
Ordinary people immigrate, and it is not as fragrant as imagined. It is equivalent to giving up "two worries and three guarantees"!

author:Nine rhymes
Ordinary people immigrate, and it is not as fragrant as imagined. It is equivalent to giving up "two worries and three guarantees"!

In today's society, as people become more connected and communicate with each other, immigration has become a way for many people to change their lives and pursue a better future. However, due to the increasing popularity of the immigration market, some immigration agencies often use exaggerated and false propaganda to mislead ordinary people about their understanding of immigrants and their expectations of national treatment in order to attract more customers.

Ordinary people immigrate, and it is not as fragrant as imagined. It is equivalent to giving up "two worries and three guarantees"!

For ordinary people, they should maintain a sober and rational attitude in the face of the propaganda of immigration agencies. The purpose of immigration agencies is to run a business, and their propaganda is likely to exaggerate the reality of the situation and glorify the reality of immigration in order to attract clients. Therefore, we cannot rely solely on the propaganda of immigration agencies to judge whether immigrants are worthy or whether the treatment of the state is genuine and reliable. We need to form our own judgments by gaining an in-depth understanding of the policies and treatment systems of the countries to which we immigrate, as well as by exchanging experiences with those who have already migrated. Ordinary people and even low-income groups who choose to immigrate to other countries may not only not get preferential treatment, but also mean giving up the "two worries and three guarantees".

Ordinary people immigrate, and it is not as fragrant as imagined. It is equivalent to giving up "two worries and three guarantees"!

The treatment of "two worries and three guarantees" of the state refers to the policy support provided by the state in terms of basic life, basic medical care and housing security. Specifically, it refers to the state that does not let the people have empty salaries, do not let the people have no houses, and do not let the people go without medical care. This is the welfare policy of a socialist country with Chinese characteristics, which aims to ensure the basic living standards and social security of the people, and only our country has such confidence in the world. And the comprehensive free medical care advertised abroad may be just a beautiful lie.

Ordinary people immigrate, and it is not as fragrant as imagined. It is equivalent to giving up "two worries and three guarantees"!

First of all, there is a long waiting time for free medical care abroad. Second, many countries with comprehensive free medical care only provide their own nationals or skilled immigrants and high-end talents. Thirdly, foreign private hospitals can treat patients in a timely manner, but their high costs are not affordable for ordinary families.

For ordinary people, the decision to immigrate needs to take into account the balance between the rights and interests of the individual and the treatment of the state. Before deciding to immigrate, we need to be clear about our goals and needs. State treatment is a collective welfare, a responsibility and commitment of the state to the people, while individual rights and interests include their own career, family, social relations and other aspects. Therefore, we need to weigh the relationship between personal interests and state treatment to decide whether it is worth pursuing immigration.

Faced with the lure of propaganda by immigration agencies, ordinary people should remain rational and vigilant. We need to obtain information correctly, read authoritative media, consult professionals, etc., to understand the real situation and treatment policies of the countries of immigration. At the same time, we can learn about the real lives and challenges faced by people who have already migrated by exchanging experiences with them. Only on a well-informed basis can we make informed decisions and avoid being misled by false propaganda.

Finally, it is essential for ordinary people to establish a correct concept of national treatment and their own goals. We need to have a correct understanding of the nature and meaning of state treatment, and instead of blindly chasing short-term interests, we need to take long-term development and the realization of personal values as the starting point. At the same time, we also need to clarify our goals and plans, and find a way that is more suitable for our own development and life according to our own strengths and interests.

To sum up, ordinary people should remain rational and vigilant in the face of the propaganda of immigration agencies, not easily believe in nonsense, and make wise decisions by deeply understanding and weighing the relationship between personal interests and state treatment. At the same time, we must also establish a correct concept of national treatment and our own goals, and pursue a better future according to our own interests and development plans. Only in this way can we avoid being misled by false propaganda and realize our personal worth and happy life.

Ordinary people immigrate, and it is not as fragrant as imagined. It is equivalent to giving up "two worries and three guarantees"!

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