
Blood in the sputum with pulmonary nodules! Professor: The calcification of the lung nodule is fine, the main thing is the branching!

author:Respiratory specialist Du Baorong


The patient in the video has pulmonary nodules with bronchiectasis, has been coughing up white sputum, and has recently appeared with blood in the sputum, the patient suspects that it is related to pulmonary nodules, but its pulmonary nodules are already calcified nodules, I also said in the previous article, pulmonary nodules are not like other nodules, calcification is a good phenomenon, once it is completely calcified, it can be completely assured, and it will not have any impact on the body, for example: calcified nodules are like scabs formed after the wound heals, so if you find that there are calcified nodules in the lungs, Then time to congratulate on something!

Blood in the sputum with pulmonary nodules! Professor: The calcification of the lung nodule is fine, the main thing is the branching!

In addition, this patient, hemoptysis, in fact, is caused by bronchiectasis, which is also the main problem at present, generally patients with bronchiecta are because of acute aggravation of infection, a little cold, there will be aggravation of symptoms, so in the treatment must follow a thorough, standardized, effective six-character policy, if the infection can not be completely eliminated, it will fall into a vicious circle of poor immunity - infection - acute exacerbation - worse immunity - more susceptible infection - aggravation again, and eventually the condition becomes more and more serious.

Blood in the sputum with pulmonary nodules! Professor: The calcification of the lung nodule is fine, the main thing is the branching!

In response to this situation, in addition to eliminating symptoms, it is more important to improve immunity, only in this way can the onset of the disease be reduced as much as possible. Some friends may say that the trachea has been deformed and irreversible, which is true, but through standardized, effective and thorough treatment, it is possible to return to the same life as a normal person, and the patients who come to my outpatient clinic may know: I used to be a patient with a branch dilation, who was sick at every turn, and had to come back to continue to live within a few days after being discharged.

Blood in the sputum with pulmonary nodules! Professor: The calcification of the lung nodule is fine, the main thing is the branching!