
Zhang Shaojun, executive deputy director of the Provincial Customs Work Committee, and his party went to Binzhou Advanced Technical School to investigate

author:Poster News

On June 11, Zhang Shaojun, executive deputy director of the Shandong Provincial Customs Work Committee and former chairman of the Qingdao Municipal COMMITTEE of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference (vice provincial level), and Shi Min, deputy director of the Provincial Customs Work Committee (at the level of the main department), and their party went to Binzhou Advanced Technical School to investigate and care about the work of the next generation. Zeng Xiaoli, member of the Standing Committee of the Binzhou Municipal CPC Committee and director of the Organization Department, Li Chengming, executive deputy director of the Municipal Customs Work Committee, Wang Guanqing, deputy director and secretary general of the Municipal Customs Work Committee, Wang Hengbo, deputy director of the Municipal Customs Work Committee, deputy director of the Organization Department of the Municipal Cpc Committee, and director of the Bureau of Veteran Cadres of the Municipal CPC Committee, Ning Shaohai, deputy director of the Municipal Cpc Committee And Director of the Care for the Next Generation Education Development Center, Liu Peng, deputy director of the Municipal Center for caring for the Next Generation Of Education Development, Zhang Ruijie, deputy secretary of the Bincheng District CPC Committee and mayor of the district, Wang Li, member of the Standing Committee of the District COMMITTEE and director of the Organization Department, Xu Jianjian, executive deputy director of the District Customs Work Committee, and Zhao Changfu, deputy director of the District Customs Work Committee Gao Fengge, deputy director of the Organization Department of the District Committee and director of the Bureau of Veteran Cadres, Liu Jintang, director of the Education Development Center of the District Customs Work Committee, Wang Shulin, secretary of the Party Committee and principal of Binzhou Advanced Technical School, Meng Weizan, deputy secretary of the party committee and vice president, Liu Zhongkai, member of the party committee and vice president, Liu Yue, member of the party committee and vice president, and Song Zhigang, member of the party committee, secretary of the Discipline Inspection Commission and supervisor of the Municipal Commission for Discipline Inspection, accompanied the investigation.

Zhang Shaojun, executive deputy director of the Provincial Customs Work Committee, and his party went to Binzhou Advanced Technical School to investigate

Zhang Shaojun and his party visited the school's Dongfanghong Square, Shaoshan Lou Red Education Exhibition Hall, Nanniwan Teachers and Students Vegetable Garden, passed through the red corridor, went to the Jinggangshan Lou Industry and Teaching Workshop, Zunyi Lou 3D Printing Innovation Studio to watch the students' creations, and went deep into the classrooms, student apartments, and student canteens to understand the students' learning and living conditions. Feel the profound heritage of red culture in the Red Exhibition And Collection Hall of Nanchang Building, and consult the relevant materials of the theme education activity of "inheriting red genes and striving to be a new person of the times" on the spot.

Zhang Shaojun, executive deputy director of the Provincial Customs Work Committee, and his party went to Binzhou Advanced Technical School to investigate
Zhang Shaojun, executive deputy director of the Provincial Customs Work Committee, and his party went to Binzhou Advanced Technical School to investigate
Zhang Shaojun, executive deputy director of the Provincial Customs Work Committee, and his party went to Binzhou Advanced Technical School to investigate
Zhang Shaojun, executive deputy director of the Provincial Customs Work Committee, and his party went to Binzhou Advanced Technical School to investigate
Zhang Shaojun, executive deputy director of the Provincial Customs Work Committee, and his party went to Binzhou Advanced Technical School to investigate

Subsequently, all the personnel held a symposium in the conference room on the second floor of the Shaoshan Building. First, I watched the school propaganda film.

Zhang Shaojun, executive deputy director of the Provincial Customs Work Committee, and his party went to Binzhou Advanced Technical School to investigate
Zhang Shaojun, executive deputy director of the Provincial Customs Work Committee, and his party went to Binzhou Advanced Technical School to investigate

Subsequently, Wang Shulin reported on the school's construction of a national red famous school under the title of "Achieving "Six Persistences" to Build a National Famous School". The first is to persist in running schools in red and turn technical schools into "party schools"; second, to persist in strictly administering schools and build technical schools into "military schools"; third, to persist in building famous brands and decorate technical schools into 3A scenic spots; fourth, to persist in building people with virtue and build technical schools into warm schools; fifth, to persist in contributing to society and building technical schools into service teams for high-quality development; sixth, persist in striving for advanced positions, and refine technical schools into golden signboards showing the image of Bincheng.

Zhang Shaojun, executive deputy director of the Provincial Customs Work Committee, and his party went to Binzhou Advanced Technical School to investigate

Li Chengming reported on the development of Binzhou City's work of caring for the next generation. Focusing on the great importance attached by the municipal party committee and the municipal government to the work of caring for the next generation, the Municipal Customs Work Committee in accordance with the requirements of "undertaking engineering, engineering responsibility, and responsibility digitization", with 6114 (6 research points, 1 work point, 1 work conference, 4 supporting documents) as the work chain, in 2020, highlight the patriotic education, the "five olds" care project, the organization, team and base construction of the three tasks.

Zhang Shaojun, executive deputy director of the Provincial Customs Work Committee, and his party went to Binzhou Advanced Technical School to investigate

Zhang Shaojun praised Binzhou Advanced Technical School as a three-dimensional and all-round red education base, and Principal Wang Shulin was full of passion and worked hard, with affection and strength. He said that after visiting the red campus, he was deeply touched, the school's red environment is unique, the red activities are colorful, and the red traditional culture education and daily education and teaching are closely combined, the red culture is promoted in education and teaching, and the red culture is integrated into the education and teaching, forming a virtuous circle, which is unique in the province and even the whole country, and is worth summarizing and promoting. I hope that the school will continue to explore and innovate on this basis and get better and better! Zhang Shaojun spoke highly of the work of the Municipal Customs Work Committee, believing that the work was down-to-earth, distinctive, and effective, and insisted on promoting work in innovation, and walked in the forefront of the province.

Zhang Shaojun, executive deputy director of the Provincial Customs Work Committee, and his party went to Binzhou Advanced Technical School to investigate

Zeng Xiaoli said that Director Zhang Shaojun's affirmation of the work of the Binzhou Municipal Customs Work Committee is both an encouragement and a spur, and the next step will be to take this investigation as an opportunity and motivation to implement the spirit of Director Li Chengming's speech and ensure that Binzhou City's care for the next generation will reach a new level.

Zhang Shaojun, executive deputy director of the Provincial Customs Work Committee, and his party went to Binzhou Advanced Technical School to investigate
Zhang Shaojun, executive deputy director of the Provincial Customs Work Committee, and his party went to Binzhou Advanced Technical School to investigate
Zhang Shaojun, executive deputy director of the Provincial Customs Work Committee, and his party went to Binzhou Advanced Technical School to investigate
Zhang Shaojun, executive deputy director of the Provincial Customs Work Committee, and his party went to Binzhou Advanced Technical School to investigate
Zhang Shaojun, executive deputy director of the Provincial Customs Work Committee, and his party went to Binzhou Advanced Technical School to investigate

Editor: Zhao Yingying

Photography: Chen Binbin

Proofreader: Geng Min Chen Binbin Yu Yuanfang

Review: Duhu Pavilion

Binzhou Senior Technical School Binzhou Secondary Vocational School

Inherit the red gene and cultivate new people of the times

Contact number: 0543-7010130

Email: [email protected]

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