
Do you know? Eating "5 kinds" of food often will make people more and more stupid, don't give it to your children!


Do you often feel that your mind is not clear, your memory is declining, and your thinking is slow? Are you worried that your child is mentally stunted, has poor academic performance, and has difficulty concentrating?

What you may not know is that the main culprit of these problems is the foods you eat every day.

Yes, you heard it right, some foods not only don't provide you with nutrients, but instead damage your brain function and make you dumber and dumber.

Do you know? Eating "5 kinds" of food often will make people more and more stupid, don't give it to your children!

What are these foods?

How can you avoid them? Read on, I'm going to uncover the true face of these foods for you and let you eat with a smart brain.

1. High-sugar foods

Do you have a sweet tooth like chocolate, cakes, cookies, ice cream, etc.?

You may think these foods bring you joy, but did you know that they can also cause you harm?

Studies have shown that foods high in sugar can cause blood sugar fluctuations and affect insulin secretion, which in turn damages neurons and synapses in the brain, reducing the brain's ability to learn and remember.

Foods high in sugar can also increase oxidative stress, cause inflammation, and accelerate brain aging.

High-sugar foods can also affect the balance of neurotransmitters, leading to mood swings, depression, and anxiety.

Do you know? Eating "5 kinds" of food often will make people more and more stupid, don't give it to your children!

So, for the sake of your and your child's brain health, you should minimize your intake of high-sugar foods and choose some low-sugar or sugar-free foods such as fruits, nuts, whole wheat bread, etc.

2. High-salt foods

Do you like to eat salty food, such as potato chips, ham, salted fish, instant noodles, etc.?

You may think that these foods increase your appetite, but did you know that they can also harm your brain?

Studies have shown that high-salt foods can cause an increase in blood pressure, affect blood circulation, reduce blood flow to the brain, and cause brain hypoxia and ischemia.

Foods high in salt can also affect the cognitive function of the brain, leading to poor concentration, sluggish reactions, and decreased judgment. So, for the sake of your and your child's brain health, you should control your salt intake to no more than 6 grams per day and choose some low-salt or no-salt foods, such as vegetables, soy products, eggs, etc.

Do you know? Eating "5 kinds" of food often will make people more and more stupid, don't give it to your children!

3. Wine

Do you like to drink alcohol, such as beer, white wine, red wine, etc.?

You may think these drinks help you relax, but did you know that they can also harm your brain?

Studies have shown that alcohol directly kills neurons in the brain, reducing the size of the brain and causing the brain to shrink.

Alcohol can also damage the brain's neurotransmitters, affect the brain's signaling, and lead to brain dysfunction, such as amnesia, aphasia, and disorders. Alcohol can also interfere with the hormonal balance of the brain and affect the brain's emotional regulation, leading to low mood, irritability, violence, etc.

So, for the sake of your and your child's brain health, you should try to avoid alcohol, or drink alcohol in moderation, no more than one or two a day, and choose some low-alcohol or non-alcoholic beverages, such as juice, tea, water, etc.

Do you know? Eating "5 kinds" of food often will make people more and more stupid, don't give it to your children!

4. Refined carbohydrate foods

Do you like to eat refined carbohydrate foods such as white rice, white bread, sugar, flour, etc.?

You may think these foods give you energy, but did you know that they can also damage your brain?

Studies have shown that refined carbohydrate foods can cause blood sugar to rise sharply and then drop rapidly, causing blood sugar fluctuations and affecting brain stability.

Refined carbohydrate foods also increase the production of glycation end products, which bind to the brain's proteins, causing damage to the structure and function of the brain and increasing the risk of neurodegenerative diseases.

Refined carbohydrate foods can also affect blood lipid levels in the brain, increase the deposition of cholesterol and triglycerides, clog blood vessels in the brain, and cause stroke or ischemia.

Do you know? Eating "5 kinds" of food often will make people more and more stupid, don't give it to your children!

So, for the sake of your and your child's brain health, you should reduce your intake of refined carbohydrate foods and choose some that are rich in fiber and complex

5. Saturated fats and trans fatty acids

Do you like to eat high-fat foods such as fried, baked, creamy, etc., such as fried chicken, chips, pizza, cream cake, etc.?

You may think these foods are satisfying, but did you know that they can also harm your brain?

Studies have shown that these foods contain high amounts of saturated fats and trans fatty acids, which increase LDL (bad cholesterol) in the blood and decrease HDL (good cholesterol) in the blood, leading to atherosclerosis, clogging blood vessels in the brain, and causing ischemic stroke.

Saturated fats and trans fatty acids also affect the brain's nerve sheath, a lipid layer that encloses neurons, which protects neurons, accelerates the transmission of nerve signals, and improves brain efficiency. Saturated fats and trans fatty acids can disrupt the structure of nerve sheaths, slow down the transmission of nerve signals, and reduce the brain's reaction speed and flexibility.

Do you know? Eating "5 kinds" of food often will make people more and more stupid, don't give it to your children!

Saturated fats and trans fatty acids also affect the brain's nerve growth factor, a substance that promotes the growth and branching of neurons, and its role is to enhance brain plasticity and improve the brain's ability to learn and remember.

Saturated fats and trans fatty acids inhibit the secretion of nerve growth factor, hinder the development of neurons, and lead to atrophy and degeneration of the brain.

So, for the sake of your and your child's brain health, you should limit your intake of saturated fats and trans fatty acids and choose foods rich in unsaturated fatty acids, such as fish, nuts, olive oil, etc.


Through the above introduction, do you have a deeper understanding of these foods that make people become more and more stupid?

Do you want to change your and your child's eating habits to make your brain healthier and smarter?

If yes, then from now on, stay away from these foods and choose some foods that are good for the brain, such as foods rich in protein, vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, etc., such as meat, dairy products, vegetables, fruits, etc.

Do you know? Eating "5 kinds" of food often will make people more and more stupid, don't give it to your children!

At the same time, you should also pay attention to drinking more water, keep your brain hydrated, do more exercise, promote blood circulation in the brain, rest more, ensure that the brain is fully rested, study more, and stimulate the vitality of the brain.

Only then will you be able to have a smart brain that will make life better for you and your children. #记录我的2023#

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