
The Quartet assembles and launches a fierce counteroffensive against Kokang!

author:Huahua Editorial Department

Northern Myanmar, a mysterious and ever-changing place, has captured the world's attention. On this battlefield, the Kokang Allied Army has become the focus of attention with its frequent victories. So, what kind of confidence and real strength does the Kokang Alliance have? The Kokang Allied Army (MNDAA) is the abbreviation of the Myanmar National Democratic Alliance Army, which is currently divided into four brigades, namely the 211th Brigade, the 311th Brigade, the 511th Brigade and the 611th Brigade. Each brigade has multiple battalion-level units, of which the 311 brigade has 10 numbers, which means that each brigade may have as many as 10 battalions. In addition, the units directly under the central government also include the headquarters guard battalion, the 9 battalions directly under the headquarters, the special operations brigade, and the artillery battalion. The Kokang County Brigade and the Armed Task Force behind enemy lines are also part of its establishment.

This elaborate organizational structure shows that the Kokang Allied Army has a deep organizational background, with a clear command structure and division of combat units. According to Commander-in-Chief Peng Deren, the total number of the Kokang Allied Army was about 5,000 people. However, according to the data in the press release, one brigade is estimated to be around 2,000 troops, and the four brigades and other units combined are estimated to be 8,000-9,000 troops. This increase in the size of the force should not be underestimated, and it gave the Kokang Allied Army a stronger confidence on the battlefield. At the same time, the soldiers of the Kokang Alliance come from different ethnic backgrounds and have a diverse force. In particular, the 611 Brigade is mainly composed of soldiers of various nationalities, so it is also called the National Brigade. This diversity not only reflects the inclusiveness of the Kokang Alliance, but also strengthens their fighting power on the battlefield in northern Burma. However, the Kokang Alliance did not rise to prominence overnight, and its rise to prominence was fraught with twists and turns.

The Quartet assembles and launches a fierce counteroffensive against Kokang!

The 211 Brigade was established on January 1, 2010, followed by the 311 Brigade on January 1, 2015, and the 511 Brigade on March 14, 2016. The establishment of these brigades marked the gradual growth and maturity of the Kokang Allied Army. It is worth noting that on January 1, 2022, the 611 Brigade came into being, further proving the influence and strength of the Kokang Alliance Army in northern Myanmar. The rise of the Kokang Alliance is not only a symbol of a powerful military force, but also the result of a complex combination of political and economic factors behind it. The abundant resources in northern Myanmar, especially the drug production and smuggling trade, greatly stimulated the development of the Kokang Alliance. The Kokang Allied Forces reportedly relied on drug smuggling, arms trafficking, and extortion for funding and resources.

The Quartet assembles and launches a fierce counteroffensive against Kokang!

These illegal activities have not only provided the Kokang Allied Forces with enormous financial resources, but also enabled them to gain some support in the local community. However, the clashes between the Kokang Allied Army and the Burmese government army have also brought great suffering and suffering to the local population. Countless innocent lives have been claimed and countless families have been destroyed in this long battle. This makes us wonder why this endless war cannot be ended through peaceful dialogue and a political solution. The rise of the Kokang Alliance and its real strength are certainly impressive, but more importantly, we should think about how to achieve peace and development that will bring real happiness and stability to northern Myanmar. On this issue, each of us should reflect on this issue and contribute our part to the advancement of the peace process. The confidence and real strength of the Kokang Allied Army have brought us many questions and reflections.

The Quartet assembles and launches a fierce counteroffensive against Kokang!

What we can do as ordinary people is to focus on this issue, to focus on the wars and conflicts in northern Myanmar, and how we can contribute to peace. It is only by working together that harmony and prosperity can be brought to this mysterious and beautiful land. The rapid rise of the Kokang Allied Forces has had a profound impact on the situation in northern Myanmar. Their further enrichment in staffing demonstrates their growing influence in the region. Zhao Jiade served as the brigade commander of the 611 brigade, while deputy political commissar Jin Guoxin was the deputy leader of the brigade. The formation of this brigade marked a step forward for the Kokang Allied Army to operate on a larger scale. However, as the Kokang coalition grew, the four great families in northern Myanmar also realized their threat and decided to gather forces and launch a counterattack. Northern Myanmar has long been a volatile region, with confrontations between military forces not quelling.

The Quartet assembles and launches a fierce counteroffensive against Kokang!

The four families have formed an overwhelming advantage over the Kokang coalition through hundreds of wire transfer scams in terms of funds, weaponry, personnel support, and assistance from the Myanmar military. The Kokang coalition is a force that has been waging guerrilla warfare in the mountains for more than a decade, relying mainly on captured light weapons in terms of weaponry. Faced with the determination and resources of the four great families, the Kokang coalition faced a huge challenge. The four great families quickly adopted a tight defensive strategy, focusing on the defense of key targets. Targets such as casinos, hotels, and e-fraud parks on the old streets are the focus of contention. This move somewhat constrained the Kokang coalition's operations, as capturing these locations required not only overcoming solid clan defenses, but also dealing with stubborn clan resistance. The Burmese army is mainly based on motorized infantry divisions, and its tasks include suppressing the insurgency.

The Quartet assembles and launches a fierce counteroffensive against Kokang!

In addition, they are armed with a variety of fighter jets, rocket launchers, helicopter gunships, drones, and heavy artillery. This puts the local armed forces at a great disadvantage in a head-on confrontation with the Burmese army. The Kokang Allied forces had to resort to tactics such as mountain movement warfare and guerrilla warfare in order to lure the enemy deeper, disperse the enemy's forces, and carry out ambushes and attacks. The rise of the Kokang Alliance has been full of twists and turns, from the 211 Brigade in 2010 to the 611 Brigade in 2022, and they have gradually grown to become an armed force to be reckoned with in northern Myanmar. This process is a reflection of their tenacity and determination. And in northern Myanmar, the counterattack of the four major families has also become a highlight on the battlefield. With their money, weaponry, and determination, they pose a formidable challenge for the Kokang coalition. The contest between armies was fraught with complexity, and mountain movement warfare and guerrilla warfare became the survival methods of the Kokang Allied forces.

The Quartet assembles and launches a fierce counteroffensive against Kokang!

However, the strength of the Myanmar army is also a factor that cannot be ignored. To sum up, the rise of the Kokang Alliance and the counterattack of the four great families together constituted a scene of war in northern Burma. The confrontation between the two sides in terms of resources and strength makes this battle full of complexity and uncertainty. Who will have the upper hand in the end, and who will win in the end? This is a question worth pondering. In the Kokang region of northern Myanmar, there has been a recent conflict. Growing strife between the Kokang Alliance and the four local families has led to an increase in violence. This conflict is not only a military confrontation, but also a matter of regional stability, political power and people's livelihoods. However, the Kokang Allied Forces have faced a huge challenge, and that is the Myanmar military, which poses a great threat to the Kokang Allied Forces with its large army and advanced weaponry.

The Quartet assembles and launches a fierce counteroffensive against Kokang!

In order to overcome the disadvantage in strength, the Kokang allies had to skillfully use guerrilla tactics. Although this tactic is not as direct as a frontal battle, it can effectively drain the opponent's will to fight, causing the opponent to fall into confusion and panic. At the same time, guerrilla tactics can also help the Kokang allies protect the lives of local people and reduce their harm. However, the actions of the four great families highlight the rivalry and game between different forces in the region. The conflict has gone beyond a dispute between the two groups and has become a contest of political interests. The four families sought to use the power of the Burmese military to suppress the Kokang allied forces and further strengthen their position. Such actions will not only exacerbate tensions in the region, but will also have a greater impact on the livelihoods of local residents. With the potential involvement of the Myanmar military, the conflict could escalate further.

The Quartet assembles and launches a fierce counteroffensive against Kokang!

The involvement of the Myanmar military would not only exacerbate tensions in the region, but would also have a greater impact on the livelihoods of local residents. Therefore, more effective measures must be taken to avoid an escalation of military confrontation. Only by working together can a solution to the problem be found. In short, the conflict in Kokang is not only about regional stability, political power and people's livelihoods, but also about the continuing problems in northern Myanmar. If effective measures are not taken, this conflict could escalate further, with even greater consequences for the local population. We should pay attention to this issue and call on the local government and all parties to work together to find a solution to the problem.

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