
The 40 billion wealthy Kuotai, who gave birth to 3 children in a row and wants to give birth to a fourth child for 72-year-old Guo Taiming, is Ruby Lin's best friend

author:Eat well, say entertainment

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Zeng Xinying has always been a brave and determined woman, and her marriage to Terry Gou was full of challenges and opportunities. Recently, however, her decision to once again attract the attention of the media and the public, which is the decision to try to have a fourth child, at a time when she is already in her old age.

Ups and downs in marriage

Zeng Xinying and Gou's marriage is full of twists and turns, and their journey begins with their encounter and the origin of their love. The love story of the two starts very sweetly, and the fire of love burns quickly. They are intimate and their relationship is rock-solid during the love stage. However, the road to marriage between the two was not smooth, as they came from completely different family backgrounds.

The 40 billion wealthy Kuotai, who gave birth to 3 children in a row and wants to give birth to a fourth child for 72-year-old Guo Taiming, is Ruby Lin's best friend

Lin Shuru's family is wealthy and pampered, while Guo Taiming comes from an ordinary working family. This difference in background sparked fierce opposition between the families of the two men. Lin Shuru's family strongly opposed the marriage, and did not even say a word of blessing.

Faced with the opposition of her family, Lin Shuru made a remarkable decision. She resolutely chose to marry her beloved Guo Taiming, a decision that meant that she cut off contact with her family and paid a huge price in order to stick to her love.

The 40 billion wealthy Kuotai, who gave birth to 3 children in a row and wants to give birth to a fourth child for 72-year-old Guo Taiming, is Ruby Lin's best friend

This left Gou's family destitute and unable to make ends meet. When life was in trouble, Lin Shuru had to turn to her family for help. Although his family had previously opposed the marriage, they supported Gou and funded him to start a new business.

With the support of his family, Gou got back on his feet, started running Foxconn, and used his business talents to propel the company to success. However, at the same time, Lin Shuru went to live in the United States and separated from her husband.

The 40 billion wealthy Kuotai, who gave birth to 3 children in a row and wants to give birth to a fourth child for 72-year-old Guo Taiming, is Ruby Lin's best friend

During this period of separation, Guo Taiming did a sad thing. He cheated and started a relationship with the young and beautiful Chen Chongmei. However, what is infuriating is that Guo Taiming has no remorse, he excused himself in front of the media, saying that his only mistake was that he should not take Chen Chongmei home, completely unaware of hurting his wife's heart.

The 40 billion wealthy Kuotai, who gave birth to 3 children in a row and wants to give birth to a fourth child for 72-year-old Guo Taiming, is Ruby Lin's best friend

This series of events became a thorn in Lin Shuru's heart, constantly tormenting her. In 2002, she was diagnosed with breast cancer. After three years of stubborn struggle, she died in 2005 at the age of 54. On her deathbed, Gou's worth had reached $3.2 billion, making him the richest man in Taiwan. However, Lin Shuru only became the richest wife for one day and left him forever. The ups and downs of this marriage reflect great pain and struggle.

Zeng Xinying's "fourth child" decision

The decision was not rash, but deliberate. First of all, Zeng Xinying and Guo Taiming's marriage is very stable, and they have spent many years of ups and downs together. They supported each other and built a loving family with three lovely children.

However, Zeng's desire to have a fourth child is driven by the love of her parents deep in her heart. She firmly believes that she is capable of giving more love and care, regardless of her age. She hopes to expand the family and provide more siblings for the children so that they can grow up in a warm family atmosphere.

The 40 billion wealthy Kuotai, who gave birth to 3 children in a row and wants to give birth to a fourth child for 72-year-old Guo Taiming, is Ruby Lin's best friend

However, the risks and challenges of advanced maternal age cannot be overlooked. It is generally accepted in the medical community that women over the age of 35 face more health risks when they become pregnant, including congenital problems at birth of the child and health problems of the mother during pregnancy. This is an important consideration for Zeng.

The 40 billion wealthy Kuotai, who gave birth to 3 children in a row and wants to give birth to a fourth child for 72-year-old Guo Taiming, is Ruby Lin's best friend

Not only that, but the views of public opinion and the media cannot be ignored. Zeng Xinying's decision has sparked widespread concern and controversy. Some supported her choice, arguing that love and family were paramount, while others were concerned about her health and the future of her children. The topic became the focus of social media and news media.

Zeng's decision also makes us think about reproductive rights and personal decision-making. She strongly believes that she has the right to make her own decisions to add new members to her family, regardless of her age. This sparked a profound discussion about women's autonomy and family values.

The 40 billion wealthy Kuotai, who gave birth to 3 children in a row and wants to give birth to a fourth child for 72-year-old Guo Taiming, is Ruby Lin's best friend

The decision also highlights the uniqueness of her relationship with Gou. Despite the large age difference between the two, their relationship has always been full of love and support. Terry Gou has always supported her decision, believing that they can face the challenges of the future together.

Overall, Zeng's decision once again demonstrates her courage and determination. Despite the pressures placed on her by society and age, she persists in her pursuit of her family's happiness. Her decision also echoes her strong belief in love and family.

Zeng Xinying's friendship with Ruby Lin

Zeng Xinying's life not only has romantic love and family, but also a special best friend, that is the well-known actor Ruby Lin. The friendship between these two women is deep and unique, transcending the superficial aura of the entertainment industry.

The 40 billion wealthy Kuotai, who gave birth to 3 children in a row and wants to give birth to a fourth child for 72-year-old Guo Taiming, is Ruby Lin's best friend

Ruby Lin and Zeng Xinying's friendship began many years ago, and the two have similar backgrounds in the entertainment industry, but they develop independently of each other. Ruby Lin is a sought-after actress who is widely recognized for her acting skills, while Zeng Xinying is a talented choreographer.

The two women met at work, but their friendship soon transcended the working relationship. They support and encourage each other, sharing each other's joys and frustrations. This deep camaraderie is based on mutual understanding and respect.

The 40 billion wealthy Kuotai, who gave birth to 3 children in a row and wants to give birth to a fourth child for 72-year-old Guo Taiming, is Ruby Lin's best friend

The friendship between Zeng Xinying and Ruby Lin is also manifested in daily life. They often spend their free time together, whether it's eating food, shopping, or traveling together. These shared experiences cemented their friendship and made it even more indestructible.

Although Zeng Xinying and Ruby Lin are both well-known figures in the entertainment industry, their friendship is not disturbed by the outside world. They are not only best friends, but also each other's spiritual support. In life, when one party encounters setbacks or difficulties, the other party always firmly supports and encourages them.

The 40 billion wealthy Kuotai, who gave birth to 3 children in a row and wants to give birth to a fourth child for 72-year-old Guo Taiming, is Ruby Lin's best friend

This camaraderie is also reflected in the careers of the two. Zeng Xinying often provides choreography and direction for Ruby Lin's performance projects, ensuring that every performance is full of energy and artistry. This collaboration not only improved the quality of Ruby Lin's performances, but also enhanced the friendship between them.

The 40 billion wealthy Kuotai, who gave birth to 3 children in a row and wants to give birth to a fourth child for 72-year-old Guo Taiming, is Ruby Lin's best friend

The real test of friendship came at the wedding of Zeng Xinying and Guo Taiming. Ruby Lin is not only Zeng Xinying's bridesmaid, but also her best friend. She gave a touching speech at the wedding, expressing her affectionate blessings and support to Zeng Xinying. This moment deeply touched everyone present and showed the strong friendship between them.

The 40 billion wealthy Kuotai, who gave birth to 3 children in a row and wants to give birth to a fourth child for 72-year-old Guo Taiming, is Ruby Lin's best friend

In general, the friendship between Zeng Xinying and Ruby Lin is a precious relationship in the entertainment industry. Whether in career or life, they are each other's strong backing, support each other, and grow together. The sincerity and longevity of this friendship proves that even behind the glamour, true friendship can be more indestructible in the test of time.

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