
Sino-US technology competition, Huawei Mate60Pro! Kirin chip is the limit of China's lithography machine

author:Guanren Technology

In the current international competition, the scientific and technological competition between China and the United States has become the core. Shen Dingli, a professor at Fudan University, pointed out that in the short term, the United States still has a clear advantage in this field. Huawei's recently released Mate 60 Pro phone seems to confirm this view. However, the phone's chip manufacturing process has been limited by the technology of the United States, which has put Chinese technology in a difficult situation.

Sino-US technology competition, Huawei Mate60Pro! Kirin chip is the limit of China's lithography machine

Huawei's Mate60Pro uses a chip manufacturing process from SMIC, but its process may have reached the limit of existing lithography machines in Chinese mainland. This means that if Huawei wants to further improve the performance of its phones, it will have to look for new chip process technologies. However, this is not an easy task, because the research and development of chip process technology requires a large amount of capital investment and time accumulation.

The scientific and technological superiority of the United States is mainly reflected in its strong scientific research strength and innovation ability. The United States is home to many of the world's top scientific research institutions and universities, as well as a large number of top scientific research talents. This makes the United States far more R&D in the field of science and technology than other countries. In addition, U.S. technology companies also have a wide global presence, which gives the U.S. a clear advantage in the technology race.

Sino-US technology competition, Huawei Mate60Pro! Kirin chip is the limit of China's lithography machine

However, despite the pressure from the United States in science and technology, China has not given up its efforts in the field of science and technology. The Chinese government has been vigorously promoting scientific and technological innovation and encouraging enterprises to carry out technological research and development and innovation. At the same time, China's scientific research institutions and universities are also actively carrying out scientific research work and striving to enhance China's scientific and technological strength.

Huawei's Mate60Pro mobile phone's chip process woes reflect China's shortcomings in chip process technology. However, it also provides an opportunity for China to break the U.S. technological blockade and enhance China's scientific and technological strength through independent research and development.

Sino-US technology competition, Huawei Mate60Pro! Kirin chip is the limit of China's lithography machine

The technological competition between China and the United States is a long-term battle. While the U.S. still has the upper hand in science and technology, China has not given up on its efforts. Through continuous scientific and technological innovation and R&D, China is expected to make greater breakthroughs in the future scientific and technological competition.

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