
After the Chinese New Year, people's lives are back to normal again, and it is necessary to pay attention to diet and improve immunity

author:Smart Cola vnX

After the Chinese New Year, people's lives are back to normal again, and it is necessary to pay attention to diet and improve immunity

Topic: Epidemic and Personal Protection during the Spring Festival: Observations and Reflections

The epidemic during the Spring Festival

As the pandemic continues to evolve, people are also full of anticipation and anxiety about the annual Spring Festival celebrations. However, the Spring Festival in 2023 presents some encouraging signs. We will discuss the reduction and disappearance of the epidemic during the Spring Festival, as well as the correctness of the liberalization policy and people's return to normal life.

The reduction and disappearance of the epidemic during the Spring Festival

The good news of the epidemic is that the reduction and disappearance of the epidemic during the Spring Festival in 2023 is encouraging compared to the previous Spring Festival.

After the Chinese New Year, people's lives are back to normal again, and it is necessary to pay attention to diet and improve immunity

This is a sign of the effectiveness of the epidemic control measures and the increased awareness of the epidemic. In the experts' predictions, the second wave of small peaks did not occur, indicating that social prevention and control measures and the improvement of personal protection awareness played a key role.

The correctness of the liberalization policy and the return of people to normal life

At the end of 2022, the government gradually relaxed its pandemic control policies, allowing people more freedom and flexibility. The decision was controversial, but the correctness of the policy was confirmed as the epidemic remained relatively low during the Chinese New Year. People are starting to return to social places, visiting relatives and friends, and enjoying the fun of the Spring Festival.

After the Chinese New Year, people's lives are back to normal again, and it is necessary to pay attention to diet and improve immunity

This situation has been essential to alleviate the psychological stress that has arisen during the pandemic.

Raising awareness of personal protection

Personal protective measures taken by people during the Chinese New Year

During the Chinese New Year, a series of personal protection measures are generally taken to reduce the risk of infection. Wearing masks, washing hands frequently, and maintaining social distancing have become routines. This behavior is not only responsible for one's own health, but also for the community and others. Through these simple measures, we have effectively reduced the spread of the virus and protected ourselves and others.

Establish an immune barrier, and the virus comes and goes quickly

The establishment of an immune barrier is another highlight of the Chinese New Year period.

After the Chinese New Year, people's lives are back to normal again, and it is necessary to pay attention to diet and improve immunity

People are actively vaccinated to improve their own immunity. This will not only help reduce the incidence of severe cases, but also hopefully achieve herd immunity eventually. The virus comes and goes fast because of our protection and immunization measures.

The state of the epidemic

The China Disease Control and Prevention announced that there was no obvious rebound and no new mutant strains during the Spring Festival

The news released by the CDC is gratifying, as they announced that there has been no significant resurgence of the epidemic and no new mutant strains during the Spring Festival. This shows that the epidemic has been effectively controlled, and the results of cooperation between all parties are obvious. However, we also need to remain vigilant and continue to be highly vigilant, as the nature of the virus remains uncertain.

After the Chinese New Year, people's lives are back to normal again, and it is necessary to pay attention to diet and improve immunity

Restoration of tourist attractions and cinemas

The improvement of the epidemic has also brought about the resumption of entertainment venues such as tourist attractions and cinemas. People are once again enjoying travel and movie-watching, which is essential for the recovery of the cultural industry and tourism. However, it also requires people to be cautious and not neglect personal protective measures.

A new variant of the virus in Thailand

The Delta Xay.2 strain has been detected in Thailand

Although the domestic epidemic is under control, we cannot ignore the dynamics of the international epidemic. Recently, there has been an outbreak of a new variant of the virus in Thailand, and the Delta Xay.2 strain has attracted widespread attention.

After the Chinese New Year, people's lives are back to normal again, and it is necessary to pay attention to diet and improve immunity

This variant varies in speed of transmission and potential threat, so it needs to be watched closely.

The epidemic in Thailand and the connection of Chinese tourists

Close ties with Thailand make Chinese tourists a potential risk of infection. Although the Thai government has taken a series of measures to control the spread of the epidemic, it is still necessary for Chinese tourists to consciously abide by the epidemic prevention regulations and actively get vaccinated to reduce the risk of infection.

People are reminded to continue to take personal protection and strengthen their immunity

The emergence of the new variant in Thailand reminds us that the pandemic is not completely over and that we need to continue to protect ourselves and strengthen our immunity.

Measures such as vaccination, social distancing, and wearing masks are still in place

However, it is essential to protect the health of yourself and others.

Dietary advice

Three recommended foods are pork rib soup, broccoli with sauce and soybeans

Diet also plays a key role in the fight against the pandemic. Pork rib soup, broccoli in sauce, and soybeans are three foods that are good for immunity. Pork rib soup is rich in collagen, which helps boost immune function. Broccoli in the sauce is rich in vitamin C and folic acid, which can improve immunity. Soybeans are rich in protein and trace elements, which are beneficial to health.

After the Chinese New Year, people's lives are back to normal again, and it is necessary to pay attention to diet and improve immunity

Emphasize the importance of food for immunity, especially for middle-aged and older adults

In particular, the importance of food for immunity, especially for middle-aged and elderly people, needs to be emphasized. Their immune systems are often fragile, so it's important to choose healthy eating habits. By consuming foods rich in vitamins and nutrients, middle-aged and elderly people can improve their own immunity and reduce the risk of disease.


Overall, the epidemic during the Spring Festival in 2023 has shown a series of positive signs. The epidemic has been brought under control, people's awareness of personal protection has increased, and government policies have been validated.

After the Chinese New Year, people's lives are back to normal again, and it is necessary to pay attention to diet and improve immunity

As the saying goes, "If you don't eat three times in autumn, you won't stop eating fire", what is it if you don't eat three times? A lot of people don't know

Autumn is one of the most intoxicating seasons of the year. The fresh autumn breeze blows and the warm sunlight shines on the earth, giving it a sense of tranquility and pleasantness. As the saying goes: "If you don't eat three times in autumn, you won't stop eating fire." It reminds me of good food. I'm Chef Jiang Yizhou, and today I'm going to talk to you about autumn food and the ingredients that are not suitable for consumption in this season.

Autumn features

First of all, let's get acquainted with the characteristics of autumn. Autumn temperatures are moderate, not as hot as summer and not as cold as winter.

This season is the best time to go out and enjoy the fresh air outside. However, autumn also has a distinctive characteristic, and that is dryness. When the humidity drops, it is easy to cause the human body to lack water, so it is very important to drink more water.

Three ingredients that are not suitable for autumn

In autumn, although we can eat a variety of delicious foods, there are three ingredients that are not suitable for this season. First of all, we're going to talk about ginger. Ginger is a hot and dry ingredient that tends to cause a dry mouth, which conflicts with the dry climate of autumn itself. Therefore, despite the fact that ginger is an important seasoning throughout the year, in autumn it is better to reduce its use so as not to cause discomfort to the body.

After the Chinese New Year, people's lives are back to normal again, and it is necessary to pay attention to diet and improve immunity

The second type of ingredient that should not be eaten is fried food. Although fried foods are crispy and tasty, they tend to be rich in oil, which is not only unhealthy but can also easily lead to weight gain. Autumn is a season when people are more likely to feel a high appetite, so if you eat fried food frequently, it is easy to trigger weight problems. In addition, fried food tends to raise the fire in the body, which is not suitable for the dry climate of autumn.

The third ingredient that should not be eaten is spicy ingredients. Spicy foods can stimulate the digestive system to a certain extent and increase calories in the body. However, in autumn, which itself can easily lead to a rise in internal fire, consuming spicy foods is more likely to cause physical discomfort, especially for those who have digestive problems.

After the Chinese New Year, people's lives are back to normal again, and it is necessary to pay attention to diet and improve immunity

Recommendations for supplementing autumn foods

Now that we know what to avoid in autumn, I'm going to give you some tips so you can enjoy your autumn food better. First of all, I recommend eating more ingredients with a high water content to maintain the body's water balance. Among them, one of the most suitable dishes for autumn is white fungus pear soup.

Making white fungus pear soup is very simple. First, prepare fresh white fungus and pears. Tremella is a gelatinous ingredient that helps to moisturize the skin and maintain its elasticity. Sydney, on the other hand, is a fruit rich in water and vitamins, making it perfect for quenching your thirst in autumn.

After the Chinese New Year, people's lives are back to normal again, and it is necessary to pay attention to diet and improve immunity

Clean the white fungus and pear separately, then cut the white fungus into small pieces, peel and core the pear and cut it into small cubes.

Next, put the white fungus and pear together in a pot, add an appropriate amount of water, and simmer over low heat. During the simmering process, you can add some rock sugar according to your personal taste to make the soup more sweet and delicious. Wait until the white fungus becomes transparent and the pear becomes ripe, and the white fungus pear soup is fine.

This white fungus pear soup is not only delicious, but also helps to moisturize the skin and increase body hydration, making it perfect for autumn consumption. Moreover, it is very easy to make, and even people who are not good at cooking can easily make delicious white fungus pear soup.

After the Chinese New Year, people's lives are back to normal again, and it is necessary to pay attention to diet and improve immunity

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