence caused controversy, and was reported by netizens and asked radio and television to be removed from the shelves

Secondly, did the production team behind this column have strict planning and control, and did they intentionally or unintentionally promote some negative and vulgar things?

This is also an issue that deserves careful study and exploration. A good variety show must have basic ethics and social responsibilities, and it cannot blindly pursue ratings and ignore its own influence.

"Ace vs. Ace 8" Jia Ling's absence caused controversy, and was reported by netizens and asked radio and television to be removed from the shelves

However, the program team uses pranks to raise the topic, which is a bit immoral.

In this episode of the show, the program team designed a super vulgar and stinky prank game, the purpose of which was to give Guan Xiaotong a birthday gift.

"Ace vs. Ace 8" Jia Ling's absence caused controversy, and was reported by netizens and asked radio and television to be removed from the shelves

This kind of game is not only obscene, but also very disgusting, and it is simply an ordeal. As a result, some netizens expressed their dissatisfaction and felt that this type of variety show should be stopped.

The reason why it caused complaints from netizens was because the program team's handling of the prank link was too vulgar.

"Ace vs. Ace 8" Jia Ling's absence caused controversy, and was reported by netizens and asked radio and television to be removed from the shelves

Under the guise of giving Guan Xiaotong a surprise, the program team deliberately messed up a "research project worth billions", which not only did not have the least respect, but also hurt the feelings of the contestants to the greatest extent.

"Ace vs. Ace 8" Jia Ling's absence caused controversy, and was reported by netizens and asked radio and television to be removed from the shelves

The sweetness after the prank, the birthday cake, instead of alleviating the negative emotions of the audience, made them feel that it was an indecent performance.

"Ace vs. Ace 8" Jia Ling's absence caused controversy, and was reported by netizens and asked radio and television to be removed from the shelves

In addition, the obvious advertising placement and blunt editing techniques in the program have turned the entertainment program that could have brought the audience laughter into a utilitarian and stylized thing, which makes many people very dissatisfied with this point and has questions about its future development.

"Ace vs. Ace 8" Jia Ling's absence caused controversy, and was reported by netizens and asked radio and television to be removed from the shelves

"Ace" can do this, there must be its uniqueness, but this eighth season looks like it's almost over. Not only in the game, but it is also a very disgusting thing for those who worship the strong and trample on the weak.

"Ace vs. Ace 8" Jia Ling's absence caused controversy, and was reported by netizens and asked radio and television to be removed from the shelves

It can be seen that Song Yaxuan was vigorously promoted by the program team, but he is not humorous, and the variety show effect is not very good, so he specially arranged for an entertainment celebrity Yang Di to accompany him.

When guessing words, Yang Di usually plays, his guesses are very accurate and fast, and some netizens even asked him if he had read the answer.

"Ace vs. Ace 8" Jia Ling's absence caused controversy, and was reported by netizens and asked radio and television to be removed from the shelves

Since 2016, there have been more and more guests in "Ace vs. Ace", and the ratings have become higher and higher, and it was once popular for a while. Although Jia Ling did not participate in the show due to time problems, the joining of Tang Yan and Sha Yi still brought the ratings of this show to a new height.

But within a few episodes, the audience was disappointed and suffered an unprecedented Waterloo, because their words and deeds aroused public outrage on the Internet.

"Ace vs. Ace 8" Jia Ling's absence caused controversy, and was reported by netizens and asked radio and television to be removed from the shelves

The audience is asking, what kind of entertainment is this? It's like a man flirting with someone, then laughing it off, and then casually saying, "Just kidding, is it necessary to make such a fuss?" ”

"Ace vs. Ace 8" Jia Ling's absence caused controversy, and was reported by netizens and asked radio and television to be removed from the shelves

The audience in front of the TV was angry, although Guan Xiaotong was full of grievances in her heart, but due to the pressure of public opinion on the scene, she did not dare to attack on the spot. At the moment of eye contact with Shen Teng, there was a feeling of helplessness in the eyes of the two people.

"Ace vs. Ace 8" Jia Ling's absence caused controversy, and was reported by netizens and asked radio and television to be removed from the shelves

So what exactly went wrong with "Ace vs. Ace Season 8"? I think the problem lies in the conflict between the positioning of the show and the expectations of the audience.

On the one hand, it wants to maintain its entertaining nature, and on the other hand, there are more and more expectations of it. This requires the column group to pay more attention to the balance between the two in the production process.

"Ace vs. Ace 8" Jia Ling's absence caused controversy, and was reported by netizens and asked radio and television to be removed from the shelves

In short, many netizens are criticizing "Ace vs. Ace 8" and expressing concerns about the overall quality and value orientation of the show.

"Ace vs. Ace 8" Jia Ling's absence caused controversy, and was reported by netizens and asked radio and television to be removed from the shelves

In the face of this situation, the State Administration of Radio, Film and Television should seriously handle complaints from netizens, strengthen supervision of programs, ensure that the quality and ratings of variety shows continue to increase, and meet the needs of the masses.

At the same time, film and television production companies must carry out deep self-reflection, strengthen content innovation, and strengthen ethical norms in order to restore their brand image.

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