
An actor during the day and an agent at night, he has been incognito for 75 years, and the 94-year-old "Jiang Ziya" has a legendary life

author:Xiao Wang digs deep into history


When it comes to the actor of Jiang Ziya, everyone may think of the cute Yu Hewei version, the exaggerated Jet Li version, or the handsome Chen Jianfeng version, but among so many "Jiang Ziya", the 1990 Lantian Ye version of "Jiang Ziya" is a classic.

However, on June 29, 2021, Lan Tianye came to the Great Hall of the People, and in "Hymn to Loyalty", he was awarded the "July 1st Medal", and he was the only person in the art world at that time.

Why can an ordinary actor get a different look from the country?

It turns out that in addition to being an actor, his other identity is more worthy of everyone's respect.

An actor during the day and an agent at night, he has been incognito for 75 years, and the 94-year-old "Jiang Ziya" has a legendary life

Lan Tianye won the July 1st Medal

Cast pen from Rong

On May 4, 1919, young students shouted "Swear to the death, return me to Qingdao", setting off a patriotic movement.

Eight years after this movement, that is, on May 4, 1927, a baby was born in the courtyard of a large family in Hebei, and the child's parents named him Wang Runsen after careful consideration.

An actor during the day and an agent at night, he has been incognito for 75 years, and the 94-year-old "Jiang Ziya" has a legendary life

May Fourth Movement

Later, for some reasons, they moved their family to Beijing, relying on their solid family background, and in that war-torn era, the family had no worries about food and clothing.

An actor during the day and an agent at night, he has been incognito for 75 years, and the 94-year-old "Jiang Ziya" has a legendary life

Beijing Compound (Scene Simulation)

Slowly, Wang Runsen grew up, and his usual activities were much richer, during the day he would ask his mother to take him to see Peking Opera, and at night he would stay in his grandfather's arms honestly, listen to him tell the story of praising his father day by day, and then slowly fall asleep.

An actor during the day and an agent at night, he has been incognito for 75 years, and the 94-year-old "Jiang Ziya" has a legendary life

Beijing opera

Under this influence, his love for art grew day by day, but this beautiful life came to an abrupt end in 1937, when the Japanese army stepped into China.

An actor during the day and an agent at night, he has been incognito for 75 years, and the 94-year-old "Jiang Ziya" has a legendary life

The Japanese army invaded China

At that time, he had just turned ten years old, in addition to the national break, there was also something wrong in the family, the grandparents who had always loved him died, and even the pillar of the family, his father, died of illness, and only their orphans and widows were left in the originally lively family.

An actor during the day and an agent at night, he has been incognito for 75 years, and the 94-year-old "Jiang Ziya" has a legendary life

Wang Runsen when he was young (Lantian Ye)

Fortunately, this series of blows did not crush Wang Runsen, in addition to spending more time taking care of his family, he did not give up his love for art, and finally was admitted to the Beiping Art School on the same street as his family.

An actor during the day and an agent at night, he has been incognito for 75 years, and the 94-year-old "Jiang Ziya" has a legendary life

Peking Art School

Here, Wang Runsen saw that there was a patriotic drama performance in the school, so he happily came to watch, and after the show, he also came up with the idea of joining.

Later, under the recommendation of a friend, Wang Runsen successfully became one of the members of the repertory troupe, and his fate began to slowly move closer to our party.

An actor during the day and an agent at night, he has been incognito for 75 years, and the 94-year-old "Jiang Ziya" has a legendary life

Wang Runsen when he was young (Lantian Ye)

Participating in the rehearsal of patriotic dramas, Wang Runsen's thinking slowly began to change, however, the sudden appearance of a person had a greater impact on Wang Runsen.

That day, he just pushed open the door of the house, and in front of him was the third sister Shi Mei, who had been missing for six years, and the two sisters and brothers reunited after a long absence, so naturally they could not communicate with each other, and when Shi Mei learned that his younger brother liked patriotic dramas very much, he had the idea of letting him join our party.

An actor during the day and an agent at night, he has been incognito for 75 years, and the 94-year-old "Jiang Ziya" has a legendary life

Shi Mei

It turned out that Shi Mei had disappeared for so many years because she went to other places to study revolutionary ideas, and she had already been one of the party members, and she also had a task when she came back this time, to propagate the revolution in Beiping, and then develop party members.

An actor during the day and an agent at night, he has been incognito for 75 years, and the 94-year-old "Jiang Ziya" has a legendary life

Underground Party Members (Scenario Simulation)

After listening to his sister's story, Wang Runsen fell into deep thought, although he was still young, but he also came into contact with society, every time he saw people starving to death on the side of the road, he would always shed tears.

He also knew that if he wanted to live and work in peace, he had to get rid of the hateful Japanese invaders, so he proposed to his sister that he wanted to join our party.

An actor during the day and an agent at night, he has been incognito for 75 years, and the 94-year-old "Jiang Ziya" has a legendary life

Lantian Ye (Wang Runsen)

In order to successfully become a member of our party, Wang Runsen also accepted the test of the organization, usually my sister is responsible for collecting news through the radio, so Wang Runsen is responsible for passing the news to other party members.

An actor during the day and an agent at night, he has been incognito for 75 years, and the 94-year-old "Jiang Ziya" has a legendary life

Receiving Intelligence (Scenario Simulation)

Later, his sister asked him if he was afraid, but he didn't expect Wang Runsen to be very upright, saying that he didn't expect to be afraid, and he just wanted to do his part for the party.

His answer also passed the test smoothly, and on September 23, 1945, he successfully became a member of our party, and this special day was forever engraved in his heart.

An actor during the day and an agent at night, he has been incognito for 75 years, and the 94-year-old "Jiang Ziya" has a legendary life

Lan Tianye and his wife Di Xin

Listen to the organization

Soon after becoming a party member, Wang Runsen was organized to join the troupe to carry out patriotic propaganda activities because of his foundation in drama and Peking Opera.

Wang Runsen had no objection to the organization's arrangement, he gave up his studies and participated in drama performances while developing underground party members.

An actor during the day and an agent at night, he has been incognito for 75 years, and the 94-year-old "Jiang Ziya" has a legendary life

Blue Sky Wild Drama Performance

But these activities soon attracted the attention of the enemy, and most of the people had already evacuated at that time, but Wang Runsen could not leave, and according to the organization's arrangement, he had to break into the enemy's internal repertory troupe.

This task was full of challenges for Wang Runsen at that time, once his identity was exposed, death would await him, but he was not afraid, not only successfully penetrated the enemy, but also obtained the identity of a major.

An actor during the day and an agent at night, he has been incognito for 75 years, and the 94-year-old "Jiang Ziya" has a legendary life

Lantian Ye (Wang Runsen)

Of course, in addition to him, there are also some underground party members here, and Wang Runsen can better cover for them by virtue of his status as a major, and he was only 19 years old that year.

An actor during the day and an agent at night, he has been incognito for 75 years, and the 94-year-old "Jiang Ziya" has a legendary life

Lantian Ye (Wang Runsen)

However, in 1948, under the tense situation, the enemy began to thoroughly investigate the repertory troupe, and some underground party members became the focus of scrutiny.

In addition to surveillance, the enemy also played psychological warfare, publishing a "blacklist" in the newspapers all day long, so that everyone's nerves were always tense.

An actor during the day and an agent at night, he has been incognito for 75 years, and the 94-year-old "Jiang Ziya" has a legendary life

Repertory Theatre (Scene Simulation)

At this critical moment, the enemy sent a new captain who was good at catching "inner ghosts", so the work of the repertory troupe was handed over to him.

At that time, although Wang Runsen received the evacuation notice from his superiors, he could not find a suitable opportunity until the arrival of the new captain, which made him see hope.

An actor during the day and an agent at night, he has been incognito for 75 years, and the 94-year-old "Jiang Ziya" has a legendary life

Lantian Ye (Wang Runsen)

So in the name of the Mid-Autumn Festival reunion, he worked tirelessly to "catch the wind and wash the dust" for the new captain, and after three rounds of drinking, he deliberately said that it was a pity that the members of the drama troupe could not be reunited with their families, and if the chief wanted to win people's hearts, this was a good opportunity.

The captain who drank directly agreed, but asked everyone to take turns to take a holiday, and Wang Runsen agreed again and again after hearing it.

An actor during the day and an agent at night, he has been incognito for 75 years, and the 94-year-old "Jiang Ziya" has a legendary life

Three Rounds of Wine (Scenario Simulation)

But when the captain woke up the next day and looked for Wang Runsen, he found that the building was empty, and as for the other members of the repertory troupe, they were like evaporating from the world, and there was no trace at all.

By the time the captain reacted and summoned people all over the city to arrest Wang Runsen, he had already fled to the liberated area with other underground party members.

An actor during the day and an agent at night, he has been incognito for 75 years, and the 94-year-old "Jiang Ziya" has a legendary life

Lantian Ye (Wang Runsen)

As soon as they arrived at their safe positions, they had not yet taken their breath when they received a new task from the organization, asking them to change their names immediately, so that they could also protect their relatives who were still in the enemy's territory.

In this way, Wang Runsen transformed into a blue sky.

An actor during the day and an agent at night, he has been incognito for 75 years, and the 94-year-old "Jiang Ziya" has a legendary life

Blue Sky Field

Dedication to art

When Lan Tianye set foot on the land of Beijing again, his heart was also full of emotion, he saw the Japanese invaders wreaking havoc here when he was 10 years old, and he will witness the changes here when he is 22 years old.

On October 1, 1949, when Chairman Mao said the founding of the People's Republic of China, Lan Tianye shed tears of excitement.

An actor during the day and an agent at night, he has been incognito for 75 years, and the 94-year-old "Jiang Ziya" has a legendary life

Founding Ceremony

After that, he joined Beijing Renyi and officially started his acting career.

At that time, everyone's requirements for drama were extremely high, and they spent a lot of effort in order to be able to play the characters vividly.

An actor during the day and an agent at night, he has been incognito for 75 years, and the 94-year-old "Jiang Ziya" has a legendary life

Blue Sky Field

Take Renyi's most classic drama "Teahouse" as an example, Lan Tianye plays the role of Qin Erye in it, this character is full of enthusiasm in the early stage, and he is sad in his later years, the contrast is so great, it is a great challenge for Lantian Ye.

An actor during the day and an agent at night, he has been incognito for 75 years, and the 94-year-old "Jiang Ziya" has a legendary life

Qin Erye played by Lan Tianye

In order to play this role well, Lan Tianye found a businessman who had a similar experience to Qin Erye, and carefully figured out the other party's every move in life.

In addition, he will discuss the gestural language of old Beijingers with his colleagues.

An actor during the day and an agent at night, he has been incognito for 75 years, and the 94-year-old "Jiang Ziya" has a legendary life

Lan Tianye (left) plays the second master of Qin

After several months of hard work, Lantian Ye has become Qin Erye, this drama has been praised as soon as it was released, and it is a classic repertoire that Beijing Renyi is reluctant to cancel.

An actor during the day and an agent at night, he has been incognito for 75 years, and the 94-year-old "Jiang Ziya" has a legendary life

Lan Tianye (left) plays the second master of Qin

Later, he dedicated several works to the audience, all of which were praised by everyone, especially the "Fengshen Bang" he participated in the filming in 1990, playing the role of "Jiang Ziya", which is still a classic that cannot be surpassed by later generations.

An actor during the day and an agent at night, he has been incognito for 75 years, and the 94-year-old "Jiang Ziya" has a legendary life

Jiang Ziya played by Lan Tianye

2011 is the 90th anniversary of the founding of our party, when Lan Tianye had been away from the stage for 19 years, but in order to celebrate the founding of our party, he participated in the filming of the tribute drama "Home" despite the age of 84.

Later, he also created masterpieces such as "Koshien" and "The Return of the Noble Lady", and on June 29, 2021, he was awarded the honor of "July 1st Medal" by the organization.

An actor during the day and an agent at night, he has been incognito for 75 years, and the 94-year-old "Jiang Ziya" has a legendary life

Lan Tianye won the July 1st Medal

In addition to being an actor who has created countless classic images, he is also the most reliable agent of our party, and when everyone knows Lan Tianye's other identity, they can't help but be in awe.

It's a pity that such an old artist with both virtue and art left us forever on June 8, 2022.

An actor during the day and an agent at night, he has been incognito for 75 years, and the 94-year-old "Jiang Ziya" has a legendary life

Lantian Field Memorial Service


For Lan Tianye, his life can be described as a legend, he is a famous actor during the day, and he is an agent of our party at night, quietly passing on important information.

After the founding of the People's Republic of China, he devoted himself to the field of art, and created countless classic images in order to enrich everyone's spiritual life, especially "Jiang Ziya" is the most classic.

It's a pity that Siren has passed away, but his serious and persistent spirit in acting is always worth learning from.

An actor during the day and an agent at night, he has been incognito for 75 years, and the 94-year-old "Jiang Ziya" has a legendary life

Blue Sky Field


Wu Mengda, Zhang Manzi, Sun Lei, et al. Performance artist Lan Tianye: "I will do what the party tells me to do"[N].Xinhua Daily Telegraph.

Lan Tianye, a dramatist who shapes the classic image and inherits the art and virtues, was awarded the "July 1st Medal"[J].Chinese Drama,2021,(08).

BAI Ying,YANG Shujun. Remembrance of Lantian Ye: He used his life to interpret "the drama is bigger than the sky"[N].Xinhua Daily Telegraph.

Aftersound. Blue Sky Field: A Life More Legendary Than a "Character"[J]. Times Post,2021(17):45-47.

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