
Shu Qi's white hair and Ruby Lin's scheming


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Just after the Spring Festival, the two middle-aged actresses began to "do things".

On domestic social media, it is safer to show cute cats than anything. Show yourself someone who is critical of your appearance; Some people say that if you don't marry and have children, you will be unlucky; Some people say it's ugly; Some people say that the quality of the clothes is not good. In short, Maomao probably didn't expect that one day it would become a kind of social media political correctness.

Kittens are cute and everyone loves to watch them. But what's interesting is that on LNstagram, the content of the New Year's greetings is similar, and Shu Qi's picture is a photo of herself and her husband Feng Delun. The two are red and purple, willful and funny. It has nothing to do with fashion and good looks, especially Shu Qi's white hair. I guess I haven't had any work lately, and the goddess is too lazy to dye her hair. Shu Qi had dyed her hair color once before, and her hair was seriously damaged by perming wool curls. This color is easy to fade on gray hair, if it is not necessary for work, there is really no need to toss this fragile hair, and the gray hair is not obvious when wearing a hat. I do this a lot, and I bought 5 baseball caps for it.

Shu Qi's white hair and Ruby Lin's scheming

Celebrities are also people, and if they are not for business needs, they are also too lazy to be exquisite. The question is why Shu Qi is reluctant to post this kind of photo on Weibo, and chooses to be happy on lnstagram? It should be reluctant to be discussed. In case of another hot search with similar entries such as "sloppy", "haggard", "looks like a bad marriage", it may not only affect his business endorsement, but also Shu Qi, who originally advocated freedom and has become more and more idle in recent years, may scold "He is annoyed to death".

Coincidentally, it is Ruby Lin. The pictures posted by Ruby Lin on Weibo are retouched by skin grinding, beautification, and filters, and there are no traces of time at all. The original picture posted on INS is the original, although it is lightly made up and well maintained, but the expression lines are obvious, and it looks less youthful but more natural.

Shu Qi's white hair and Ruby Lin's scheming

This differential treatment sparked heated discussions among netizens. Some people think that Ruby Lin is too scheming, she doesn't like the mainland media, she can not come to the mainland, don't come to the mainland and look disgusted, is it ironic that everyone can't appreciate the natural beauty of the retouching...

Some people also say that this kind of behavior is actually very dedicated, since you like to rub your skin and white face, I will show you this, do not do user education, so as not to cause trouble.

For more or less the same photo, two media and two versions, I personally suspect that there may be two parts of the reason. First, Weibo is managed by the mainland team, and the staff defaults that the pictures above the stars must be refined; Second, the team is indeed worried that if they don't retouch the picture, they will be caught in the news, or even on the hot search. Celebrities should be very reluctant to be on the hot search during the publicity period, especially the hot search like "haggard face".

Shu Qi's white hair and Ruby Lin's scheming

This kind of loss is not uneaten before. The last wave of hot searches was because the pictures were not well repaired enough, and they won the hot search entry of "Ruby Lin's pores are large", and at that time, many micro-businesses selling blackhead products on Xiaohongshu were also talking about Ruby Lin's pores and creating anxiety.

The online atmosphere of being picky about women's appearance to every pore, it seems that there is really no other way to deal with it except retouching. After all, pores and wrinkles are physiological phenomena in humans, and they become prominent with age.

It's not so much that Ruby Lin is too scheming, it's better to think about what she's afraid of; Is her concern about the rise from appearance controversy to speculation about the relationship between husband and wife groundless, or is it a kind of female discrimination and oppression that is easy to be ignored by us?

Shu Qi's white hair and Ruby Lin's scheming

What caused female stars like Shu Qi and Ruby Lin, who are nearly 50 years old, to have their own masterpieces, successful careers, and good family management, but when they are middle-aged, they are forced by public opinion to care about every gray hair and every wrinkle?

Sometimes when I see these joke-like plots happening vividly around me, I feel that there is still a long way to go for women to be free and at ease.

Feminist pioneer Beauvo

"Dressing up is not just about grooming, it also shows a woman's social situation," she said. ”

Beauty is a very good thing, women are independent and make money, and the first thing that comes to mind is to dress themselves up more beautifully and be with everything they like. However, if everything is too much, always putting good looks in the first place will also make a woman's life narrow and frightened; The sense of security that comes with losing economic independence.

Shu Qi's white hair and Ruby Lin's scheming

Under the pressure of "can't be beautiful", not only female celebrities are walking on thin ice, but ordinary people sometimes encounter "unjustified disasters" accidentally.

During the Spring Festival, some netizens went to Xi'an to play, and saw that the little sister of the tumbler "Pikachen" lost weight in Datang Sleepless City, so they made a video, saying that the young lady lost collagen after giving birth and showed her old age. The released photos are a comparison between three years ago and now, and there is definitely a little bit of change. There is only one way in life, that is, getting older and older, and no one can live younger and younger; But to say haggard, in fact, can't talk about it.

What's more, people are not made of plastic, and if you don't sleep well after drinking coffee one day, the foundation is not used correctly, and the woman's menstrual period may produce a different appearance from the previous photos. Based on a few photos, it was concluded that it was the pot of childbirth, which led to a big discussion about fear of marriage and childbirth, and even another wave of contradictions between men and women; "People sit at home, hot searches come from the sky", Miss Pikachen was afraid first.

She had to make a clarification on Douyin. said that he did get married and have children, but the "haggard" he was photographed this time was not because of having children. In order to "prove her innocence", the young lady released a photo of her first performance after postpartum recovery, proving that she was in good condition after giving birth, and she did not destroy herself when she got married and had children. She also posted a long text, saying that the recent haggard is mainly because "Yangkang" has been working since then, not only to perform in front of the stage, but also to do a lot of work behind the scenes of cultural tourism recovery. In order to avoid the war from being caused by childbirth to work and even labor disputes, the young lady thoughtfully said that her colleagues advised her not to perform and take a good rest, and she felt that since she had promised everyone, she must act.

Subsequently, Pikachen also posted two Weibo posts, bitterly telling netizens that it was her own choice to get married and have children, and hoped that everyone would respect this choice, she was proud of being a mother, and she didn't want to be used by people with ulterior motives to sell marriage and fertility anxiety.

But that's not the end of it. Soon, some netizens found out that Pikachen married a good husband, and her mother-in-law is a successful career woman, so some people said that Pikachen hurriedly came out to clarify that she was not doing well in her mother-in-law's house, and she was afraid that her mother-in-law would be unhappy.

After watching this wave, I'm really tired.

Under the guise of glorifying women, this society has added too many anxious shackles to women.

"Perfection" has always been an unbearable weight in a woman's life. I often see netizens saying that Teacher Li Yinhe is not good-looking, and I wonder why she is good-looking. There is also said that Li Yinhe is not worthy of Wang Xiaobo, I also pondered that I may not have read a book, I don't know that Li and Wang broke up for the first time because Li Yinhe's mother thought Wang Xiaobo was too ugly, and later Wang Xiaobo himself wrote "When I think of you, I smile on my ugly face."

But that's the strange thing, talented male writers don't need to be good-looking; And if a talented female scholar is not good-looking, even her talent will become controversial and even flawed.

What's even worse is that the aesthetic standards of women's beauty are becoming more and more stringent, not only to be good-looking, but also to be good-looking and stable; It can't collapse, it can't collapse, and there can't be traces of age and medical beauty. The popularity of P-picture aesthetics has led to many young girls being anxious about every pore on their face, even though they have enough appearance.

What's even worse is that everyone especially can't accept that women after marriage have fatigue and old age on their faces, as if women are married to Tang monks, and they must eat immortal Tang monk meat as soon as they get married.

Married woman

If the sex is not beautiful and the beauty is not medical, it is likely to be said that the marriage is unhappy; The traffic password of divorced female celebrities must be half a year before the announcement of the divorce, and they are in full swing to do various expensive medical beauty projects, so as to detonate the hot search of "sister Dumei" when the divorce is announced.

In my understanding, beauty is not an anti-growth or an anti-natural law, but an effort related to decency; It's the excitement of being with everything you like; It is the vitality of eternal curiosity about the world; It is the mentality of not being limited by age and striving to pursue love.

In this era of rapid development, we are increasingly afraid of illness and aging, marriage and childbirth. Women, in particular, are overly eager to find a perfect idol because of their fear and anxiety about their own fate, so they set off a vigorous god-making movement. This god-making movement, under the banner of praising women, has greatly imprisoned women's freedom, resulting in the more excellent women are more likely to become the targets of criticism.

In the past, the objectification of women was to ask women to have children, husbands and children; Nowadays, the objectification of women is to make women not old, fat, unmarried, and infertile, and to be a beautiful goblin who can make money for the rest of their lives.

Of the two standards, which one is higher, more ruthless and more inhumane, it is difficult to say.

Speaking of appearance alone, this public opinion environment is nitpicking about women's appearance, and the last person who is tired must be the woman herself. Although it is the instinct of human beings to "judge people by their appearance", not to arbitrarily evaluate the appearance of others is also the cultivation of human beings after being civilized and educated. Girls help girls, start by not picking on the appearance of the same sex at will, even if we can't change the direction of the tide, at least we can do not go downstream, let alone add fuel to the fire.

Anti-aging is like alchemy, moderation is the best, otherwise it is easy to go crazy, be cautious and cautious!

This society needs more understanding and respect, whether it is for women's life choices, physical changes, marriage and childbearing. Instead of being forced to conform to social stereotypes, women should be empowered to decide how they live their lives and values. Everyone should cherish their own freedom, not be affected by too much external pressure, and pursue true inner happiness.

In this era of anxiety and stress, we should be more tolerant, understanding and supportive of women, so that they no longer feel anxious about their appearance, marriage or childbearing. Let women move freely on their own path, no longer subject to the constraints and pressures of society. This will be the beginning of a more egalitarian and progressive society.

Personal Opinion:

Recently, two middle-aged Chinese actresses, Shu Qi and Ruby Lin, have sparked discussions and controversies on social media. They post different photos on different social platforms, which makes people think about appearance, age, freedom, and social expectations.

First, Shu Qi shared a cute photo of the Year of the Rabbit on Weibo, which is considered a form of "political correctness." On domestic social media, posting one's appearance, children, bags, clothes, etc. will trigger comments, some people are picky, and some people are accusatory. This made Shu Qi choose to share photos with her husband on Instagram, showing her more comfortable and headstrong side. Her gray hair has also attracted attention, probably due to work stress and hair damage, and she has chosen not to dye her hair anymore. This shows how a female celebrity copes with appearance pressure and comments on social media in order to maintain her image.

Ruby Lin also posted different versions of the photos on Weibo and Instagram, sparking controversy. The photos on Weibo are retouched with beautification and filters, so that there are no traces of time, while the photos on Instagram are more natural, showing her true appearance. This difference in treatment has sparked heated discussions among netizens, with some thinking that she is too scheming, while others think that she is meeting the needs of audiences on different platforms.


The actions of the two actresses have sparked deep thinking about how women deal with physical pressure and societal expectations on social media. First, social media has become an environment full of aesthetic standards and reviews, especially for women. Women are expected to maintain a stable and youthful appearance, and this demand can pose a threat to their self-esteem and freedom.

Second, women's behavior on social media is widely followed and commented on, which can have an impact on their careers and image. Shu Qi and Ruby Lin chose to show different selves on different platforms, probably to adapt to the expectations of different audiences to protect their image.

On top of that, society has created excessive anxiety about women's appearance and age, which has led to excessive grooming of appearance and increased social expectations. Women should have the right to freely choose how they want to present themselves without being pressured and criticized from the outside world.


Shu Qi and Ruby Lin's social media behavior provoked deep reflections on women's appearance, age, and freedom. The social media environment is full of aesthetic standards and reviews, and women are being asked to maintain a stable and youthful appearance, which poses a threat to them. Women's behavior on social media is widely followed and commented on, which can have an impact on their careers and image. Society has created excessive anxiety about women's appearance and age, which has led to excessive grooming of appearance and increased social expectations. Women should have the right to freely choose how they want to present themselves without being pressured and criticized from the outside world. In summary, we need to reflect on society's standards of women's appearance and how to better support women's freedom and self-esteem.

The above content information is from the Internet, relevant data, and theoretical research on the Internet information, which does not mean that the author of this article agrees with the laws, rules, opinions, behaviors in the article and is responsible for the authenticity of the relevant information. The author of this article does not assume any direct or indirect legal responsibility for any of the above or related issues.

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