
This time, no amount of fame and fortune can save Yan Weiwen, who has "sung military songs all his life"?

author:A Yukan entertainment circle


The life path of an artist is often tortuous, and it is difficult for us to judge a person by one moment or another.

The experience of singer Yan Weiwen fully proves this point.

This time, no amount of fame and fortune can save Yan Weiwen, who has "sung military songs all his life"?

A misunderstanding of Internet public opinion made him fall from "virtue and art" to "abandoning dreams and money" overnight.

But when we dig deeper, we find that the truth behind it is much more than it seems.

The Storm is Coming: Yan Weiwen at Vanity Fair

In 2023, at the Ningdu "Same Song" concert, the performance of the famous singer Yan Weiwen caused an uproar.

This respected old artist in the industry shocked the audience just by opening his voice.

This time, no amount of fame and fortune can save Yan Weiwen, who has "sung military songs all his life"?

His profound singing skills and top-notch singing skills have fascinated all the audience.

More than 3,000 audiences in the audience were fascinated by Yan Weiwen's affectionate interpretation and applauded him several times in a row.

However, just when the audience was still immersed in the military songs sung by Yan Weiwen affectionately, some people began to spread negative news about Yan Weiwen on the Internet, causing an uproar in public opinion.

For a while, all major entertainment pages were hotly discussing the negative news of this "model in the industry".

Yan Weiwen was denounced by netizens as a "businessman who charges expensive training fees", and even called him "an artistic scum who betrays his original intention and wants money".

This time, no amount of fame and fortune can save Yan Weiwen, who has "sung military songs all his life"?

Yan Weiwen's image in the eyes of the public collapsed in an instant.

Many fans who used to regard him as an idol also expressed their disappointment and even asked for a refund.

What is the reason why Yan Weiwen changed from an "artist of both virtue and art" to a "money gravedigger" overnight? This has also become one of the most concerned topics in the current entertainment industry.

After the performance that night, some netizens found that Yan Weiwen was wearing a brand-name sweatshirt worth thousands of yuan.

This time, no amount of fame and fortune can save Yan Weiwen, who has "sung military songs all his life"?

For an old artist who has been in the music scene since the 80s of the 20th century, this extravagant dress seems a little unpleasant.

Immediately afterwards, someone broke the news on the Internet that Yan Weiwen recently opened a high-priced music training class near his home, with a tuition fee of up to tens of thousands of yuan per session, and many students need to make an appointment months in advance.

As soon as the news came out, netizens couldn't stand it.

"Heavenly King Lao Tzu's behavior!" "What a big official shelf!" Under the seemingly calm appearance of netizens, the dark tide was surging, and soon, the negative comments about Yan Weiwen were overwhelming like snowflakes.

Many beautiful entertainment reporters are also vying to create topics about Yan Weiwen's "abandonment of his original intention" in order to win more eyeballs.

This time, no amount of fame and fortune can save Yan Weiwen, who has "sung military songs all his life"?

In the face of the merciless abuse on the Internet, Yan Weiwen was just silent.

His agent responded on his behalf, saying that the tuition fee for the training course was not high, and there was no sky-high price on the Internet.

But these explanations seem to be far from enough for already angry netizens.

In their opinion, over the years, Yan Weiwen has completely changed his taste, forgetting the hardships and original intention when he first entered the industry, and embarked on the wrong path of chasing fame and fortune.

They seem to have presupposed, and do not intend to give him any chance to explain.

This time, no amount of fame and fortune can save Yan Weiwen, who has "sung military songs all his life"?

In the face of the pressure of online public opinion, Yan Weiwen's agency also had to take some public relations measures, but with little effect.

For a time, Yan Weiwen was controversial and became the target of public opinion to release dissatisfaction.

The cause of the pain: Yan Weiwen, whose beloved wife is sick

However, when we dig a little deeper into what happened to Yan Weiwen, we will find that this seems to be a misunderstanding of an old artist.

In 1972, Yan Weiwen, who was only 20 years old, met and fell in love with Liu Weixing, who was also a small partner, in the army's art troupe.

The two fell in love and often chatted together about music and ideals in the shade of a tree.

This time, no amount of fame and fortune can save Yan Weiwen, who has "sung military songs all his life"?

Liu Weixing's talent and wisdom also made Yan Weiwen fall in love.

But due to the regulations of the army, they could not communicate openly, so the two could only trace each other's eyebrows between the lines.

They often give each other poems to express their hearts, and they miss each other's voices and smiles day and night.

It was 10 years before the two were able to tie the knot.

Just entered the sweetness of marriage, and before he had time to taste it, Liu Weixing was unfortunately diagnosed with breast cancer.

This time, no amount of fame and fortune can save Yan Weiwen, who has "sung military songs all his life"?

At the moment of the test results, Yan Weiwen only felt that the sky was spinning, as if the whole world had collapsed.

This bad news undoubtedly brought a bolt from the blue to Yan Weiwen, who enjoyed being a husband for the first time.

He accompanied his wife to various examinations and consulted several leading specialists, but the results were all the same - the cancer had spread to other parts of the country, and treatment had to be started immediately.

Yan Weiwen comforted his wife with red eyes, telling her to be optimistic and confident.

At the same time, he also ignored his work, stayed by his wife's side day and night, running around looking for the best doctor to treat his wife.

This time, no amount of fame and fortune can save Yan Weiwen, who has "sung military songs all his life"?

In order to pay for the growing medical bills, Yan Weiwen had to accept more and more performances.

He ran around performing during the day, and when he earned money, he bought medicine for his wife as soon as possible, and stayed at the sickbed at night to take care of him.

Often it was the hospital benches that became his bed.

More than 30 years later, my wife finally beat cancer.

And Yan Weiwen has also changed from a young man in his early twenties to an old man with white hair.

Youth has passed, and the years have passed, but the two are still on a blind date.

This time, no amount of fame and fortune can save Yan Weiwen, who has "sung military songs all his life"?

Now, Yan Weiwen's purpose for opening the training course is also very clear - he needs to earn living expenses through teaching to continue to pay for his wife's follow-up treatment.

67-year-old Yan Weiwen still insists on accompanying his wife for monthly check-ups, for fear that there will be any recurrence of his condition.

For an old artist, teaching and learning is a pleasure.

He did not set up training classes for money, but hoped to pass on what he had learned throughout his life to future generations, so that more music elites could join the industry.

This time, no amount of fame and fortune can save Yan Weiwen, who has "sung military songs all his life"?

Righteous Cry: Yan Weiwen who proved Zhu Jun's innocence

If Yan Weiwen's dedication to his wife is not enough to prove his character, then the justice and courage he showed in the Zhu Jun case will completely refresh his reputation.

Zhu Jun, a TV host who has been popular all over the country.

His witty and humorous hosting style is deeply loved by the audience, and he is the idol of many newcomers to the industry.

But just when his career was in full swing, a female intern suddenly accused Zhu Jun on the Internet of sexually assaulting him in the background.

This time, no amount of fame and fortune can save Yan Weiwen, who has "sung military songs all his life"?

This accusation instantly knocked Zhu Jun off the altar, and he became infamous as a "criminal" overnight.

In the following years, Zhu Jun was abused on the Internet, and his image was completely placed in the quagmire.

He had to leave the stage he used to live a life of isolation, hiding at home all day and not daring to see anyone.

As a popular artist, this is undoubtedly a great spiritual blow to Zhu Jun.

In this process, only Yan Weiwen had the courage to stand up and defend Zhu Jun.

This time, no amount of fame and fortune can save Yan Weiwen, who has "sung military songs all his life"?

He clarified the details of the female intern's framing of Zhu Jun and proved that he was not at the recording site at the time, thus overturning the credibility of this accusation.

Although the two are not old acquaintances, Yan Weiwen still has no hesitation, and only comes forward to prove Zhu Jun's innocence in order to uphold justice.

In this age of lies, such selflessness is rare.

He doesn't care if he will be affected by malicious attacks on the Internet, and he only fights to protect the truth and justice.

It is Yan Weiwen's voice of justice that has given this miasma of online violence a counterbalance.

This time, no amount of fame and fortune can save Yan Weiwen, who has "sung military songs all his life"?

Between interests and morality, Yan Weiwen chose the latter.

This kind of selfless spirit of just wanting to return the innocence of an old friend has also moved everyone who knows the inside story.

Returning home after the storm: Yan Weiwen who regained the stage

After experiencing this short-term Internet turmoil, Yan Weiwen did not choose to retire, but continued to stay on the stage to create and perform.

He said that music is his life's work and he will continue to do so.

This time, no amount of fame and fortune can save Yan Weiwen, who has "sung military songs all his life"?

Yan Weiwen's statement fully demonstrates his optimistic and positive attitude towards life.

He was not defeated by online rumors, but maintained a pure heart and continued to pursue his dreams.

After experiencing the care of his wife and complaining for his friends, Yan Weiwen seems to have found a firmer inner strength.

He has always focused on his career and has not been affected too much by external criticism.

In the face of criticism, he reciprocated with songs.

This time, no amount of fame and fortune can save Yan Weiwen, who has "sung military songs all his life"?

In the face of rumors, he still went his own way.

In 2022, the 69-year-old Yan Weiwen returned to the stage and brought a newly composed solo concert "Singing with Me".

Each song he performs affectionately is full of his life experiences and emotions.

The audience was not only filled with Yan Weiwen's students and juniors in the music industry, but also many ordinary audiences who were moved by his righteous character.

They came here to applaud Teacher Yan's justice.

This time, no amount of fame and fortune can save Yan Weiwen, who has "sung military songs all his life"?

When Yan Weiwen's singing voice echoed on the stage again, all the audience were moved.

This is the power of music, it dissolves the prejudice in people's hearts and allows us to witness what is truly beautiful.

In the pursuit of progress, we also need tolerance and understanding.

Only inclusion can make this world a better place.

Yan Weiwen proved this with his magnetic voice.

When his singing sounds, no one will remember the criticism.

This time, no amount of fame and fortune can save Yan Weiwen, who has "sung military songs all his life"?


Through Yan Weiwen's experience, we see that a person's life cannot be simply labeled.

Yan Weiwen may have his own shortcomings and blind spots, but his character and sentiments have been proven in the care of his family and friends.

We should not dismiss a person because of individual events, but take a holistic view of a person's life.

Yan Weiwen practiced morality and justice as a human being with practical actions, which is the ultimate standard for judging a person.

This time, no amount of fame and fortune can save Yan Weiwen, who has "sung military songs all his life"?

His story also shows us that we are inevitably lost on the road of life, and we all need tolerance and tolerance from others.

This Internet turmoil made Yan Weiwen go through ups and downs, but he did not erase his inner dream of being a singer.

This kind of tenacious character is even more worthy of our admiration.

We need to give others room to grow while guiding society correctly.

This is a valuable life lesson for each of us.

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