
Why are there so many young people with high uric acid?

author:Taiyuan Radio and Television Station Economy

Relevant data show that in recent years, the incidence of hyperuricemia in young men in mainland China has been increasing, and there are more and more people with excessive uric acid in young women. The general trend of rising uric acid levels is inevitably related to unhealthy constitution and wrong lifestyle. So, what causes elevated blood uric acid levels? Among them, unreasonable diet is one of the important factors that cause the rise of uric acid.

15 lifestyle habits that tend to cause elevated uric acid

1. Love sugary drinks. Including beverages containing sucrose, fructose syrup, and fructose. Fruit juice drinks, sweetened milk tea, etc. are also in the range of sugary drinks.

2. Drink plenty of fruit juices (including 100% fruit juices).

3. Love all kinds of sweets, desserts, candies, sweet baked goods (sweet biscuits, sweet bread, cookies, etc.).

4. Love to drink alcohol, including beer, but also liquor, and excessive red wine.

5. I like to eat fresh seafood. These include shellfish, oysters, roe, crabs, shrimp, sardines, anchovies, and many more.

6. Love to eat animal offal with high purine content.

7. Eat a lot of barbecued meats, barbecued meats.

8. Eat too much beef, mutton, pork, etc. every day.

9. Eating too many processed meat products, such as ham, bacon, bacon, sausages, etc.

10. Eat too little vegetables, potatoes, grains, and milk, and not enough potassium, calcium and magnesium.

11. Eating too salty and having too much sodium for a long time.

12. Eat too few carbs, or take ketogenic for a long time to lose weight.

13. Frequent dieting to lose weight, long-term semi-starvation.

14. Lack of exercise, weak muscles.

15. Exercise/labor intensity is too high, often in a state of stress.

Let's see, how many of them have been hit by yourself or your family members with hyperuricemia?

The three major dietary structures are prone to increase uric acid

Through the above 15 dietary habits, if you summarize it, from a dietary point of view, there are several mechanisms that are easy to cause the rise of blood uric acid levels -

1. Eating too much sugar, such as sweet drinks, pure fruit juices, etc

Studies have confirmed that excessive intake of fructose not only leads to insulin resistance, but also causes uric acid metabolism disorders. Drinking sweetened beverages in large bottles is the best way to consume too much fructose.

In ancient times, there was no habit of drinking sweet drinks on the mainland, and only soup or tea was drunk during meals, and no sugar-sweetened beverages were drunk. Drink only water and tea between meals, and don't drink sweetened beverages. After the 90s, foreign sweet drinks gradually entered China, and under the strong commercial promotion force, drinking sweet drinks gradually became a consumption habit, especially when dining in restaurants and adult gatherings, children will order some sweet drinks. Because children naturally love sweetness, it is easy to become obsessed with sweet drinks.

It must also be mentioned here that the sugar content of pure fruit juice is higher than that of many sweet drinks. One glass of juice often includes the sugars in two or three apples/pears/peaches/oranges, and drinking two glasses of fruit juice is very relaxing and enjoyable. Therefore, substituting fruit juice for fruit can easily cause excessive sugar intake.

Some people may ask: can you still eat fruit? I can eat it. The dietary guidelines recommend 200-350 grams of fruit per day, which is in this range without introducing too much fructose and not causing high uric acid levels. However, if you eat two or three catties of fruit a day, the total amount of fructose will be too much, and I am afraid it is also worth worrying.

In addition, in recent years, due to the development of the starch sugar industry, the number of fructose production has increased, and many desserts and sweets are happy to use "crystalline fructose" directly.

Fructose has good moisture absorption and a pleasant sweet taste, and soon found its way into all kinds of aleurone foods and soft pastries, and was also used in bubble tea shops and dessert shops.

Honey, which does not crystallize easily, is also a dense source of fructose. Some sweet foods use honey as a source of sweetening, which also introduces fructose.

As a result, the amount of fructose consumed from various sweetened foods other than beverages is also showing an increasing trend.

2. There are more and more fish, meat and seafood, and fewer and fewer vegetables, potatoes and grains

Studies have confirmed that eating too much of aquatic animals and red meat is positively associated with the risk of hyperuricemia and gout.

Because children are the treasures of the family, from an early age a variety of animal food is in sufficient supply, meat, fish, shrimp as a meal of children are not a few, and fish, meat, seafood, river fresh and other foods are much higher than food staple food and vegetables and fruits, which is well known. At the same time, they also have a relatively high acid load on the body. Recent studies have found an association between food acid load and the risk of hyperuricemia.

At the same time, the intake of foods that provide high amounts of potassium in the diet, such as vegetables, potatoes and whole grains, is severely insufficient. Many children don't like to eat vegetables and eat very small amounts at each meal. In addition to fried and baked foods such as french fries and potato chips, there are also very few sweet potatoes, potatoes, yams and other potatoes that are steamed and cooked, and only white rice and white noodles are eaten for grain, so it is impossible to achieve a state of nutritional balance.

3. Too few carbohydrates, insufficient energy in the body, and even hunger

When food is insufficient, the body can only break down its own tissues to supply energy, and the breakdown of tissue cells produces purines, resulting in an increase in endogenous uric acid production.

When carbohydrates are insufficient, the body degrades fats quickly, but fails to oxidize them into carbon dioxide and water, resulting in too many ketone bodies, resulting in a decrease in the body's ability to process and excrete uric acid.

People who have not attained obesity but adopt very low-carbohydrate diets, including ketogenic diets, may put their bodies at risk of hyperuricemia.

In the obese state, a temporary low-energy diet or low-carbohydrate diet may reduce obesity levels, while fat loss itself is beneficial in preventing metabolic disorders. However, if the person does not meet the criteria for obesity and does not have obvious metabolic disorders, then low-carbohydrate weight loss will do more harm than good, and will disrupt purine metabolism.

We often see such cases, some girls are originally healthy, but just normal plumpness, do not meet the standard of obesity, but use hunger weight loss or very low carbohydrate weight loss methods, greatly reduce staple foods, or even do not eat staple foods, the result is a decrease in disease resistance, menstrual irregularities, insulin resistance, and even hyperuricemia. After returning to eating staple foods and exercising gently, uric acid levels gradually returned to normal.

15 tips to improve uric acid levels

Our school's physical education department has a fat loss class every semester, and I have some guidance and suggestions for these students on diet, and I also share them with you for reference:

1. Try not to eat snacks with oil, salt, and sugar.

2. Eat more vegetables cooked with less oil, eat two portions of green leafy vegetables a day, buy some tomatoes, cucumbers, lettuce and other raw vegetables, and eat them directly without oil and salt with meals.

3. The amount of staple food is controllable, but at least 50 grams of dry weight should be eaten at each meal (the so-called "one or two meals"). When you feel particularly tired after exercising, you can increase the amount of staple foods to promote muscle recovery.

4. Try to eat plain staple foods, do not eat cakes with oil and salt, baked cakes and other pastries, and do not eat baked goods such as bread and snacks.

5. Regular and quantitative breakfast every day. Add a carton of milk you bought yourself (cow's milk is better than soy milk to control uric acid).

6. Don't drink sweet drinks (including sugar-substituted drinks), don't drink fruit juice, don't drink milk tea, and don't drink sweetened coffee.

7. Concentrate on the fullness of the food during the meal and do not look at the phone.

8. Try not to eat after dinner.

9. If you are hungry between meals, you can drink skim milk and eat a small amount of fruit, but the fruit does not exceed 400 grams per day (weight with skin core).

10. Do not sit down for half an hour after eating, but take a walk or do standing work.

11. Give preference to dishes with reduced oil and salt. If you eat a strong dish, balance it with a dish with less oil and no salt.

12. Don't eat the staple foods of oil, salt, and sugar, and only eat the original flavor.

13. Eat whole-grain staples such as oatmeal, multigrain rice, and whole-grain steamed buns every day. Whole grains such as millet, brown rice, oats, etc., are not high in purines. It is recommended to buy instant oatmeal and make a bowl of it yourself for breakfast instead of white rice porridge.

14. Drink a bowl of unsalted soup or a glass of plain water before a meal, eat a small bowl of vegetables first, then half a portion of other dishes, and finally eat staple foods such as rice and steamed buns.

15. Reduce stress, avoid staying up late, and try to go to bed earlier at night.

If the uric acid is high enough to be severe, or even gout, it is recommended to seek medical treatment. However, regardless of whether you are taking medication or not, the combination of diet and lifestyle is an important measure. While the joints and organs have not been substantially damaged, and the recovery ability is strong at a young age, we must adhere to a healthy diet and moderate exercise, so that the uric acid level can return to the normal range, and the body's metabolism will return to a state full of vitality.

Source: Beijing Youth Daily