
Christine Horoscope 11.1-11.15

author:Good luck for the horoscope

【Aries】Translator: @diasporaroqseib

Sometimes life goes its course, and you can go with the flow; And sometimes almost every encounter feels like fate. That's it for now. We've just stepped out of the eclipse portal, and that alone has lifted our energy to the extreme. Your ruling planet, Mars, is transforming into Scorpio, and at this time you will be deeply immersed in the soul's intention for life, introducing karma into your orbit. Scorpio is the most powerful place on Mars, and you can feel it all and fully realize what soul content you need to face and clear. Just as Mars in Scorpio stirs the emotions in the smoky cauldron, the water element in the atmosphere is so strong that like a wizard's ageing, meaningful magic can occur.

Saturn, the water sign in Pisces, slowly goes direct again on November 4 after months of gestation. In any area of your life where you feel disillusioned, the ethereal soup will now be so clear that you can look directly at the heated iron bowl and see your future and therefore be ready to devote yourself to the long haul.

In a few days, on November 6, you will be recognized by the universe, as Venus in Virgo trine Pluto in Capricorn will give you financial luck or problem-solving opportunities to affirm your recent efforts. Someone will put money on their lips and prove to you that they finally have your back. The next day, Mercury in Scorpio will form a seamless trine with Neptune in Pisces, sprinkling dust on verbal communication, especially if you're negotiating with the gods. Big-picture awareness will also give you a better understanding of how recent events have happened. If you can weather the test well and understand why these obstacles arise, this could be your ticket to rise into a more evolved realm; A godsend, to say the least.

However, the next two weeks are still fraught with many uncertainties, as Mars will be opposing Uranus, which is also the New Moon in Scorpio from November 10 to November 13. This feels similar to aftershocks after an earthquake, which is equivalent to what happens during the eclipse window. When things get so out of hand, there's a sense of frontier anticipation. But personally, the Scorpio New Moon empowers the ego by eliminating things that are not beneficial to your soul, and this includes any self-destructive mindset or unhealthy habits.

Thankfully, on November 10, Mercury enters Sagittarius, the fire sign, and forms a favorable aspect to Venus entering Libra, and once the initial square of Mercury and Saturn is overcome, the pair will help you find a semblance of peace and harmony in every situation.

Miracles followed!

【Taurus】Translator: @berrywhy

"With every breath, find yourself. Feel the love within you and listen to your soul's guidance. In this gentle space of shimmering energy, you are guarded. You are safe. This love and protection will stay with you forever. So, whenever you feel uneasy, call on this energy and you will always find your way home. (Phoebe Goenswartz)

Saturn is slowly stopping in Pisces to prepare for direct motion, which is the house of your breathing, and this house also contains your nervous system. Pay attention to the depth of your inhalation. Is it deep or shallow? Practice inhaling for a count of 7, inhale deeply into your abdomen, and then exhale for a count of 8. It's mindful breathing that copes with stress and relaxes you, and it also helps you sleep.

On November 6, your ruling planet is in a supportive aspect of Pluto in Capricorn, and the next day, Mercury in Scorpio forms a trine to Neptune in Pisces, indicating that nothing cannot be resolved under this penetrating and purposeful energy. When the curtain opens to reveal something previously unseen, you'll understand where your magic is being used, and you'll make changes instantly. Sometimes, we need to know exactly what we're dealing with to know how to fix it.

Uranus has been very active in your sign lately, and from November 10 to November 13, it will be in opposition to Mars in Scorpio, with the New Moon in your opposite house, Scorpio. If feelings are overshadowed by emotions over time, this can erupt into unexpected outbursts and potential challenges in the relationship. The New Moon in your relationship house on November 13 reflects the potential for positive change if both parties are in purity and love, rather than in revenge and counterattack.

Your ruling planet, Venus, enters the realm of peace on November 8, and Mercury enters optimistic Sagittarius two days later. Some things may culminate in a critical relationship, but Venus and Mercury will provide the solution. After a drastic change in feelings, everyone benefits. Maybe, just maybe, emotions need to be released before things are resolved. In the coming days, Mars moves with healing Neptune, which indicates that love is invincible. No matter what predicament you're in, the view from the finish point will be picturesque, and it's a moment worth capturing.

Your expansion will bring depth, and with it more joy.

Gemini Translator: @不会瑜伽的鱼

Saturn has ended its four-month retrograde and stopped on November 4th, and you've thought deeply about a lot of things and what you're going to do in the next upcycle, and what you're going to do to make your efforts pay off. Standing at the top, you can look farther. The feeling of seeing the mountains at a glance will make you feel that the effort is worth it. You may regret what you gave up, but you're also happy for the effort you put into pursuing your dreams. You are now wiser, and a new hopeful journey is about to begin. And you, what will you do?

On November 6, Venus in Virgo is trine Pluto in Capricorn, and the next day, Mercury in Scorpio forms a harmonious aspect to Neptune in Pisces. In the face of the greater potential of expansion, you learn to loosen yourself. This requires you to be completely unreserved and fully accountable for yourself.

The Sun, Mercury and Mars are all in Scorpio right now, and the past touches you, but they will help you not to go back and keep going! You are ready to face those familiar dilemmas. The solar and lunar eclipse cycle is coming to an end, but the aftermath is still there, Mars in Scorpio is accelerating, and it will be in opposition to Uranus from the 10th. Lasting until the 13th, it will form a great tension phase with the New Moon in Scorpio.

Luckily, there are two important stars that are secretly undergoing favorable changes – Venus enters Libra on the 8th, and your ruling planet, Mercury, enters your house of faith on the 10th, Sagittarius, giving you a more unified vision for the future. It's just that Mercury is now square Saturn in Pisces, which means a short-term regression. But in the long run. Love goes ahead.

The close friends of Mercury and Venus, with the blessings of the New Moon, will help you to have excellent yields and results. In the area of relationships, you handle it superbly. The follow-up will also be smooth. You feel this way – you know that a lot of things are no longer possible because of different beliefs, different values, but as a living person, you also know that you still want the impossible to be possible. We all need to be seen, touched, and loved. So, the shadow can never replace the light! There is only light, only light.

Knowing this, you will also know what to do.

Translator: @荧火星星

The next two weeks look like an energetic master mixer. In the context of cooking, you will feel that the recipe calls for ingredients that you could never have dreamed of. However, you follow the formula line by line, believing it is clearer. Maybe you're surprised? Planets will definitely be.

Saturn, a safe and stable planet, is located in the water sign Pisces, and on November 4, Saturn returns to direct motion. It feels important, like a blank sheet of paper, you can start over, but this time it's better than before. If you could, what would you change? Scorpio is another water sign, but with deep karma in nature, it makes you reflect on the past few months and realize that a lot of what happened at this point is predestined and a lot is out of your control. How good are you in the nearest waters? They ask you a lot to encourage us to push emotional maturity more deeply: we evolve in these waters, even when we feel very vulnerable while swimming. It can be a lonely journey, navigating an evolutionary emotional torrent.

Luckily, you in Cancer have a life jacket thanks to Saturn in Pisces, which allows you to float on your own commands. Let yourself be floated by the water and lose weight at will. Water reminds us that life is always moving, hence the adage "life is moving". With or without us, it moves, never the same, and it really feels like it will come and go. But what we have to learn in the end is that we are connected to what is eternal and unconditional. Imagine if you plugged in a cosmic current? You'll never have to navigate those rapids. We need that to grow. But know that the ocean of eternal love is always within reach and never crosses the line.

Venus in Virgo trine Pluto in your opposite house Capricorn on November 6 offers a path forward in a karmic relationship that has been missing, and perhaps another that makes you feel like you are "not enough." However, you realize once again that you are no longer enough. Mercury in Scorpio gives you the courage to speak up on this issue, as it forms a trine to Neptune, another water sign, making November 7 a potential turning point. It could also be a day when actions speak louder than words. So, let them see.

To achieve this, Mars is in Scorpio only to guarantee some major metamorphic movements, but you will benefit from this deep breath when it starts to approach the opposition aspect to Uranus on November 10 and remains strong when the New Moon is in Scorpio, also a water sign, on November 13. Your nervous system will be on high alert, but it is in these turns that radical breakthroughs are destined to occur. Mars in Scorpio is trine Neptune, suggesting a silver lining to recent heartbreaking experiences. With confidence in your gifts, with your sensitivity and presence in any space and scene, move forward in these waves, and by mid-November, someone will be the first to greet you with gratitude and admiration.

Stick to your course, stay firm and determined, and at the same time be kind and sincere, and you will be a magnet for the love and recognition you seek!

Leo Translator: @荧火星星

It's Scorpio season, which means you'll be going on to go deeper, deeper than you've ever reached before. There's no whitewash or room to live on the surface, just because it feels good for the time being. Behavior has always been at the root of a feeling, and it is in this center that everything originates from this. There are several energetic factors that contribute to this feeling of unease.

Saturn is slowing down, stopping in Pisces, your soul house, and will go direct again on November 4, pointing at the gravitational pull beneath your feet, which indicates where you need to be next. Life may be becoming real, but it also reveals the world of evolution and where healing can take place. We all want to experience our own evolution, not just survive and thrive. Success on Earth doesn't necessarily mean evolution. Leo, you want to experience fulfilling your destiny in a way that is unique to your gifts. More often than not, it takes going deep into the deeper layers of your emotional being in order to gain new creative expression. For example, the greatest masterpieces, whether music or art, are created at a time when the artist is going through a stressful time.

The Sun, Mercury, and Mars are all in Scorpio at this time, churning your emotional body like butter. Feel every movement of it. Venus in Virgo trine Pluto in Capricorn on November 6, and Mercury in Scorpio trine Neptune in Pisces the next day, giving you some practical steps to get rid of a feeling while also getting you to a higher platform. This may feel like a balance of energy that comes from your efforts and outreach, knowing what you need at various specific moments, and being willing to ask for help. Even the cured need to be treated. It is satisfying to know that you can provide these things for yourself.

On the weekend of November 10, Mars opposes Uranus in Taurus, but in the midst of potential chaos, two planets have moved, giving you hope. On November 8, Venus of love enters inclusive Libra, and on November 10, Mercury enters Sagittarius, also a fire sign, to cushion some of the charge. Mars and Uranus are still in opposition on Monday, November 13, the day of the New Moon in Scorpio, but with Mercury and Venus giving your psyche an inspiration, plus a pair of wings, you'll soon find your way to the sky. After passionate fireworks and passionate engagement, Mars in Scorpio will enter the magic of Neptune in mid-November, allowing you to discover something beautiful that you wouldn't otherwise find!

Sometimes you need to go to the very bottom to find the magic door that leads to the very top!

Virgo Translator: @阿妙的星湖妙

You've been trying to receive every thought that comes to the surface from the cracks in the depths. This happens whenever your ruling planet, Mercury, enters Scorpio, and it is accompanied by an instinctive Mars and the Sun. A recurring question is why? You're probably asking yourself this question. Why is this happening? Why is there such a relationship? Why is this happening? Mercury in Scorpio can give you insight into life's deepest problems. Ultimately, it's about the information you need to master that is relevant to your evolution. Your soul is pouring out to you through certain repetitive thoughts, so keep an eye on it. More profound than the thoughts themselves are the inner psychological messages, the whispers that speak to believe in yourself, and your inner feelings about what is going on behind the scenes. Clear your mind of all sorts of self-doubts related to whether you are worthy or good enough, because under the rubble of conditioning, you know that you are.

On November 4, Saturn returns to direct motion after four months retrograde in Pisces, your house of relationships, giving you a definite landing spot to move forward with others. Now, more information, more understanding, and more of the causes can be answered.

On November 6, when Venus, the loving planet in your sign, forms a trine with Pluto in Capricorn, some form of earth sign reward comes. The next day, your ruling planet, Mercury, trine Neptune in Pisces, making your energy and communication skills strong, and you are confident that you can move mountains. However, in the midst of this powerful maelstrom, you will also realize that all along, the only mountain that is truly the only mountain is yourself. Start by bypassing yourself. If someone wants to give you an interaction, it would be an ideal time to sign, seal, and deliver something.

On November 12, Mars will be opposite the radical Uranus in Taurus, and on November 13, at the time of the New Moon in Scorpio, Mars will still be active, a vibrant lightning bolt that ignites the generator in your soul. On November 8, Venus leaves Virgo and enters Libra. On November 10, your ruling planet, Mercury, enters Sagittarius, forming a square square with Saturn in Pisces. This may be because you end up seeing other people more clearly, which makes you think carefully about how much to give to others, and how much not to give to others. In your communication with others, there may be more things that go to extremes, and this is likely to be the result of what you find out after you broaden your horizons.

You might feel like you've been through a whole year in just one month, but with Mars finally forming an elegant connection with Neptune in mid-November; You will be sure that your angels have been watching over you beautifully!

Libra Translator: @不会瑜伽的鱼

In the next month or two, the solar eclipse in Libra will bring the feeling that the universe will not stop shaking from side to side since the 15th of last month. What is clear, though, is that during this time you begin to understand your needs – what works for you and what you want to get rid of. Libra is in charge of your inner balance system, guaranteeing that your soul and body live in harmony. Saturn in Pisces is currently returning to direct motion, and it has been retrograde in your house of repair for over four months, and now it's also time to get your life back on track – your health, your relationships, work commitments, and more.

On November 6, you will feel a certain retro mood as Venus, which rules you, forms a trine in Virgo and Pluto in Capricorn, and your inexhaustible supply is supporting you into the next cycle. The next day, Mercury in Scorpio and Neptune in Pisces also help you, and you are full of prospects in your work. You can ask for a raise, or you can go for an active interview. But going deeper, you need to broaden yourself, sink to the bottom, and get deeply rooted. On the one hand, you have to get out of your comfort zone, and on the other hand, you have to be steady. In fact. What I am saying is that the truth of the world is never something we can predict or plan. We learn from the unexpected, from the opposite side of things – this is how the universe works.

Mars in Scorpio will be opposition to Uranus in Taurus from the 10th, and on the 13th, the New Moon will appear in Scorpio, a force that will have a huge impact on Mars. Your feeling is that you want to cover up something. But the other two planets, Mars and Uranus, are pushing you to go to the front and fight for justice.

Before that, on the 8th, Venus enters your sign, and two days later, Mercury enters Sagittarius, which is like a steady stream of fresh air entering your lungs. Mercury forms a square Saturn in Pisces during its transit, but you will feel good because of the gold-water connection. You will feel relaxed now, and you don't want to cooperate with other people. You just have to keep your elegance and energy, and know that the breeze is coming. Mars reminds you to look in the rearview mirror as you look ahead, and the rainbow appears, and Mars in Scorpio is in a trine with Neptune in Pisces. And so on. In the middle of the month, you will receive a mysterious courier from the universe.

You may be full of questions right now, but eventually you will see that one – the rainbow.

Scorpio Translator: @阿妙的星湖妙

This month is the month of Scorpio, and life is hovering on the edge of a razor. The world at war unequivocally illustrates this fact. For some of you, this edge involves unwanted karma that comes into your soul and is ready to be tapped. You were born to go through the metamorphosis you are undergoing, and instead of sitting on the sidelines and leaving it to the sky that belongs to Scorpio in loading, it encourages you to fit in. These are all trends that you live for, and you know that if you engage in something good, it can make things better.

On November 4, Saturn, the master of the mission, is in Pisces, the water sign, and begins direct after more than four months of retrograde, and this week is a good thing for you. Over time, Saturn in Pisces will ensure more interest in you, and now that Saturn will be back on track again, you will also feel your life moving forward. It feels like you've been sitting on the runway for months and it's finally your plane's turn to take off.

On November 7, Mercury in Scorpio trine Neptune in Pisces, leaving you comfortable with expressing your views or convincing others to believe in your visions and dreams. Considering that Mars is also in Scorpio and will be opposing Uranus in Taurus on November 12, if something doesn't align with what's best for your soul, then you may experience an unexpected course adjustment that changes your plans. It's a combustible combination, so watch out for overreaction and make sure your energy doesn't push something so far that you can't pull it back. This confrontation also resembles an intense sporting event, where the likelihood of injury becomes greater due to the intensity of the game.

On November 13, the New Moon will be in Scorpio, and while the air is still full of unpredictable energy, Mercury in Sagittarius and Venus in peaceful Libra are both trying to make things that might otherwise go wrong right again. If this tension occurs in your relationship, it's important to remember that soulmates are always together. No matter how much love is lost, no matter how much distance there is. You lost each other, but you found each other again. In mid-November, things can explode and seem to be over, and when Mars in Scorpio forms a trine with magical Neptune in Pisces, everything could start all over again. At that point, life as you know it may look and feel very different, and it's calm after the storm.

Relative peace and hope can finally be found!

Sagittarius Translator: @阿妙的星湖妙

There is so much more to it than meets the eye, and even more so now. Saturn will slow down and go direct in Pisces on November 4, a day when you can better extend the energy boundaries of your sense of security. Your sensitivity has always been high, and to say the least, the ability to resist interfering energies is a challenge for you, whether they are in your dream state, in your mind, or in your heart. It reminds me of studying semipermeable membranes in biology class, where semipermeable membranes still allow certain molecules and ions to pass through osmosis. During Saturn's retrograde cycle in Pisces, your aura and energy feel essentially the same, even with holes, especially when it comes to infiltrating the emotions of others. Sometimes you may not know if what you're experiencing is your own or someone else's.

The Sun, Mercury, and Mars are in the water sign of Scorpio, which may make you suspicious of others and expect yourself to have the sharpness of an eagle's eye. There are some deep karmic themes that are reaching their climax, and even as we officially get out of the eclipse season, the energies are still very high for the next two weeks.

On November 6, when Venus in Virgo forms a trine to Pluto in Capricorn, you will feel a bit like a reprieve, which will point to one important thing you can control, and that is the effort you are making related to your life goals and the meaningful work you are doing. You may receive a certificate that you are on the right track and financially accomplished. The next day, Mercury in Scorpio forms a trine Neptune in Pisces, inspiring a sense of mystery that makes you feel that negotiations are going on behind the scenes and can do you a lot of good. Your spiritual guidance has begun to work in mysterious ways.

On November 10, Mars continues through Scorpio and opposes the unpredictable Uranus in Taurus, which can be unsettling when the New Moon in Scorpio occurs on November 13. But there will also be some countervailing energies to temper these polarizing forces, with Venus entering Libra on November 8 and Mercury entering your sign two days later on November 10. Mercury in Sagittarius is in square square to Saturn in Pisces, but once you step through this door, you will find love in the arms of a friend or lover, as Mercury gives Venus a bear hug, and Venus reciprocates.

On November 13, the New Moon in Scorpio may still bring unexpected energies, but Mercury and Venus are in balance as much as possible and are showing you every day where to find and feel love. In mid-November, Mars in Scorpio forms a trine Neptune, which could produce the final climax.

It may be a gift you didn't foresee, but it will make you feel that your emotions, your body has been deeply immersed in the salty sea of steamy bliss!

Capricorn Translator: @diasporaroqseib

If you've been feeling less like yourself, Saturn's retrograde in the elusive sign of Pisces can prove it. On November 4, Saturn slowly stops and resumes direct motion in Pisces, giving you a better sense of traction and direction. With the Sun in Capricorn, you tend to want to be in control, and Pisces is a water sign that wants to swim freely in the sea. This sign is teaching you to guide life as best you can and give in when others can't. You'll also find out how much energy you'll save by not being attached to outcomes that you can't control; How free it makes you feel when you let go. John Lennon sang, "Life is what happens to you when you're busy with other plans." ”

On November 6, when Venus of love is trine Pluto in Virgo, you will feel a major shift as Venus reveals who is always there for you, and it gives you comfort in knowing that there are others you can truly trust. From November 8 to December 5, Venus is in your house of career, your zenith position, sweetening the deal you are brewing and reminding you that work doesn't have to be chore when you're surrounded by people you love and trust.

On November 10, Mercury leaves Scorpio and enters Sagittarius, conjunct your ruling planet, Saturn, making you think that something may be too good to be true, but a few days later you find out that it is not good. On November 10, Mars in Scorpio opposes Uranus in the earth sign Taurus and lasts until the New Moon in Scorpio on November 13, when anything can happen. It reminds me of the saying: whoever blinks first loses, or whoever speaks first loses, it's all the same. Learn from your Scorpio opponent and let others guess. And Mercury in Sagittarius and Venus in Libra are forming an ideal team to help you get a fair deal or what you deserve. It may even help you get more than you expected because there's an invisible hand involved.

In mid-November, Mars breaks away from its extreme pull with Uranus and descends into dreamy clouds that will make you believe that there is magic in the air that has more to offer than it might seem at first glance.

Ride this wave until the end, you won't be able to stop!

【Aquarius】Translator: @dabibiii

The pace of life may be slow at the beginning of the month, but then it accelerates and enjoys everything that is happening at this stage. Saturn, which rules covenants and promises, returns to direct on November 4 after 4 months of retrograde in the house of income and all your worldly things. During these 4 months, you have been immersed in reflecting on what you value most at this stage of your life.

Now that you already know what motivates you the most, Mercury in Scorpio and Neptune in Pisces will help you on your way to the trine on November 7, allowing you to focus on your goals under the water sky like LiDAR. Venus in Virgo and Pluto in Capricorn are also attracted to each other on the 6th, making you can't help but indulge in a kiss, or at the very least, muster up the courage to let the other person know what you want.

Mars in Scorpio opposes Uranus in Taurus, which will make some things come and go as quickly as possible. The New Moon in Scorpio on November 13 will again say that you are thinking too far ahead and too fast, and you may want to stop everything for fear of not knowing how things will go. Will you believe what I'm going to say next? Taking a few steps back can help you slow down, and there's a set of energies that can help you integrate the various emotional currents and then seep into the emotional cracks.

On November 8, Venus enters Libra, which is also an air sign; Two days later, Mercury enters playful Sagittarius. More humor and laughter, less nervousness and despair, this is encouraged. Both of these energies are likely to emerge. So, knowing this, try to be as calm as possible with your mood swings and let your energy flow naturally.

On November 10, Mercury enters Sagittarius and squares Saturn in Pisces for the first time. Resistance and fear may affect your performance, but the potential of love will be quickly restored at the end of the week, and loyal friends will become lovers, and lovers will become loyal friends. The latter does not mean that the love relationship is over, but it is just that you have more characteristics to get along with friends in your relationship. Actually, it's not that complicated. It's that you share common interests and laugh about the same things. This connection will continue to build on the original foundation and build a stronger foundation for you to get along. There may also be a sudden career shift, with new interests that allow you to further broaden your desire for alternative or philosophical pursuits, thus creating opportunities to take you away from home. At this moment, you may have a strong desire to travel abroad. The potential unknown can send you into growth patterns that you never imagined. Let it go and see where it can take you.

In mid-November, Mars in Scorpio forms a trine with Neptune in Pisces, reminding you that the sky is your ceiling.

Your insight is as vast as the sky; Let this insight lead you to personal liberation!

Pisces Translator: @阿妙的星湖妙

Where do you stand? Do you know? Do you understand? If not, then ask, and ask for more. Saturn has been retrograde in Pisces for more than four months and returned to direct motion on November 4. This retrograde trend makes you feel more strained by life and have less control over the flow and development of things. But Saturn's direct motion will help you regain your footing and get you back on a feel-better trajectory. If there's a theme in your life that you don't want to keep repeating, say it out loud and commit to leaving it behind. What kind of transformation can you make within yourself to make sure it doesn't follow you to the next stage?

On November 7, Mercury in Scorpio forms a trine of power with Neptune in Pisces, allowing you to navigate the depth of emotions and channel them into the necessary conversations. You don't need to use too many words, just choose them right. If you feel let down by another person, or abandoned and betrayed in various ways, let those words go straight into the space that is presented to you. When everything is up to you and you do, then you will not only know that you are loved, but you will also be rewarded for your unwavering presence and light.

On November 6, Venus in Virgo, your house of relationships, trine Pluto in Capricorn, will eventually hold others accountable for their mistakes in you, and may even express palpable remorse. Mars in Scorpio, the water sign, will instill in you the energy and courage to speak the truth and let the chips fall where they can. But beware, on November 10, Mars opposes Uranus in Taurus, and Mars in Scorpio will reach its extreme, which will last until the New Moon in Scorpio on November 13.

As Venus enters Libra on November 8 and Mercury enters Sagittarius two days later, some planets will help disperse some of the stress. Mercury will first square Saturn in your sign on November 10, revealing a first obstacle that needs to be cleared, and then Mercury and Venus will work hard to bring out the best in you, and you will have the impact you were born to have. In mid-November, the New Moon in Scorpio will produce energies in your favor, and Mars will form an otherworldly trine with your ruling planet, Neptune, in Pisces.

You can't predict the gifts you're going to get or the magic you might be showing, it's all because of your desire to flourish and rise!

From @Chaldean

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