
【Structure】Hard pen calligraphy regular script knot rule: right side analysis of left and right structure

author:Calligraphy School ZJ

Before talking about "right side", let's first popularize the knowledge of "who is the big left and right".

In the Spring and Autumn Period and the Warring States Period, the left was still respected, such as Xinlingjun, one of the four sons of the Warring States Period, who drove for Hou Ying, which is a proof. When Qin Shi Huang unified China and respected the left, Shang Ying, the official position of the person who promoted the reform of the Qin State, was Zuo Shuchang, which shows that Qin Shi Huang inherited the tradition of respecting the left of the Qin State.

Sima Qian's "Historical Records" of the Han Dynasty has the idiom of "unsurpassed", which seems to have begun to respect the right to a certain extent, and since then there has been a word "left migration", which means to degrade officials, which also proves the custom of respecting the right in the Han Dynasty.

Most of the later generations were contrary to the Han Dynasty's right respect, insisting on the left as the respect, and only the Yuan Dynasty respected the right. From the Eastern Han Dynasty to the Sui and Tang dynasties and the Song Dynasty, the mainland basically adhered to the system of left respect and right inferiority. During this period, the left servant shot higher than the right servant, and the left prime minister was higher than the right prime minister. After the establishment of the Yuan Dynasty, it was changed to respect the right, and the right prime minister was higher than the left prime minister.

In the Ming Dynasty, this system was changed back by Zhu Yuanzhang and became a left-oriented respect. The Qing Dynasty inherited the habit of respecting the left in the Ming Dynasty, and the Manchus, the ministers in the court, generally held the left position, which was the main position, the first leader; Han officials are all in the right position, and the official position is lower than the left position.

In modern times, the west wind has spread eastward, and this concept has also entered China, and the distinction between the left and the right has been combined with the traditional habit of respecting the left, so there is the habit of the center as the main and the left as the top, which is actually a respect for and inheritance of historical habits.

Let's take a look at the evolution of Chinese characters.

【Structure】Hard pen calligraphy regular script knot rule: right side analysis of left and right structure

Chinese characters have evolved over 6,000 years as follows:

Oracle bone inscription (Shang), → Jin script (Zhou), → small seal (Qin), → Lishu (Han), → regular script (Wei and Jin), → Xingshu (Wei and Jin), → cursive script (Tang and Song dynasties), and simplified Chinese characters appeared after → founding of the People's Republic of China.

The appearance of official scripts is an important milestone in the history of the development of Chinese characters. The Chinese characters before the Lishu were written with pictorial lines, while the Chinese characters after the Lishu were composed of horizontal and vertical strokes such as horizontal and vertical apostrophes. Since the appearance of Lishu, the structure of Chinese characters has basically been fixed, and there has been basically no major change until the founding of New China.

With the fall of the Qin Dynasty, Xiao Seal quickly withdrew from the stage of history, and Lishu became the primary writing method and a model of calligraphy in society. Soon after, a more standardized regular script script appeared. After the Han Dynasty, regular script occupied an orthodox position.

The above text is to illustrate the fact that regular script was formed during the Han and Wei dynasties. That is to say, when the regular script was formed, "the right is the largest".

Readers can observe that Qin Shizun's left seal script occupies a lot of places on the left side. In the Han Dynasty, the official book on the right side of the Han Dynasty obviously occupied less space on the left side, and there were not many places on the right side. In other words, the formation characteristics of Chinese characters have historical origins.

【Structure】Hard pen calligraphy regular script knot rule: right side analysis of left and right structure

(The left side and the right side occupy the same place in this character seal script, and the left side in the official book obviously occupies a small place.) )

Looking at the right side again, the right side in the seal book obviously occupies less space, and the right side of the official book obviously occupies more place.

【Structure】Hard pen calligraphy regular script knot rule: right side analysis of left and right structure

The regular script is an evolution of the official script, therefore, the regular script inherits the structural characteristics of the official script. That's what I'm going to talk about today, the left side of the regular script is either thin or long. However, the right side of the regular script occupies a larger place, sometimes even half of the position.

Now let's get back to the point, let's talk about the characteristics of the right side of the left and right sides of the structure of regular script.

1. The right side occupies a relatively large position.

【Structure】Hard pen calligraphy regular script knot rule: right side analysis of left and right structure

2. If there is a vertical on the right side and it is the last stroke, it must be written as a hanging needle vertical.

【Structure】Hard pen calligraphy regular script knot rule: right side analysis of left and right structure

3. The left side should be closed, but the right side is mostly placed, because the right part of the right side does not need to be avoided. Such as "next to the right ear, next to the three apostrophes, and next to the anti-text".

【Structure】Hard pen calligraphy regular script knot rule: right side analysis of left and right structure

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