
Wife Travel 6: Why do Liu Yun and Zheng Jun quarrel so often? After reading what Zheng Jun said at the beginning of his time as a team leader, you can understand

author:Wonderful spring breeze kyA

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In the variety show "Wife's Romantic Trip Season 6", Liu Yun and Zheng Jun are well known to the audience as a couple who quarrel frequently. Their arrogance once made the other guests worry about whether they would get into a fight. However, after their quarrel, in a poolside night chat, it is revealed that the reason for their frequent quarrels, which involves the characteristics of both parties.

First of all, Zheng Jun showed his super logical ability and was good at "promoting strengths and avoiding weaknesses". In the show, Zheng Jun is always able to explain the reason why Liu Yun is angry in a way that seems to have no problems, and seems to blame Liu Yun for all the problems. His logic always seems to be on his side, making people feel that Liu Yun is the source of the problem. This method may make Liu Yun feel aggrieved and dissatisfied, so she had to complain about Zheng Jun in public, which led to a quarrel.

Wife Travel 6: Why do Liu Yun and Zheng Jun quarrel so often? After reading what Zheng Jun said at the beginning of his time as a team leader, you can understand

Secondly, Zheng Jun lacks thought in his words, and even chooses to remain silent sometimes. He claims to be a straight man and likes to go straight, but this also means that he may inadvertently say things that upset Liu Yun. He even preferred to remain silent so as not to anger Liu Yun again. Zheng Jun is also not good at coaxing Liu Yun with meaty words, because he feels that doing so will attract Liu Yun's scolding. This way of communication put the two at an impasse and could not effectively solve the problem.

Third, Liu Yun tends to focus only on her own emotions when she is angry, and ignores the other person's feelings. Zheng Jun mentioned that Liu Yun had a big temper when she was young, and she would often walk away, and even once after leaving because she was angry, she returned home because she couldn't find a taxi. Zheng Jun's conclusion is that both of them were ignorant when they were young, and now Liu Yun has matured a lot. However, this view sounds like a reproach to Liu Yun, and Zheng Jun believes that he does not need to change. This attitude once again aroused Liu Yun's dissatisfaction.

Wife Travel 6: Why do Liu Yun and Zheng Jun quarrel so often? After reading what Zheng Jun said at the beginning of his time as a team leader, you can understand

In this series of incidents, it can be seen that communication problems and poor emotional management between the two are the main reasons for their quarrels. Zheng Jun's strong logic and poor words, as well as Liu Yun's emotional outbursts and self-centeredness, led to the escalation of contradictions between the two sides. To solve this problem, they need to better understand the other person's feelings, learn to communicate more effectively, and remain calm when conflict occurs.

Overall, Liu Yun and Zheng Jun's husband and wife relationship shows many common husband and wife conflicts in variety shows, and they need to work on improving their communication methods and emotional management to build a healthier relationship. Through mutual respect and understanding, they can overcome the problems caused by quarrels and better move towards a happy married life.

Wife Travel 6: Why do Liu Yun and Zheng Jun quarrel so often? After reading what Zheng Jun said at the beginning of his time as a team leader, you can understand

I have some opinions on the frequent quarrels between Liu Yun and Zheng Jun in the variety show "Wife's Romantic Trip Season 6". First of all, observing the couple's quarrels, we can see two main reasons. First of all, Zheng Jun shows super logical thinking, often blaming Liu Yun for problems, and he seems to have no problems. This is especially evident in the in-depth interviews, where he seems to be able to present the facts in a way that exaggerates his strengths and avoids his weaknesses, making himself seem impeccable, and blaming Liu Yun for the problem. This kind of logical ability is impressive, but it is also easy to cause Liu Yun's dissatisfaction and quarrels.

Secondly, Zheng Jun showed the characteristics of not being able to think very well in communication, and even simply chose to be silent. He calls himself a straight man, his words are straightforward, and he doesn't think much about the other party's feelings, which often causes Liu Yun to get angry. He was worried that his words would upset Liu Yun, so he chose to remain silent, and this behavior would also cause conflict. Zheng Jun also said that he was not good at saying meaty words, because he was worried that Liu Yun would be dissatisfied with it, so he was more conservative in his rhetoric. This kind of communication style that is not good at words also increases the conflict between the two.

Wife Travel 6: Why do Liu Yun and Zheng Jun quarrel so often? After reading what Zheng Jun said at the beginning of his time as a team leader, you can understand

Liu Yun tends to focus on her own emotions when she is angry, and is not very willing to consider the other party's position. She was dissatisfied with Zheng Jun's words and behavior, and often expressed her emotions bluntly, and even complained about Zheng Jun in public. This approach sometimes exacerbates the argument rather than defuses it.

From a general point of view, the couple had some problems in communication, one of them was biased towards logical thinking when expressing, while the other party paid more attention to emotional expression, which led to frequent quarrels. To solve this problem, both parties need to better understand each other's communication styles, respect each other's feelings, and find more effective ways to communicate. In addition, they also need to be more considerate and tolerant of each other, especially in in-depth interviews, where they should not blame one side for the problem, but discuss and solve the problem together. This will help build a healthier relationship as a couple.

Wife Travel 6: Why do Liu Yun and Zheng Jun quarrel so often? After reading what Zheng Jun said at the beginning of his time as a team leader, you can understand

In summary, Liu Yun and Zheng Jun's quarrel problems stem from differences in their communication styles and conflict handling. By understanding and respecting each other better, as well as learning to communicate effectively, they can improve their relationship, fight less often, and better support and understand each other.

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