
One of China's top 10 most serious crimes, the murder of Maccamore in a university dormitory

author:The bald chubby loves to cook

In 2004, there was a nationwide homicide. At Yunnan University, 23-year-old Ma Jia Jue killed four of his classmates one after another. After this news broke, Maccabius became the most wanted criminal that year.

One of China's top 10 most serious crimes, the murder of Maccamore in a university dormitory

1. The life of the character

Ma Jia Jue was born on May 4, 1981 in Maer Village, Binzhou Town, Binyang County, Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region.

From 1997 to 2000, he studied in high school with excellent grades, won the second prize of the National Physics Olympiad, and was pre-rated as "Provincial Three Good Students".

From 2000 to 2004, he studied biotechnology at Yunnan University College of Chemistry.

One person was killed on the night of February 13, 2004.

One person was killed on the night of February 14, 2004.

On February 15, 2004, two more people were killed, and then fled from the Kunming railway station.

In 2004, he killed four people in a row in the dormitory of Yunda University, causing a sensation in the "Maccabee Incident" that caused a sensation across the country.

On 23 February 2004, after receiving a report from the Public Security Bureau of Kunming City, Yunnan Province, four bodies of men who had been beaten to death by blunt objects were found in a cabinet in a dormitory of a student apartment of Yunnan University.

On February 25, 2004, the Yunnan Provincial Public Security Department issued an A-level wanted warrant offering a reward of 180,000 yuan for the arrest of Ma Jiajue, a suspect in the Yunnan University homicide case. The four students were all classmates of Maccabius.

On February 26, 2004, the Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region Public Security Department issued a warrant and offered a reward of 50,000 yuan for the arrest of Ma Jiajue. Previously, the police found out that Ma Jia Jue was a native of Binzhou Town, Binyang County, Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region.

On 1 March 2004, the Ministry of Public Security issued an A-level wanted warrant for the fugitive murder suspect Ma Jiajue. The public security organs have offered a reward of 200,000 yuan for public arrest across the country.

On March 6, 2004, when Ma Jia Jue's father was interviewed by reporters, he wrote a letter to his son, persuading his son to turn himself in. In the letter, he said: "You usually say that you will repay your parents when you grow up, but now since you disappeared, we have been crying loudly every day, your mother is very sick, how she wants to see you!" ...... Son, you have been a good child who honors your parents since you were a child, and we believe that you will not let us suffer this pain forever. ”

At the beginning of March 2004, the Ministry of Public Security commanded a nationwide investigation against Magajue, and dozens of "suspects" appeared across the country.

The police found that on February 15, Ma Jia Jue had withdrawn 350 yuan and 100 yuan in cash in two installments at the Xuefu Road Savings Office of the Huitong Branch of the Industrial and Commercial Bank of Yunnan Province; From 8 to 13 February and on 15 February, Ma Jia Jue went on the Internet to inquire about the geography, transportation, and employment of Ganzhou City in Jiangxi Province, Shaodong County in Hunan, and Guangzhou City, and browsed the relevant regulations on the production and verification of identity cards, and visited websites such as the "Ministry of Public Security" and the "Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region Public Security Department" on the Internet. Internet access is concentrated from 11 p.m. to 7 a.m.

On March 12, 2004, the Guangdong Provincial Public Security Department forwarded a notice from the Ministry of Public Security on the investigation of Ma Jia Jue's clues: The police investigation found that Ma Jia Jue was very likely to leave Kunming for Guangdong by train on the afternoon of February 17, 2004, and the number and time of the trains involved included: 2060 Kunming-Zhanjiang at 20:41; 1166 Kunming-Guangzhou, the time is 23:23.

At around 7:30 p.m. on March 15, 2004, Ma Jia Jue was arrested in Hexi District, Sanya City, Hainan Province.

One of China's top 10 most serious crimes, the murder of Maccamore in a university dormitory

2. Description of the witness

Shao Ruijie: Ma Jia Jue's best friend in college for three and a half years, because he had a quarrel with Ma Jia Jue because of playing cards, and he used bad words to hurt people, so he was killed.

Ma Jia Jue confessed: "I am very good with Shao Ruijie, and Shao also said that I am not a good person. We have lived together for so many years, and I regard Shao as a friend, and there are not many true friends. I can't imagine them saying that about me. I'm desperate, I don't have a single friend at Yunnan University... I treat him as a friend, and when he says that about me, I hate them. ”

Tang Xueli: I didn't quarrel in the fatal card game between Shao Ruijie and Magajue, nor did I have any trouble with Magajue. In the eyes of Tang Xueli's girlfriend, the two are even good friends, Tang usually calls Magajue "Brother Ma", and never accidentally offends Magajue with words, just because he temporarily lived in Magajue's dormitory, and he always slept in the dormitory for two days and didn't like to go out, which hindered Magajue's murder plan, so he was killed.

Maccabius himself admitted why he was the first to kill Tang: "It's not a matter of priority, but the opportunity to start has come, and he happened to be in the bedroom at that time." If it were someone else, the result would be the same. ”

Gong Bo: There has never been a conflict with Ma Jia Jue, there is not much contact, and he also did not participate in Ma and Shao's card game, because he did not invite Ma Jia Jue for his birthday, and Shao Ruijie used this matter to teach Ma Jia Jue: "It's because you have a bad character, so Gong Bo didn't call you on his birthday." Therefore, he was hated by Maccabius and was brutally killed.

Yang Kaihong: When Ma Jia Jue was dealing with the blood stains left by killing Shao Ruijie in the dormitory, he happened to come to Ma Jia Jue's dormitory to find someone, and Ma Jia Jue was worried that the matter would leak and killed Yang Kaihong.

One of China's top 10 most serious crimes, the murder of Maccamore in a university dormitory

III. Victims

The victims of the Ma Jia Jue murder incident are: Tang Xueli, Gong Bo, Yang Kaihong, and Shao Ruijie. All four are poor students from rural areas.

Tang Xueli's family lives in Chongren Village, Laowo Township, Lushui County, Nujiang Lisu Autonomous Prefecture. Tang Xueli was going to apply for graduate school, but because of the heavy burden on his family, he was forced to give up the graduate school entrance examination because he had already incurred a lot of debts for him and his younger brother to study.

Gong Bo's family lives in Dingjiazhuang, Laodaosi Town, Mianxian County, Hanzhong City. Gong Bo has a family of four, his grandfather is old and frail, and his parents rely on farming and small business to support his livelihood and provide for him to go to university. Before he was killed, Gong Bo had already obtained a master's degree.

Yang Kaihong is a native of Hongtangzi Village, Wolonggu Village Committee, Yangjie Township, Kaiyuan City, Yunnan Province. Yang Kaihong is a child of the Miao family, his family is very poor, and many of the clothes he wore when he was in high school were sponsored by his classmates.

Shao Ruijie is a native of Zhoumu Village, Xiaying Town, Cangwu County, Wuzhou City, Guangxi Province. Shao Ruijie's family is in difficulty, and when he was admitted to university, his family had borrowed more than 7,000 yuan, and then borrowed more than 10,000 yuan one after another.

Fourth, the details of the crime


I can't stand the ridicule of my classmates

This winter vacation, due to looking for a job, Ma Jia Jue did not go home, and Shao Ruijie and Tang Xueli returned to school early. One day a few days before the incident, when Ma Jia Jue and Shao Ruijie and several other classmates were playing cards, Shao Ruijie suspected that Ma Jia Jue was cheating, and the two had an argument. In the meantime, Shao Ruijie said: "I didn't expect you to even play cards, you are too bad, no wonder Gong Bo didn't invite you for his birthday..." Shao Ruijie and Ma Jia Jue are both from rural Guangxi, studying in the same class, living in the same dormitory for 4 years, Ma Jia Jue has always valued this good friend, but he never thought that he would be such an evaluation in the eyes of Shao Ruijie, and his good friend Gong Bo is the same. It was this sentence that made Magajue move the idea of killing Shao Ruijie and Gong Bo.

lethal weapon

Masonry hammers have been purchased twice

In order to carry out his murder plan, Maccabius looked up a lot of information on the Internet, and finally decided to use a hammer with relatively little blood after the murder as his modus operandi. He went to a thrift market and bought a masonry hammer, and in order to use it, he asked the shopkeeper to cut the long wooden handle short, quietly brought the hammer back, and hid it in a hidden place in the toilet in the dormitory building, hoping to take it out when the crime was committed. But somehow, the masonry hammer was stolen. As a last resort, he went back to the shop where he had bought the hammer last time and bought another masonry hammer, and also asked the boss to cut the overly long wooden handle and bring it back to the dormitory. During this period, he also bought black plastic bags and duct tape for tying up corpses, and went to the street to ask the certificate making dens to make fake identity cards for use when he fled.


The first is to remove obstacles

Tang Xueli originally did not live on campus and had been renting a private house off campus, but in those days, due to the holidays, the dormitory beds were generally empty, so Tang Xueli temporarily lived in the 317 dormitory where Ma Jia Jue and Shao Ruijie lived. And Shao Ruijie often went to the dormitory next door to play in those days, and sometimes lived next door when he was late. Tang Xueli's existence became the biggest obstacle for Ma Jia Jue to kill Shao Ruijie. On the evening of February 13, Ma Jia Jue took advantage of Tang Xueli's unpreparedness, smashed Tang Xueli's head with a masonry hammer, and after smashing him to death, he tied Tang's head with a plastic bag and hid it in the wardrobe and locked it, and carefully handled the scene. On the evening of the 14th, Shao Ruijie came back late from the Internet, and the classmates in the dormitory next door had already rested, so he returned to room 317 to live. Just as Shao Ruijie was washing his feet, Magajue smashed Shao Ruijie to death with a masonry hammer.


Kill two more people in half a day

At noon on the 15th, Ma Jia Jue was in the dormitory dealing with the blood stains left by the killing of Shao Ruijie the night before. At this time, Yang Kaihong came to the 317 dormitory to play cards with Ma Jia Jue, and Ma Jia Jue, who had already killed the red-eyed Ma Jia Jue, was a thief, and he didn't do anything, and took Yang Kaihong's life with the same means. That night, Ma Jia Jue found Gong Bo's dormitory and said that there was a lack of one of the three playing cards in room 317, and asked Gong Bo to go over to play cards. As a result, Gong Bo was brutally murdered by Maccabie that night.


I almost couldn't get on the train

The four students who were killed were all killed by a masonry hammer on the head. He hid them in a closet in the dormitory, tied their heads with a black plastic bag to prevent blood from coming out, and then covered the closet with tape and locked. Subsequently, Maccabius began his escape. On the 17th, when he went to the railway station to take the train, the fake ID card he used was seized by the railway police. But unfortunately, because the four bodies in the 317 dormitory had not been found at that time, he escaped the handling of the railway police and quietly boarded the train to Guangzhou.

One of China's top 10 most serious crimes, the murder of Maccamore in a university dormitory

5. The process of arrest

On the morning of March 16, 2004, after fingerprint, handwriting and DNA identification, the identity of Ma Jia Jue, a suspect wanted by the Ministry of Public Security, was finally confirmed. At 2:30 p.m., a press conference was held at the Sanya Public Security Bureau. Statistics from the Sanya Public Security Bureau showed that more than 20 media outlets attended.

At 5 o'clock in the afternoon, after attending the press conference, Hu Chongjun, the policeman who personally arrested Ma Jia Jue and the policeman of the Hexi Police Station of the Sanya Public Security Bureau, accepted a telephone interview with reporters and described the arrest process to reporters-

Rushed to the scene on a whistleblower's motorcycle

I am a police officer on duty, and at 7 o'clock in the evening of the 15th, I went to the vegetable market to deal with a sales dispute, and when the handling was nearing the end, the police station called. I rushed back to the police station and met the whistleblower.

"Where?" "By the river." "What are you doing?" "Eating." "Take your car, you take me quickly."

My conversation with the whistleblower was unusually brief. In addition, I didn't drive my own motorcycle because I had two worries, one was that I was afraid that the fighter would be delayed because of parking; Second, they are worried that the whistleblower will be afraid on the spot and avoid it, thus delaying the fighter.

"Hurry up, drive faster." After getting on the whistleblower's motorcycle, I was urging all the way.

Considering that Maccabius may have a murder weapon on his body, I am mentally prepared for a possible fight. I was wearing a police uniform and a pair of handcuffs. I think that if there is a real fight, we have a good mass base, and the masses will help us when we see the police fighting the suspects. Almost at the same time as I arrived at the scene, my colleagues also arrived.

At a distance of one meter, I stared at him.

Ma Jia Jue was sitting on the ground at the time, holding a broken steamed bun in his hand, and picked up a sweet potato cake from the garbage, took a bite slowly, put it in a plastic bag, wrapped it, and then put it in his jacket pocket. He glanced up at me, then lowered his head and continued to eat.

His face was dark, with no expression visible, and he was dressed in navy blue, dirty, unkempt, like a madman.

I was less than a meter away from him, stared at him for ten or twenty seconds, and when he looked up at me again, I began to ask him, "Where are you from?" He was so muffled that I couldn't hear anything clearly.

"Please show your ID." He still didn't react much, but picked up the canvas bag he had with him and wanted to leave. That's when I started to doubt him. Generally speaking, a real madman would not have such a reaction. "Don't move." We didn't handcuff him right away, we just pressed his right shoulder with our hand to restrict his movement and at the same time notify the leadership.

At that time, it was time to go out for a walk after dinner, and many people heard that it was Magajue who was arrested, and many people watched and followed him to the police station.

At first, he still wanted to fool around, but when he checked out the more than 2,400 yuan and the repeater on his body, he collapsed all of a sudden. The policeman asked him again, "Who are you?" He said, "I am Maccabius." ”

One of China's top 10 most serious crimes, the murder of Maccamore in a university dormitory

6. Trial of the case

On April 22, 2004, the Kunming Intermediate People's Court openly tried the case of Ma Jia Jue on suspicion of intentional homicide and attached civil lawsuits, and made a criminal attached civil judgment on April 24, finding that Ma Jia Jue was guilty of intentional homicide, sentenced to death, and deprived of political rights for life; Ma Jia Jue was ordered to compensate the plaintiffs in the attached civil lawsuit Li Wenyang and Tang Xianhe RMB 20,000, the plaintiffs in the attached civil lawsuit Shao Weiqing and Huang Xiemei RMB 20,000, and the plaintiffs in the attached civil lawsuit Yang Shaoquan and Ma Cunying RMB 20,000. After the verdict was announced, Ma Jia Jue did not file an appeal within the statutory time limit, and the Kunming Intermediate People's Court submitted it to the Yunnan Provincial High Court in accordance with the law to approve the death sentence against Ma Jia Jue.

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