
You live tired because you want it too much.

author:Kogetsu Seishin 1376

You live tired because you want it too much.

#能否发表一句人生的感悟吗?# #一句话感悟人生#

When I talk to my friends, they will say: life is too hard, life is really boring.

In fact, life is very hard, but there is absolutely no suffering from self-inflicted troubles, and life is also very tired, but it is definitely not physically tired. Because many times, your suffering, your tiredness, is due to thinking too much in your heart, which leads to anxiety in your heart, and slowly, you become more and more irritable and depressed.

However, when you are unhappy on your own, it is easier to do something that distracts you. For example, playing badminton with friends and going shopping.

Therefore, in life, don't be too attached to what you can't get, and don't let yourself be too tired.

You live tired because you want it too much.


Pain is because you are too attached

I like a sentence very much: "Take your time, you are not bad, just get through everything, and when you get through all the hardships, you will meet all the good." Take your time and everything will slowly get better! ”

Because, in life, there is a scenery at one stop, and there is a taste of a year old at a year, and your age should become a medal in your life, not a reason for you to be sad.

So, forgive everything before going to bed, wake up without asking about the past, cherish all the unexpected encounters, and look down on all without saying goodbye.

Just like me in 2018, because of my unsatisfactory life and the triviality of my family, I had thoughts of suicide more than once. At that time, I always felt that my life was pitch black, with no light and no sunny days. Every day is either depressed, or I don't think about tea and food, I can't sleep at night, and I am anxious during the day. Moreover, when the people around me fell to the bottom, they walked away, blacked out, and even spit on me.

It wasn't until one time, when the scene of me sitting by the river and worrying appeared in a person's camera, that I felt that I could also be a landscape in the eyes of others. As the saying goes, "You stand on the bridge and look at the view, and the people watching the view look at you from upstairs." ”

Gradually, I no longer clinged to those who left me, nor did I dwell on those who made matters worse, and my life became much easier.

You live tired because you want it too much.


Unhappy because we want results too much

A friend left a message on the Internet: "Why do you work as hard as others, but you always don't get the same reward?" Why do you just do the same thing, but when it's my turn, you run into walls everywhere? ”

I believe you have also had such thoughts: like why he used to be not as good as me in learning, but now he wants what he wants, but I don't have anything; Like why Mingming entered the company together, he is the leader, but I am a small staff; Like why I have more work and better performance than his, but he is often praised by the leader, but I am scolded from time to time.

Sometimes, I even feel that fate is unfair, life is too cruel, the people around me are unfriendly, and I feel that the whole world is full of hostility towards us.

Actually, it's not like that, it's just because we're too anxious for a result.

As soon as you work hard, you want to see results right away; It's hard to really love once, and I want to have a lover and eventually become a family; If you help someone once, you want others to remember you for a lifetime; After running for a day, I want to lose two or three pounds...

There is no such thing as a free lunch, and it is impossible to really drop the pie. Some people will be free of charge for meals, which is in exchange for a hundred times the effort, and some people have been sincerely exchanged for timely rain and rain again and again.

After all, everything in the world hides grievances. There is a reason in everything, and every reason has several turns.

You live tired because you want it too much.


Keep it simple, don't fight yourself

Someone said: "People are tired of living, one is too serious, and the other is too wanting." ”

Come to think of it, it is. A person is stressed because you want something too much; A person is in pain because you are too serious about something. As the saying goes, it's not that you can't get along with things, but you can't get along with yourself.

So, if something doesn't work for you, you should change your mind and turn a corner. Because, if everything goes well, then it is not called life. Only by forgiving everything before going to bed, waking up without asking about the past, cherishing all unexpected encounters, and looking down on all farewells, can we feel happiness and experience a small fortunate life in trivialities and firewood, rice, oil and salt.

If you like it, pay attention, check more emotional content in the past, life is only 30,000 days, calm your body and mind and emotions, and please yourself, because you may not meet in the next life!

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