
At the beginning, I took the initiative to take on the task of accompanying my mother-in-law, and I was ridiculed, and now they envy my life

author:Ascend Courtney 8g8C

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At the beginning, I took the initiative to take on the task of accompanying my mother-in-law, and I was ridiculed, and now they envy my life

When I was just 25 years old, my parents suddenly divorced, shattering my beautiful yearning for home. Between them, I, the only child, quarreled endlessly, and my heart was cut like a knife. In the end, they still couldn't avoid the outcome of the divorce. I stood between my parents, walking on thin ice, carefully maintaining my fragile relationship with them.

After the divorce, my mother moved to her hometown alone. Her health is getting worse day by day, but there is no one to take care of her. I see it in my eyes and I am anxious in my heart. Finally, I mustered up the courage to offer to quit my job and return to my hometown to be with my mother.

"You stupid girl, you don't have a good future, you have to go back to this place!" When the neighbor's aunt saw me, she immediately pointed her fingers, "Your mother is not disabled, she can take care of herself, you should be wandering around the city at your age, what are you going to do when you come back!"

I listened, and just smiled bitterly: "Auntie, I can't watch my mother get sick and suffer alone, she needs me." I believe that there is still a long way to go, and all I have to do now is to be by my mother's side. ”

At the beginning, I took the initiative to take on the task of accompanying my mother-in-law, and I was ridiculed, and now they envy my life

My aunt gave me a blank look and said impatiently: "I think you are stupid! Your mother is so difficult to get along with, it is strange that you come back to accompany her, and you are not angry with her!"

I know my mother has a bad temper, but she is my real mother after all. I can't abandon her just because she's stubborn.

The first day I saw my mother, she was pale, and her whole body was so thin that there was only a handful of bones left, and I was so distressed that I burst into tears. She didn't seem to care about my arrival, just gave a cold "um" and turned her back again.

I knew that she was still minding her parents' divorce, and I reached out to hug her, but she pushed her away in disgust. My heart was heavy, but I still gritted my teeth and cheered up: "Mom, I'm back, tell me if you need anything, and I will take care of you." ”

My mother was still facing away from me, and it took a long time for her to say, "I can do it myself, I don't need you." ”

At the beginning, I took the initiative to take on the task of accompanying my mother-in-law, and I was ridiculed, and now they envy my life

I was saddened by my mother's cold treatment, but I didn't give up. I got up early every day and worked late at night, then came back and cooked hot porridge and side dishes to serve to my mother. It's just that she always eats silently, and she doesn't say thank you after the meal.

Sometimes I can't help it, and I will carefully persuade her: "Mom, your body is so weak now, it's better to eat something to nourish your body." I've been boiling this porridge for a long time, do you still like it?"

My mother always ignored her, or replied coldly, "I can't eat it." ”

Seeing her look like no one could enter, my heart hurt like a pinprick. Lying in bed at night, I would secretly wipe my tears. I miss my mother, who used to hurt me, and I miss the picture of the family laughing and laughing at dinner. How I wish I could turn back the clock and go back to the past.

As the days passed, my savings were about to bottom out. I started looking for part-time jobs so that I could stay in my hometown and take care of my mother. When the neighbors saw me like this, they all shook their heads and lamented that I was crazy. But I didn't flinch in the slightest.

At the beginning, I took the initiative to take on the task of accompanying my mother-in-law, and I was ridiculed, and now they envy my life

One day, I came home as usual and said to my mother with a tentative feeling, "Mom, today I went to interview for a sales job, which is very suitable for me. If the contract is signed, the salary will be good, and then we will live. ”

I was surprised to find that my mother's eyes had softened, and the corners of her mouth seemed to rise a little. She looked at me and whispered, "Thank you for your hard work, it's not easy to find a job, just work hard after signing the contract, you don't need to come back to see me every day." ”

I was so excited that I couldn't help but throw myself into my mother's arms and cry. It turns out that she will still care about me and want me to live a good life. At this moment, I felt as if I was back when I was a child, burying my face in my mother's warm embrace.

From that day on, I felt that my mother's attitude towards me had eased a lot. I continued to try to take care of her, and she was no longer always aloof. I believe that this is just the beginning of our relationship recovery.

At the beginning, I took the initiative to take on the task of accompanying my mother-in-law, and I was ridiculed, and now they envy my life

As my mother's mood improved, I also began to consciously communicate more with her to fill the gap over the years.

One day, when my mother was in a good mood, I asked her tentatively, "Mom, do you remember when I was a child?"

The mother smiled, and her eyes became warm: "Of course I remember, when you were three years old, you stood up and walked for the first time, and you fell a big heel, and you cried with a wow, and I hugged you and patted your back for a long time before you stopped." ”

I laughed along, "yes, remember, on my sixth birthday, you made a big cream cake with my favorite Mickey Mouse pattern painted on it, and I was so happy that I couldn't wait to finish it until the end of the month." ”

"At that time, we didn't have such a mess as your parents. Mother sighed and tried to squeeze out a smile again, "However, with you, life can go on." ”

At the beginning, I took the initiative to take on the task of accompanying my mother-in-law, and I was ridiculed, and now they envy my life

I was overjoyed and took my mother's hand: "Don't think so much about it in the future, with me, I will take care of you, and we will live well." ”

Since then, my mother and I have been like friends, often talking about old stories and interesting things we have encountered recently. I would also tell her about my school and work, and she always listened with a smile. I feel that this is the mother I remember, and such a happy and warm day is the happiest thing for me.

However, the good times did not last long, and an accident broke our short-term family happiness. One day when I came home, I opened the door and saw my mother lying straight on the ground, her face pale and her eyes closed. I was so frightened that I scrambled to call an ambulance to save my mother's life.

Doctors diagnosed my mother with a heart attack that required immediate surgery. I was stunned when I heard that the cost of the operation was more than 100,000 yuan, and this amount of money was simply astronomical for our mother and daughter. I racked my brains and tried everything I could, and finally managed to scrape together enough money. I stayed outside the operating room, my eyes red and swollen, my heart was uneasy, and I just begged my mother to get through this safely...

The surgery lasted 8 hours, and every minute was a pain for me. Finally, the doctor pushed the door open and told me that the surgery was a success. I burst into tears and thanked the doctor again and again.

At the beginning, I took the initiative to take on the task of accompanying my mother-in-law, and I was ridiculed, and now they envy my life

My mother had her most dangerous moment, and my heart had fallen to the ground. Looking at her sleeping face, I am extremely grateful to God for allowing me to hear her voice and see her smile again.

After my mother recovered and was discharged from the hospital, I took good care of her diligently, for fear that she would feel unwell again. My mother also asked for me, and I no longer had the initial defensive mentality. Now we are like best friends.

"Thank you for your hard work, it was you who brought my mother back to life. "One day, my mother said to me suddenly.

I clenched her hand, my eyes moistened: "Mom, it's my responsibility and honor to take care of you." From now on, I will always be by your side. ”

Just when I thought we would live happily ever after, I suddenly received a call from my father. He said he wanted to cancel my co-ownership of the property and no longer support my life with my mother. I was shocked and begged again and again, but my father was very resolute.

At the beginning, I took the initiative to take on the task of accompanying my mother-in-law, and I was ridiculed, and now they envy my life

When I hung up the phone, I cried bitterly. It turned out that my father had never been able to approve of my decision to give up my career to take care of my mother. He thinks that I am immature and irrational, and that if I continue like this, I will waste my life. I tried to enlighten him, but he just hung up on me.

I said to my mother with red eyes: "Mom, Dad doesn't support me to accompany you anymore, and deprives me of my property rights... We may have to live on our own. ”

The mother sighed: "He still can't get used to me after all." Don't be sad, Mom will figure it out. ”

I looked at my depressed mother and plucked up the courage to say to her: "Mom, you have a good rest at home, I will go out to work to support our mother and daughter, and I will never let you suffer a little grievance!"

In order to save money, I had to leave my hometown alone and come to work in an unfamiliar city. Life outside was far more difficult than I imagined, and I changed jobs frequently and lived a wandering life, just hoping to have a meager income for me and my mother. I didn't dare to pour out my bitterness to anyone, so I could only hold back my tears and write a letter to my mother in my heart...

At the beginning, I took the initiative to take on the task of accompanying my mother-in-law, and I was ridiculed, and now they envy my life

The days of working outside the home were very difficult, and I lived a life of isolation, facing all the hardships alone. I finally found a manual job in the factory, which was hard but had a decent income. I gritted my teeth and persevered, trying to save up and go home as soon as possible.

However, my luck has always been bad, the factory suddenly closed down, and I became a homeless person again. I wandered the streets in despair, curled up on a park bench for the night. Kind passers-by found me something to eat, and I devoured it, only to find that I had been emaciated to the bone.

I called my mother and lied that everything was okay and that I had found a good job. I knew I couldn't hide it from my mother, who heard my weak voice and asked me worriedly what was wrong. I still can't bear to tell her the truth, just the recent one.

Hanging up the phone, I crouched on the side of the road and couldn't hold back my tears. I began to question whether everything I had done was worth it, and whether I should listen to my father and go back to work. But when I think about my mother, I know I must not give up. She needs me, and I have to keep going.

At the beginning, I took the initiative to take on the task of accompanying my mother-in-law, and I was ridiculed, and now they envy my life

Just when I was so desperate that I almost broke down, I finally ushered in a turning point. A newly opened restaurant was looking for a waiter, and I was ecstatic to apply, and I was lucky enough to get the job.

Greeting the guests with a plate, I let out a sigh of relief. Although the salary is meager, I finally have a source of income. I kept reminding myself to save money, and I kept every penny to send home to my mother. In order to save more money, I almost swallowed dates to fill my stomach. I knew my mother would feel sorry for me, but I was reluctant to spend money on myself.

The days of working at a restaurant were very busy, but I felt a sense of fulfillment that I hadn't felt in a long time. I sent my mother living expenses and didn't forget to tell her in the letter that I was doing well and that she didn't have to worry. When I received a reply from my mother saying that I was recovering well, I burst into tears of joy.

Five years later, I finally settled down in a company, bought a house and started a family. I called my mother and excitedly told her the good news. Her choked voice came from the earpiece: "Daughter, Mom is proud of you, and you have lived up to Mom's expectations." ”

Hanging up, I looked out the window at the blue sky, my eyes filled with tears. The ups and downs of the past have become the nutrients for my growth, and I am more sunny and wiser than before. There is still a long way to go, and I will continue to work hard to move forward hand in hand with my mother who has regained her happiness.

At the beginning, I took the initiative to take on the task of accompanying my mother-in-law, and I was ridiculed, and now they envy my life

Over the years, I have relied on my own efforts to step out of the haze of life and achieve a well-off life. But I never forget my sick mother back home, and when I left, her tearful appearance is still engraved in my heart.

I began to visit my mother frequently, and I sincerely thanked her for raising me in the past. I saw that she had gray hair and a staggering gait, but her eyes were full of love and pride for me. Every time we part, we are reluctant.

"Daughter, my mother was sorry for you back then, and no matter what decision you make in the future, my mother will support you. "Once, my mother said to me out of the blue.

I squeezed her hand and couldn't help but shed tears: "Mom, I have no regrets. You are the one who gave me the strength to be who I am today. ”

Looking at my mother's aging figure, I am even more filial to her. I brought tea and water, and took care of her daily life in a meticulous manner. I want to be by her side all the time, just like she took care of me back then.

At the beginning, I took the initiative to take on the task of accompanying my mother-in-law, and I was ridiculed, and now they envy my life

I also reached out to my father to rebuild my relationship. Time healed the wounds in our hearts, and my father gradually understood my choice. He saw that I had a successful career and a happy life, and finally accepted me.

"Child, Dad was too self-righteous to understand you. Now it seems that you are much smarter than me. "I am very pleased with my father's approval.

After I got married, I also fulfilled the responsibility of a daughter. I often invite my parents to my house for gatherings and get along with my parents-in-law. Looking at the happy scene of the family, I feel that my life is fulfilled.

Stress at work comes and goes, but I've learned to release it properly. I would go out with my friends to relax, or write letters to my mother to express my worries. My mother would give me encouragement and relief. With her big tree, I can't fall through the wind and rain.

Watching my mother grow older, I felt even more sorry for her. In my spare time, I would take her out for a walk to relax and go to her favorite places. We snuggled up to each other and talked like we did when we were younger, talking about the troubles of my childhood.

At the beginning, I took the initiative to take on the task of accompanying my mother-in-law, and I was ridiculed, and now they envy my life

"With your good daughter, my mother has no regrets in this life. Mother used to say.

I held her hand tightly: "Mom, I will always be with you." The bits and pieces of the past have become what we love. ”

At this point, this story spanning ten years is also coming to an end. The magnificent road of life, because of the companionship of mother's love, I am fearless. I believe that people who live with heart will always usher in a happy ending. In the future, I will welcome every day with a positive and enterprising heart and spend happy time with my loved ones.

Time flies, and I have found a balance between career and family, and my life is more meaningful. My mother's health was also deteriorating, and I did my best to take care of her daily life.

At the beginning, I took the initiative to take on the task of accompanying my mother-in-law, and I was ridiculed, and now they envy my life

One day, my mother suddenly said weakly in my arms: "Daughter, Mom feels that time is running out, you must take care of yourself..."

I clenched her hand with tears in my eyes: "Mom, you will definitely get better, we will have a lot of time together!"

My mother gently stroked my hair and comforted me like when I was a child: "Silly daughter, my mother has lived for so many years, and you have given my mother happiness for a lifetime, and my mother is already satisfied... In the future, you have to live well and live the life you want. ”

I buried my head in my mother's arms and cried like a child. I know this is our last time together, and I must hold my chest up and fulfill the last mission of a child.

In this way, my mother passed away on a warm spring morning. Relatives and friends came to see her off, and I stood in front of the spirit, tears blurring my vision. The mother who put it on the tip of my heart has become a memory in this way.

At the beginning, I took the initiative to take on the task of accompanying my mother-in-law, and I was ridiculed, and now they envy my life

I used the strength that my mother taught me to help my father through the most difficult times. And whenever I was weak in my heart and wanted to give up, my mother's figure would appear in front of me and give me infinite courage.

Now, many years later, I stand in front of my mother's grave, my handwriting a little blurred. I touched the tombstone and whispered, "Mom, thanks to you along the way, I'm doing well..."

The wind was blowing, the sun was shining on me, and I seemed to hear my mother's voice: "Daughter, Mom is proud of you!"

I couldn't help but burst into tears. In this life, I have lived without regrets, all because of my mother's love with me. She taught me to be tolerant and taught me to be strong. She is my eternal faith, and I will pass on this love.

Looking at the blue sky and white clouds, I reverently meditated: I hope that with this deep affection between mother and daughter, I will move the heavens, and continue our unfinished fate in the next life. I love you, my mother, forever.

At the beginning, I took the initiative to take on the task of accompanying my mother-in-law, and I was ridiculed, and now they envy my life
At the beginning, I took the initiative to take on the task of accompanying my mother-in-law, and I was ridiculed, and now they envy my life

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