
JD Logistics won the Kuaishou e-commerce business

JD Logistics won the Kuaishou e-commerce business

JD Logistics won the Kuaishou e-commerce business

JD Logistics joins hands with Kuaishou e-commerce

This year's Double 11, in addition to the price of "volume", what is still "volume"?

The answer is undoubtedly logistics. For e-commerce platforms, logistics has always been a key area of focus for their big promotions.

In recent times, Taobao Tmall, Douyin, Kuaishou and other platforms have increased the construction of logistics services.

Taking Kuaishou as an example, the Kuaishou e-commerce Double 11 Shopping Festival was officially opened recently, and JD Logistics has become the official special logistics partner of Kuaishou, which will provide logistics operation guarantee for Kuaishou merchants during the Double 11 period, and provide many high-quality delivery services for Kuaishou users.

Specifically, JD Logistics will bring exclusive services such as priority pickup, priority transfer, and priority delivery services to Kuaishou merchants, and ensure the timeliness of logistics performance during the promotion period and realize the explosion of the number of orders in the promotion.

In addition, JD Logistics will also set up pre-sales and after-sales special lines for Kuaishou e-commerce, and an independent team will provide customer service for merchants to achieve a rapid response in terms of "quick response within 1 hour of basic consultation, 24-hour priority processing of delayed orders, and 72-hour claim settlement for lost orders", so as to help consumers solve their consumption needs in an all-round way.

You know,On the eve of this year's double 618,Jingdong Logistics has built Kunshan Yayi Intelligent Industrial Park Phase 2 has been gradually put into use,At the same time, Qingdao、Chongqing、Dezhou、Guiyang and other regions of Asia No. 1 automated sorting center has also completed the upgrade,As far as this year's big promotion is concerned,Jingdong Logistics's parcel sorting efficiency will reach 5 times that of manual sorting。

JD Logistics won the Kuaishou e-commerce business

Kunshan Yayi Phase 2 put into use by JD in 2023 Source: JD Logistics

In addition, the automation technology of Jingdong Logistics has also been decentralized to the express delivery sites, and the telescopic belt conveyor developed by Jingdong Logistics has been promoted to hundreds of sites across the country, and the loading and unloading time of express delivery sites will be greatly reduced.

According to the forecast, Kuaishou e-commerce, with the help of JD Logistics, will obtain more comprehensive logistics assistance, so as to obtain more certain growth in the big promotion.

From the perspective of JD Logistics, it has become a special partner of Kuaishou e-commerce, and it has also expanded its business flow to a large extent, so as to find new opportunities to break through by relying on big promotions.

It is worth noting that before this promotion, JD Logistics had cooperated with Kuaishou e-commerce. During the Spring Festival in 2023, JD Logistics has become the official logistics partner of Kuaishou e-commerce, and continues to provide uninterrupted delivery services for the majority of Kuaishou e-commerce merchants and consumers.

As the official logistics partner of Kuaishou e-commerce's "Spring Festival does not close", JD Logistics provided stable and comprehensive express delivery services for many veterans through its own strong resource portfolio at that time.

In this Double 11 cooperation, JD Logistics' identity is a special partner of Kuaishou e-commerce promotion, which is obviously a further cooperation on the basis of previous cooperation for various express delivery services during the promotion.

It is foreseeable that after this cooperation, the resource exchange and synergy between the two sides will inevitably be significantly improved.

JD Logistics won the Kuaishou e-commerce business

A mutually beneficial cooperation

However, then again, as a typical representative of high-quality express service providers, JD Logistics has been open to all businesses in society since 2016, and its partners are not only Kuaishou e-commerce.

In 2022, JD Logistics became the first batch of logistics companies to access the Douyin e-commerce "Sound Demand" service, and since then, the scope of cooperation between JD Logistics and Douyin e-commerce has gradually expanded to the supply chain field. According to the data, as of December 31, 2022, this service has covered more than 20,000 merchants on the Douyin e-commerce platform.

In September of the same year, Dongfang Selection also reached a cooperation with JD Logistics. With the help of JD Logistics, orders for Dongfang's self-operated products in the same city can be delivered on the same day or the next day, and inter-provincial orders can be delivered within 72 hours. At the same time, with the flexible supply chain solutions provided by JD Logistics, the overall delivery time of Dongfang Selection has been greatly improved by about 17%.

JD Logistics won the Kuaishou e-commerce business

"Oriental Selection of Self-operated Zigui Navel Orange" Special Support Vehicle Source: Jingdong Logistics

In addition, JD Logistics is also an overseas logistics service provider for well-known domestic enterprises such as Huawei, Honor, Midea, CATL, and Mindray Medical.

From this point of view, it is quite a wise choice for Kuaishou E-commerce to invite JD Logistics as a partner of this promotion.

From the perspective of Kuaishou e-commerce, Kuaishou has completed the first stage of accumulation of e-commerce business, and urgently needs to promote the business to a higher level by making up for logistics shortcomings.

According to the latest financial report, in the second quarter, the total GMV of Kuaishou e-commerce reached 265.5 billion yuan, a year-on-year increase of 38.9%, the average number of monthly buyers has exceeded 110 million, and the average customer unit price and average monthly order times have also increased significantly.

JD Logistics won the Kuaishou e-commerce business

Proportion of Kuaishou's business revenue Source: 100 million euros

In the words of Cheng Yixiao, CEO of Kuaishou, "E-commerce business has become one of the important engines driving Kuaishou's future growth, and it is also the center of the entire Kuaishou business ecosystem. ”

In this context, if Kuaishou e-commerce wants to achieve leapfrog growth, it is very important to grasp the big promotion node. Take the previous 618 promotion as an example, from June 1st to June 18th, the number of Kuaishou e-commerce orders increased by nearly 40% year-on-year, and the number of buyers increased by nearly 30% year-on-year; The GMV of branded products increased by more than 200% year-on-year, the number of orders placed for short video trailers increased by nearly 210% year-on-year, and the GMV of search and payment increased by nearly 130% year-on-year.

It can be seen that Kuaishou e-commerce and JD Logistics have reached a cooperation, obviously to seize the important time node of the double 11 promotion and achieve business explosion.

In short, whether it is from the perspective of Jingdong logistics or from the perspective of Kuaishou e-commerce, the cooperation between the two sides is two-way and mutually beneficial.

JD Logistics won the Kuaishou e-commerce business

Will self-built logistics be the way out?

As the saying goes, it's better to rely on others than on yourself.

Especially for emerging e-commerce platforms such as Douyin and Kuaishou, due to the slow start and rapid development of e-commerce business, it is obviously impossible to support the entire business by relying solely on external services to meet logistics needs.

Taking Douyin as an example, recently, it was reported that Douyin e-commerce is testing logistics service solutions in remote areas, and the subsequent transit warehouse model may be launched for Xinjiang and Tibet and other regions. At present, this service has covered orders sent to Xinjiang, and Tibet will also be opened in the future.

Obviously, Douyin e-commerce's internal testing of logistics services in remote areas is a major measure carried out by the platform to address logistics shortcomings. For Douyin e-commerce, only by solving this problem can the platform achieve better results in the big promotion.

Similarly, Kuaishou e-commerce does not want to make up for logistics shortcomings by accessing third-party logistics service providers.

Around March last year, Kuaishou e-commerce tested the waters of the "on-demand delivery" service. According to the official introduction, "on-demand delivery" is one of the service items in the "first-class" merchant products launched by Kuaishou e-commerce, which is to reach cooperation with express companies through the platform to match merchants, so as to provide consumers with an exclusive service delivered according to customer demands in the end distribution link.

At present, whether it is testing the waters of "on-demand delivery" service or cooperating with third-party service providers, it shows that Kuaishou e-commerce hopes to ensure the delivery ability and logistics performance ability of merchants by strengthening logistics and distribution capabilities.

In fact, in addition to Douyin and Kuaishou, Taobao and Tmall, as traditional e-commerce platforms, even if they have official logistics service providers, still need to carry out many logistics layouts. For example, in August this year, Taotian Group set up a logistics department, which is responsible for platform logistics management and coordination of logistics resources such as socialized logistics companies.

JD Logistics won the Kuaishou e-commerce business

Source: Screenshot of Taotian Group's recruitment official website

In the long run, when the number of e-commerce platform users grows to a certain extent, it becomes more and more important to build their own express logistics service system.

However, in this process, an obstacle that cannot be ignored is that self-built logistics requires a lot of time and capital costs. In Liu Qiangdong's words, no matter how much money there is, it will take at least five years to build a logistics system covering 500 cities across the country.

In this way, the results of self-built logistics are unknown and uncontrollable, and may not be suitable for emerging e-commerce platforms such as Douyin and Kuaishou.

As far as the current situation is concerned, how will Douyin and Kuaishou's self-built logistics "not be skimmed" in the future? Let's wait and see.

Author | Li Xiang

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