
To build a cultural and educational center, the East does it!

author:Look at Hainan

When education is prosperous, the country is prosperous, and when education is strong, the country is strong. In 2022, Dongfang established the "123456" development strategy, proposing to build "five centers" in southwest Hainan, including "cultural and educational centers".

"Soft power" can provide "hard support" and improve the level of oriental culture and education, which is an important part of building a modern southwestern central city. Nowadays, the East continues to increase investment in education, optimize the allocation of resources, and strive to run an education that satisfies the people.

Since the beginning of this year, Oriental Education has made 9 experience exchange speeches at various education work conferences in the province; One project was approved as a key project of the Ministry of Education in 2023, and it is the only national key project selected in our province; One competition won the first prize in the 5th Chinese Classics Recitation and Writing Contest held by the Ministry of Education, and it was the only national first prize among the entries in the primary, middle and university groups of our province; The high school entrance examination achieved the best results in 13 years, and the low score rate ranked first in the province; A number of evaluation indicators of national and provincial compulsory education quality monitoring have entered the forefront of the province, and the comprehensive strength of education has been significantly enhanced, and its influence has continued to increase, effectively shouldering the responsibility and responsibility of the cultural and educational center in southwest Hainan.

Optimize the allocation of educational resources

Promote high-quality and balanced development

To build a cultural and educational center, the East does it!

The Third Experimental School of Dongfang City. Photo by Dongfang Rong Media Center

Walking into the No. 3 Experimental School of Dongfang City, the sound of reading aloud came from the brand-new teaching building, and the students were carrying out sports activities on the playground, and the fresh and beautiful campus environment was refreshing. It is understood that the Third Experimental School of Dongfang City is one of the top ten practical matters of people's livelihood in Dongfang in 2023, and it has been successfully opened on September 1 this year. The school is a nine-year compulsory education school, with a total of 54 teaching classes and 2,500 places, which effectively alleviates the problem of "difficulty in enrollment" of surrounding residents.

The new Third Experimental School is just a microcosm of Dongfang's optimization of the public allocation of educational resources. In the past five years, in order to solve the outstanding problems such as large classes in compulsory education, school selection fever, and difficulty in entering preschool education, Dongfang has built 15 new (renovated and expanded) public kindergartens, providing 4,110 degrees, and realizing full coverage of public kindergartens in towns and towns; At the same time, 4 new schools were built, 9,600 new places were added, and "large class sizes" were completely eliminated.

In order to promote the balanced development of education and let high-quality educational resources be co-built and shared, Dongfang has carried out the work of basic education collectivization. At present, Dongfang has established three education groups: Railway Middle School Education Group, Southwest University Oriental Experimental Middle School Education Group and Railway Primary School Education Group. In November, three new basic education groups, including eight middle schools, the first primary school and the Western University Experimental School, will be added.

Yuan Wangxia, director of the Basic Education Office of the Dongfang Municipal Education Bureau, introduced that the education group school adopts the "1+N" formation method, that is, a high-quality school is the main school of the group, and a number of weak schools are cooperative schools of the group. The head school of the group will integrate and optimize educational resources, lead the development of member schools, and form a relatively close school-running consortium through the construction of brand culture, the influence of school-running philosophy, the training of teachers, and the integration of curriculum, teaching and research.

To build a cultural and educational center, the East does it!

Oriental Experimental High School, Southwest University. Photo by Dongfang Rong Media Center

Educational equity is an important foundation for social equity, and it is also an intrinsic requirement for building a strong country in education. In recent years, through the improvement of basic education facilities and the grouping of schools, Dongfang has integrated the promotion of educational equity into all aspects of deepening the comprehensive reform in the field of education, continuously narrowing the differences between urban and rural, regional, inter-school and inter-group education, and striving to let every child enjoy fair and high-quality education, and better meet the needs of the masses for "good education".

Carry out in-depth thematic education

Improve the quality of talent training

This year, Fu Xiaohui, a teacher from Dongfang Port Middle School, successfully competed for the position of deputy director of the Shangzheng classroom, Fu Xiaohui said: "After the school-level municipal management and school employment reform, my enthusiasm and enthusiasm for work have been significantly improved, the school spirit of the whole school has been significantly improved, and the teaching team of our school is getting stronger and stronger. ”

It is reported that Dongfang City has begun to carry out the reform of "municipal management and school employment" since 2020, so that the teacher team can be managed, used and rationally allocated in the city, and the transformation of teachers from "school people" to "system people" will be realized. Teachers are recruited through competition, which prompts teachers to continuously improve their professional level and stimulate their enthusiasm for work.

At the same time, Oriental takes the theme education as an opportunity, closely focuses on the theme education and research topic of the Provincial Party Committee and the Municipal Party Committee of "Continuously Deepening the Comprehensive Reform of Education and Accelerating the High-quality Development of Basic Education", focuses on the goal project of improving the quality of education and teaching, continues to promote the strategic action of "Teaching Quality Improvement Year", and strives to create a teaching and research practice with Oriental characteristics of "collective lesson preparation as the starting point, open classes for everyone as the main line, classroom teaching as the main position, and teaching evaluation integration as the carrier", so as to improve students' academic performance as a breakthrough and promote the teaching and research alliance in the areaFu Ling, the principal of eight middle schools in Dongfang City, said: "School leaders teach so that the principal understands the classroom and students, strengthens communication with teachers, and is conducive to improving the management level of the school. ”

According to Jiang Yucheng, the person in charge of the Supervision Office of the Municipal Education Bureau, through the establishment and improvement of the system of teaching, listening and evaluating the classes of primary and secondary school principals, we will lead the creation of a new model of efficient and high-quality classrooms, and comprehensively consolidate the professional leadership and teaching leadership ability of the principal team. We are committed to forging a team of principals with strong teaching ability, excellent quality management and high comprehensive quality, radiating and boosting the quality and efficiency of classroom teaching in primary and secondary schools in the city, and making every effort to improve the quality of education and teaching.

To build a cultural and educational center, the East does it!

Zhang Qiangli Mathematics Wisdom Classroom Teaching Research Studio is one of the 13 famous teacher studios in the East. Photo courtesy of the interviewee

To strengthen the teaching, we must first strengthen the teacher. Dongfang regards strengthening the construction of teachers as the basic work of building a cultural and educational center, improves the teacher education system, and vigorously cultivates a team of high-quality professional teachers with noble morals, exquisite professional skills, reasonable structure and vitality. This year, 5 teachers from Dongfang have been rated as provincial special teachers, and 13 famous teacher studios have been established. At the same time, 37 backbone teachers, 286 special post teachers, and 978 open recruitment teachers were introduced to the country; It has cultivated 5 special-grade teachers, 5 provincial-level discipline leaders, and 54 provincial-level backbone teachers.

New era, new journey

The "soft power" of education and culture will become

The "hard support" of the high-quality development of the East

In order to build a modern southwestern central city

Provide strong talent support and intellectual guarantee

Source: Dongfang Rong Media Center

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