
Sudden review of the "state of catastrophe emergency" is menacing: there are also deaths in Europe and South America

author:Love life on Onigiri Day

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On the eve of the World Health Organization's declaration of a multi-country monkeypox outbreak as a "Public Health Emergency of International Concern", we can't help but rethink the health challenges facing humanity. Recently, the monkeypox virus has been spreading around the world, not only in Africa, but also in the United States, Europe and South America, where there have been deaths, causing widespread concern. This situation is worrying, especially after the declaration of a "disaster emergency" in the US state of New York, which has made the severity of the epidemic even more prominent.

The United States has one of the highest number of monkeypox cases in the world, with more than 4,900 confirmed cases as of that day. New York State became the epicenter of the outbreak, with a cumulative total of 1,341 confirmed cases. The situation forced New York Governor Cathy Hochul to declare a "catastrophic emergency" and emphasize that the monkeypox outbreak poses an imminent threat to public health. This emergency reminds us that in the face of the global threat of infectious diseases, countries and regions need to work closely together to effectively control the spread of the epidemic.

Sudden review of the "state of catastrophe emergency" is menacing: there are also deaths in Europe and South America

Meanwhile, deaths from the monkeypox virus have also been reported in Spain and Brazil, the first death from the outbreak outside of Africa. In Spain, the death occurred in the Valencian Community, where the patient died of infection-related encephalitis. And in Brazil, an immunocompromised man tragically passed away in Minas Gerais. These cases show that the spread and impact of the monkeypox virus has crossed the African continent and poses a serious threat to other continents.

To better understand the transmission mechanism and control strategies of the epidemic, we need to consider the characteristics and influencing factors of the epidemic. According to statistics, monkeypox cases range in age, ranging from 10 months to 88 years, with an average age of 37 years. This shows that the pandemic threatens not only adults, but also children and the elderly. In addition, 120 cases required hospitalization, posing a significant challenge to medical resources. Even more worryingly, 82.1% of infections originate from close contact in sexual relationships, which means that the importance of sexual health education and protective measures cannot be ignored.

The pandemic has also called for us to pay more attention to immune system health, as immunocompromised individuals are more vulnerable to the threat of infection. The monkeypox death in Brazil is a case in point, with the man's immune system unable to fight off the virus effectively, which ultimately led to the tragedy. Therefore, maintaining the health of the immune system and improving immunity will be one of the key factors in the fight against the epidemic.

Overall, the spread and impact of the global monkeypox outbreak has exceeded our expectations, threatening not only public health, but also severe economic and social impacts. In order to effectively control the epidemic, the international community needs to work together to strengthen information sharing and medical resource allocation, and also pay attention to sexual health education and immune system health. It is only on the basis of global collaboration that we can overcome this health challenge and protect human life and health.

In this era of globalization, countries need to work together to address the global threat of the monkeypox virus. As we have seen in the United States, Spain, and Brazil, the pandemic does not limit its spread by geography. Therefore, the international community must work together to strengthen information sharing and the allocation of medical resources to effectively control the spread of the epidemic. It is only through global cooperation that we can better address this health challenge and protect human life and health.

At the same time, we also need to pay more attention to the health of the immune system. Immunocompromised individuals are more susceptible to the threat of infection, which has been evident in monkeypox deaths in Brazil. Therefore, improving immunity and maintaining the health of the immune system will be one of the key factors in the fight against the epidemic. We need to strengthen research on the immune system

and education to improve people's immune resistance and thus reduce the risk of infection. This includes not only focusing on diet and lifestyle, but also being physically active and maintaining a healthy weight. Getting enough sleep and reducing stress are also essential for the health of the immune system.

Scientific research and technological innovation also play a key role in responding to the pandemic. Vaccine development and production is one of the important tools to control the spread of the epidemic. Global cooperation and investment in vaccine research are essential, because only through vaccination can we achieve the protection of the immune population and effectively contain the spread of the epidemic.

In addition, the establishment of infectious disease surveillance and early warning systems is crucial. By monitoring the dynamics and trends of the spread of the outbreak, we can identify potential risks earlier and take steps to stop the spread of the outbreak. WHO and governments need to work together to build effective surveillance systems to better respond to future health threats.

Finally, public education and awareness are also key factors in the fight against the pandemic. People need to know how to properly prevent infection, including basic measures such as avoiding close contact, maintaining hygiene, and wearing masks correctly. In addition, sexual health education needs to be strengthened to reduce the risk of infection. It is only through active public participation and appropriate behaviour that we can better control the spread of the pandemic.

Overall, the global spread of monkeypox is a reminder that infectious disease threats are not limited by geography. The international community needs to work together and strengthen cooperation to effectively control the spread of the epidemic. The health of the immune system, scientific research and technological innovation, the establishment of surveillance systems, and public education and awareness are all key factors in the fight against the pandemic. Only through global cooperation and joint efforts can we better protect human life and health and meet the health challenges of the future. We hope that through our efforts, the global monkeypox epidemic can be effectively controlled and no longer pose a threat to human society.

Thoughts on the global monkeypox outbreak:

The monkeypox outbreak is raging around the world, and the impact is not only limited to Africa, but also cases have appeared in the United States, Europe, and South America, causing widespread concern and concern. The speed and contagiousness of the virus are worrying, and urgent measures are needed to contain the outbreak.

First, the governor of the state of New York declared a "disaster emergency," indicating that the pandemic has severely affected public health in the region. The United States has one of the highest confirmed cases of monkeypox in the world, and the epidemic is spreading strongly in the country, with more than 4,900 confirmed cases as of a given day. New York State has become the hardest hit area of the epidemic, with a cumulative total of 1,341 confirmed cases. These data show that the outbreak already poses a serious threat to public health in the United States and cannot be ignored.

Secondly, there have also been deaths in Europe and South America, which has raised more concerns. Brazil became the first country outside Africa to report a death from monkeypox, giving a clearer picture of the severity of the outbreak. Brazil has 1,066 confirmed cases, mainly in the populous states of São Paulo, Rio de Janeiro and Minas Gerais. Spain also reported its first monkeypox-related death, the first monkeypox-related death in the European region. These developments show that the outbreak has crossed borders and requires concerted action by the international community to control and respond to this threat.

In response to this pandemic, I believe that countries around the world need to take more proactive measures, including strengthening epidemic surveillance and origin-tracing, raising public health awareness, promoting vaccine development and distribution, and strengthening international collaboration. This outbreak reminds us once again that infectious diseases know no borders and that only global cooperation can effectively control the spread of epidemics and protect people's lives and health.


The global outbreak of monkeypox has attracted widespread attention from the international community, especially the increase in cases and deaths in the United States, Europe and South America, which has given people a clearer understanding of the dangers of the epidemic. This article is a relatively objective report on the epidemic, providing relevant data and facts, but some of the information still needs to be further analyzed.

First, the declaration of a "catastrophic emergency" in the US state of New York is an emergency measure, indicating that the local health system is already struggling to cope with the spread of the epidemic. However, the article does not provide detailed information on the impact of this measure on local residents and economies, and whether appropriate containment measures have been put in place to contain the spread of the virus. This information is essential for readers to better understand the impact of the pandemic.

Secondly, the spread of the epidemic in Europe and South America is also a concern. However, the article does not provide detailed information about what measures these areas have taken to deal with the outbreak. Measures and effects may vary from country to country when it comes to responding to the pandemic, and this information helps readers understand the response to the outbreak in each country.


The global outbreak of monkeypox has raised widespread concern, particularly with confirmed cases and deaths in the United States, Europe, and South America. The epidemic crosses borders and requires close collaboration from the international community to control its spread. Countries need to take urgent steps to strengthen surveillance, raise public health awareness, strengthen vaccine development and distribution, and strengthen international cooperation to address this threat. Coverage of the outbreak needs more detail and analysis so that readers can better understand the response to the outbreak in each country.

The above content information is from the Internet, relevant data, and theoretical research on the Internet information, which does not mean that the author of this article agrees with the laws, rules, opinions, behaviors in the article and is responsible for the authenticity of the relevant information. The author of this article does not assume any direct or indirect legal responsibility for any of the above or related issues.

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