
How did the Israeli army break the "nightmare" in Gaza, and the casualties were far lower than the outside world predicted?

author:Anecdote 49

How did the Israeli army break the "nightmare" in Gaza, and the casualties were far lower than the outside world predicted?

Recently, the Israel Defense Forces (IDF) launched a protracted military operation in the Gaza Strip, which has attracted global attention. Surprisingly, however, the number of Israeli casualties in this war was much lower than outside predictions. This begs the question: How exactly did the Israeli army do it? Are their tactics and strategies different?

First of all, the Israeli army's operation in the Gaza Strip is a sophisticated and comprehensive plan. Through adequate intelligence gathering and analysis, they learned about the precise location, size and strength of terrorist groups in the Gaza Strip. This allows the Israeli army to strike at terrorist organizations in a targeted manner and avoid unnecessary losses.

How did the Israeli army break the "nightmare" in Gaza, and the casualties were far lower than the outside world predicted?

Second, the Israeli military attaches importance to the use of high-tech weapons and equipment. They have the most advanced fighters, tanks, and missile systems in the world, which greatly increases the efficiency and accuracy of operations. Through the use of drones and high-precision ammunition, the Israeli army can destroy the enemy's military facilities and arsenals without revealing itself, reducing the risk of its own casualties.

In addition to this, the Israeli army is committed to protecting its own soldiers. They took a series of strict measures to ensure the safety of their soldiers. For example, when conducting ground operations, the Israeli army will send special forces to carry out tasks to avoid head-on confrontation with the enemy and reduce the likelihood of casualties. In addition, the Israeli army has also paid attention to the training and equipment of its soldiers, thus enhancing their combat capability and survivability.

How did the Israeli army break the "nightmare" in Gaza, and the casualties were far lower than the outside world predicted?

In addition, the Israeli army is also good at using psychological tactics. They have taken a series of measures to break down the morale and willpower of terrorist groups, while at the same time raising the morale of their own soldiers. The Israeli army actively carries out propaganda to show the world its strength and determination to deter the enemy. At the same time, they also pay attention to the unity and trust among the soldiers, and build a strong fighting collective.

Finally, the Israeli army has followed a series of humanitarian principles in its operations. They try to avoid harm to civilians and minimize casualties as much as possible. The Israeli armed forces will make strict judgments and assessments when selecting targets and using force to avoid causing unnecessary harm to innocent people. This humanitarian act has won the respect and praise of the world, and has also reduced the pressure on Israel in the international arena.

How did the Israeli army break the "nightmare" in Gaza, and the casualties were far lower than the outside world predicted?

In short, the Israeli army in the Gaza Strip has shattered the outside world's "nightmare" predictions about them, and behind this is a series of carefully planned and carried out operations. They make full use of intelligence, high-tech equipment, and psychological tactics to protect their soldiers and reduce casualties. The successful experience of the Israeli army will help future military operations and strategic planning, and will provide valuable reference and experience for the armed forces of all countries in the world.