
The secret of the fingerprint is revealed, and the bucket and dustpan are actually genetic curses? Everyone's future may be predestined

author:Devin Knowledge

Let's listen to the old saying first, "One bucket is poor, two buckets are rich, three buckets and four buckets sell tofu, five buckets and six buckets open pawnshops, seven buckets and eight buckets sit and walk, and nine buckets and ten buckets enjoy Qingfu." ”

Yes, the more you fight, the better your life will be, and your life will be smooth.

What are buckets and dustpans?

The secret of the fingerprint is revealed, and the bucket and dustpan are actually genetic curses? Everyone's future may be predestined

Scientists from Fudan University and the Chinese Academy of Sciences recently conducted a study and found that the secret of fingerprints is actually related to genes!

The old saying "the lines of ten fingers determine a person's fate" may not be just nonsense.

Is it true? Can you see the future by looking at your hands?

In fact, there are many secrets of fingerprints.

No two leaves are the same in the world, and so are fingerprints.

Fingerprints are like our ID cards, no two are the same.

How do fingerprints come about? It's actually quite magical.

When we were still in our mother's womb, at 10 weeks of age, our fingers began to develop. But when the skin grows slowly, the skin is compressed, so that fingerprints are formed.

The secret of the fingerprint is revealed, and the bucket and dustpan are actually genetic curses? Everyone's future may be predestined

Each baby's fingerprints will be fixed 3-6 months after birth and will not change for a lifetime.

There are many secrets of fingerprints.

Archaeologists have found fossilized fingerprints of prehistoric humans in ancient ruins, which record the life trajectory of our ancestors and are witnesses of history.

Although there are many practical applications of fingerprints, in the private sector, people pay more attention to the mystery behind fingerprints. The bucket pattern represents good luck, while the dustpan pattern signifies poverty.

Now, fingerprint prediction is popular. What's going on?

Can fingerprints really decide fate?

There are various theories about fingerprints.

For example, "one bucket is poor, and the other bucket is rich", everyone believes that the more buckets on the fingerprints, the better the financial luck.

Also, by looking at the number of buckets and dustpans on a person's fingers, you can judge his character and future fate. While there is no scientific basis for this claim, it reflects people's perceptions of fingerprints and fate.

The secret of the fingerprint is revealed, and the bucket and dustpan are actually genetic curses? Everyone's future may be predestined

I believe everyone has heard that some people will have a lot of "bucket" lines on their fingers, so there is a saying "full of bucket lines". However, this statement is actually difficult to prove, because fingerprints are difficult to preserve, but it also proves that the ancients have realized that there is a wonderful connection between fingerprints and people.

This connection may be more of a psychological effect in ancient times, for example, some people feel that they have more "dou" lines on their fingers, and they will naturally feel that they are very powerful, but this is subjective after all.

Whether fingerprints can predict a person's fate has been regarded as a folklore in the past, but scientific research in recent years has found that fingerprints are really related to human genetics.

In India, there is a family called the Apu family, and there is not a single fingerprint in the family.

After testing, it was found that they had a rare hereditary skin disease that prevented fingerprints from forming, which also proved that the formation of fingerprints was related to specific genes.

The secret of the fingerprint is revealed, and the bucket and dustpan are actually genetic curses? Everyone's future may be predestined

Chinese and Europeans and Americans have basically the same proportion of bucket patterns and dustpan patterns in their fingerprints, while Europeans and Americans have more dustpan patterns, which may be related to their living environment.

In January 2022, researchers found that fingerprints are not directly related to the fate of personal wealth, but they have a certain relationship with our health.

For example, the Apu family does not have fingerprints, while the palm prints of people with Down syndrome are broken. Both of these conditions may indicate the development of certain genetic disorders.

Therefore, although fingerprints cannot directly tell us the fate of wealth in the future, it is actually like a genetic marker, which can reflect our health and development.

The secret of the fingerprint is revealed, and the bucket and dustpan are actually genetic curses? Everyone's future may be predestined

Fingerprint cracks the code of life

With the development of technology, we have finally uncovered the mystery of fingerprints.

It turns out that a small fingerprint not only records a person's unique identity information, but also hides the important passwords in the person's life.

The secret of the fingerprint is revealed, and the bucket and dustpan are actually genetic curses? Everyone's future may be predestined

In the 60s of the 20th century, Soviet scientists studied the fingerprints of athletes and found that fingerprints have a lot to do with people's athletic talent.

The more "bucket" lines in the fingerprint, the stronger the person's athletic ability and the longer the little finger.

At the same time, they also found that patients with some diseases also have specific fingerprint characteristics, which provides the possibility of early screening of diseases.

The development of science has provided more possibilities for fingerprint research.

The secret of the fingerprint is revealed, and the bucket and dustpan are actually genetic curses? Everyone's future may be predestined

In 2022, a research team led by Wang Sijia, an academician of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, collaborated with the University of Edinburgh to analyze more than 2,000 samples and confirmed that there is a high degree of similarity between the fingerprints of children and parents, which is derived from genetic sequences.

Experts have found that the shape of fingerprints on fingers has a lot to do with physical development. They felt that perhaps in the future, by analyzing the morphology of fingerprints, it would be possible to predict a person's physical development and possible diseases.

As soon as the news of this major discovery spread, research institutions around the world began to intensify their research on this new topic, hoping to find more secrets about the human body from fingerprints. A research team from the University of Tokyo in Japan collected and analyzed the fingerprints of thousands of volunteers and found that the fingerprints of twins and identical triplets were highly similar, which further proved the relationship between fingerprints and genetics.

They also built a large database of Asian fingerprints specifically designed to explore differences in fingerprint formation patterns between different ethnic groups.

The secret of the fingerprint is revealed, and the bucket and dustpan are actually genetic curses? Everyone's future may be predestined

As far as we know, researchers from Shanghai Jiao Tong University are deeply studying the association between fingerprints and diseases, they have collected fingerprint samples from tens of thousands of patients, and found that the fingerprints of patients with some common diseases (such as diabetes, cardiovascular diseases, etc.) have some very special characteristics, which means that we can judge the risk of a person suffering from a certain disease through fingerprints, and even warn of the occurrence of diseases in advance.

The secret of the fingerprint is revealed, and the bucket and dustpan are actually genetic curses? Everyone's future may be predestined

Then, a study from Fudan University found that children's fingerprints are easily affected by the environment when they are young, so by analyzing the changes in their fingerprints, we can judge their development, which is very helpful for detecting and treating developmental abnormalities.

Although fingerprint research is still in its infancy, it has opened a new window into life, and fingerprints are no longer a simple identifier, but contain each person's unique life story.

As research deepens, scientists have found that fingerprints are actually like a miniature version of the "black box", quietly recording the growth process, health status of each of us, and even revealing potential disease risks.

The mystery of fingerprints

A fingerprint is like a unique sign on the human body, which at first looks like some raised lines on the finger, but in fact, it has a lot of magical functions and meanings.

The secret of the fingerprint is revealed, and the bucket and dustpan are actually genetic curses? Everyone's future may be predestined

First of all, fingerprints can enhance our grip.

Did you know that fingerprints are actually small dots on our fingers, which can increase the friction between fingers and objects, allowing us to grasp more steadily, just like the patterns on tires can make tires grip firmer, fingerprints can also help us grip stronger. In addition to enhancing grip strength, fingerprints also protect fingers.

If our fingers are completely smooth, then they will be affected by greater friction when sliding, and the skin is also more prone to breakage, while the presence of fingerprints increases the elasticity and ductility of the skin, has a cushioning effect, and can reduce skin damage when sliding.

The secret of the fingerprint is revealed, and the bucket and dustpan are actually genetic curses? Everyone's future may be predestined

Furthermore, fingerprints are not only related to our health status, but also to different races.

Statistics found that the fingerprints of Chinese and Japanese are mainly bucket-shaped and mesa-shaped, accounting for more than 90%, while Europeans are mainly medi-shaped fingerprints, and Americans are more bow-shaped fingerprints.

It can be seen from here that fingerprints are related to race, but at the same time, there are differences between individuals, for example, the fingerprints of identical twins are very similar, which also shows that fingerprints are not only related to race, but also related to personal genetics.

Of course, the most famous function of fingerprints is human body recognition, and each person's fingerprint is unique, which has also become a kind of biometric mark.

In criminal investigation, fingerprints can provide strong evidence, in daily life, fingerprints are also widely used in mobile phones, access control and other equipment unlocking and security verification, the development of fingerprint recognition technology has also promoted the progress of criminal investigation and security technology.

The secret of the fingerprint is revealed, and the bucket and dustpan are actually genetic curses? Everyone's future may be predestined

In fact, although the fingerprint looks ordinary, it has a lot of magical functions and meanings, it is a unique and important part of the human physiological structure, it not only enhances the body's ability to grasp, but also has a potential connection with health, genetics, and even physical fitness.

We can say that these tiny lines record the unique imprint of each person's life, and also hide many scientific mysteries.

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