
Interpretation of the historical and geographical connotation of the phenomenon of duplicate names in geographical names in the Western Regions

author:Chinese Geographical Names Research
Interpretation of the historical and geographical connotation of the phenomenon of duplicate names in geographical names in the Western Regions

Research on geographical names in Jiangxi

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Abstract:The Western Regions is a historical geographical concept, which is divided into broad and narrow senses. In a broad sense, "Western Regions" refers to the area west of Yumen Pass and Yangguan, including present-day Xinjiang and Central Asia, West Asia, South Asia, North Africa, Central and Eastern Europe, and other places; In a narrow sense, the "Western Regions" refers to the north and south of the Tianshan Mountains and the Pamirs and Lake Balkhhash, which is actually slightly larger than today's Xinjiang. In ancient times, there were many states in the Western Regions, most of which were tribes or regimes formed by nomadic people. With the evolution of the times, due to complex reasons such as climate, famine, war, etc., or gradual or abrupt changes, some nomadic tribal states have been divided, merged, migrated, or disappeared, and their names (including state names, town names, etc.) have often mutated and changed, and there are various phenomena of duplicate names in the Western Regions. The types of duplicate names are slightly completely duplicated, partially duplicated, virtual and real duplicated, different places duplicated, different duplicate names, and different generations of duplicate names. An in-depth investigation of the phenomenon of duplicate names in the Western Regions can further understand the rich historical and geographical and cultural connotations.

Keywords: Ancient Kingdom of the Western Regions; Duplicate names of places; Duplicate name type; Reason for duplicate name

1. The "Western Regions" and "Duplicate Name" Circles

"Western Regions" is a concept often used in ancient books, and its connotation is very rich. Some scholars believe that the "Western Regions" is first and foremost a historical concept, which appeared from the Han Dynasty to the Qing Dynasty and was replaced by Xinjiang, and the time of use has a strict range. The second is a political concept, "Western Regions" first appeared in the history books of the Han Dynasty, and then appeared in the ancient official history books of the mainland, reflecting the political affiliation between the region and the Central Plains Dynasty. Finally, the "Western Regions" is a geographical concept that has had its specific general geographical scope since its inception.

Of course, the scope of the "Western Regions" is not set in stone in different historical periods. The "Western Regions" of the Han Dynasty, according to the "Hanshu Western Regions Biography", mainly refers to the "Western Regions Protectorate" under the jurisdiction of the Han Dynasty, excluding Wusun who was active at the northern foot of the Tianshan Mountains; During the Wei, Jin, Southern and Northern Dynasties, according to the Book of Wei: The Biography of the Western Regions, its geographical scope has extended westward to Central Asia; The Western Regions in the broad sense of the Tang Dynasty included the west of Dunhuang, the north and south of the Tianshan Mountains, Central Asia, and West Asia, and the Western Regions in the narrow sense referred to the part of Central Asia from the west of the Green Mountains to Persia; The scope of the "Western Regions" in the Ming Dynasty was from the west of Dunhuang to the Arabian Peninsula, etc., or the west of Jiayuguan was regarded as the Western Regions; The "Western Regions" of the Qing Dynasty stretched from the west of Dunhuang in the east to the Balkhash Lake and the Green Mountains in the west. Mr. Fan Wenlan, a famous historian, believes that in the Han Dynasty, the "Western Regions" was divided into broad and narrow senses, and the broad sense of the Western Regions refers to Central Asia, West Asia and even Europe west of Yumen Pass and Yangguan; In a narrow sense, the Western Regions refers to the "Thirty-six Kingdoms of the Western Regions" south of the Tianshan Mountains, north of the Kunlun Mountains, and east of the Green Mountains.

In fact, no matter how the geographical scope of the "Western Regions" is defined and changed, its core part includes the Central Asian region including Xinjiang on the mainland. In a broad sense, "Western Regions" refers to the area west of Yumen Pass and Yangguan, including present-day Xinjiang and Central Asia, West Asia, South Asia, North Africa, Central and Eastern Europe, and other places; In a narrow sense, the "Western Regions" refers to the north and south of the Tianshan Mountains and the Pamirs and Lake Balkhhash, which is actually slightly larger than today's Xinjiang. The "Western Regions" discussed in this article is taken in its broad sense.

A place name is a language code given by human beings to geographical entities on the earth and other planets that indicate a specific direction and range, or it is a language and writing mark that distinguishes geographical entities with different directions and ranges. The renaming of place names is a common phenomenon in history, and in the long history of the development and evolution of the ancient countries of the Western Regions, due to climate, war, disaster, migration and other reasons, the phenomenon of duplicate names of place names has also been formed. Duplicate name, meaning the same name, refers to the repeated use of the same place name in different geographical scopes, different eras, and different levels of administrative divisions, resulting in the phenomenon of duplicate names of place names. The renaming of place names mainly refers to the exact same words and pronunciations of place names, such as the Luntai Tuntian place established during the period of Emperor Zhao of the Han Dynasty and the Luntai established by Emperor Taizong of the Tang Dynasty to change the name and construction of the prefecture and county in the Western Regions; It can also refer to place names with different words but the same pronunciation, such as Tongguan and Tongguan counties in Shaanxi Province during the Republic of China, both of which are pronounced tóng guān. The name of the place in this article is the same, referring to the former case.

The first category, partially with the same name. As the name suggests, this refers to the similarity of some characters in the words used in the name of the place. The similarity part is also based on the original subject core words pointed to by the etymology, and the non-similar parts are often modifiers about orientation, time, volume, etc. This situation is mostly seen in the differentiation, decomposition, and division of ethnic groups or tribes or so-called nomadic countries. For example: big Wusun, small Wusun; Otsuki, Otsuki; Southern Xiongnu, Northern Xiongnu; Eastern Turks, Western Turks; The former country of the Cheshi and the latter of the Cheshi (the latter country of the Cheshi was split into the Cheshi Duwei State and the Cheshi Houcheng Changguo).

The second category, completely renamed. This means that all characters of the common place name are identical. Under this category, it can also be subdivided into three subcategories: heterogeneous names, different duplicate names, and different generation duplicate names. Heteronyms, in fact, all "duplicate names", in a broad sense, are "heterogeneous names", but here it refers specifically to the unique phenomenon of duplicate names in some oasis states in the "Ancient Thirty-six Kingdoms of the Western Regions", that is, the names of states are the same as the names of their cities, such as Shule and Shule. The same name refers to the geographical location is different or even far away, and its place name is exactly the same, such as the two Shule in the Han Dynasty, one is the city of Shule in the south of the Tianshan Mountains (in present-day Kashgar City), and the other is the city of Shule in the north of the Tianshan Mountains (in Qitai County, Changji Prefecture); Another example is Han Luntai and Tang Luntai. The renaming of different generations refers to the use of a place name in different eras, such as the ancient Shanshan country and the Shanshan County of present-day Turpan City; Another example is the ancient Shule Kingdom and the Shule County of present-day Kashgar City. Of course, the completely renamed "Luntai" of the Han Dynasty and the "Luntai" of the Tang Dynasty are both renames in different places and different generations, and they are also renames in a broad sense and in essence.

The third category is the double name of the virtual and the real. This refers to the situation where the same place name has a difference between religious fiction and historical truth. For example, in the Kingdom of Khotan, Khotan in Buddhist texts is only a religious imagination, while Khotan in official history books is an authentic historical record.

Second, the example of the type of duplicate name

(1) Partial duplicate names

In the ancient Western Regions, there were some ethnic groups or states that were once prosperous, but due to complex reasons such as wars, political struggles or disasters, or civil strife and disintegration, or expulsion and migration, with the growth of power and the separation of nationalities, their original names also changed. The once powerful Wusun, Cheshi, Xiongnu, Yueshi, and Turks all had similar experiences. Other parts of the same names are: Da Wan, Xiao Wan; Pu country, pu post-country; the country of Beilu, the country of Beilu; The east is the country, and the west is the country. The six countries of Pu, Puhou, Beilu, Beiluhou, East and Mi, and West are all countries in the Tianshan Valley, and are known as the "Six Kingdoms of Shanbei".

1. Wusun (big Wusun, small Wusun)

Wusun State is a state established by the nomadic Wusun in the Western Regions during the Western Han Dynasty, located in the southeast of Lake Balkhash and the Ili River Valley. During the period of Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty, King Weng Guimi of Wusun continued to marry Princess Xie Wei of the Han Dynasty as his wife, and gave birth to a son, Yuan Guimi, who had the right to succeed to the throne as Kunmi; The Xiongnu also married the princess to Weng Guimi, and gave birth to a son Wu and slaughtered, only the Marquis of Xi. In the second year of Emperor Xuan of the Han Dynasty (60 years ago), Weng Guimi died, and the Han court and the princess of Xie Wei supported Yuan Guimi, and the Wusun nobles supported the nephew of the Xiongnu. The mud was furious, causing chaos in Wusun. In the first year of Ganlu (53 years ago), Wu Tu sent troops to attack and kill Nimi, and established himself as Kunmi, and Yuan Guimi lost his position. The Han Dynasty sent Xin Wuxian to lead troops to Dunhuang to slaughter Wu. Before the Han soldiers were dispatched, Du Hu Zheng Ji had sent Feng Liao, the maid of Princess Wu, and her husband General Wusun You to persuade Wu to slaughter, and Wu Tu complied. The Han court then sent Chang Hui Li Yuan Guimi as the big Kunmi, and Wu Tu as the little Kunmi. In this way, the boundary of Wusun was demarcated and divided into two parts, large and small, each with its own Kunmi. From this time on, Wusun became a vassal state of the Western Han Dynasty. Since then, there have been constant contradictions between the big and the small Kunmi. During the reign of Emperor Ming and Emperor Zhang of the Eastern Han Dynasty, the Wusun Kingdom was still divided and ruled by the large and small Kunmi, and "the two Kunmi were weak".

2. Driver (front of the driver, rear of the driver)

The predecessor of the Cheshi was Gushi. From the third year of Emperor Wu's Yuanfeng (108 BC) to the second year of Emperor Xuan's Dijie (68 BC), there were five wars between Han and Hungary around Cheshi, which ended in the division of Cheshi. In the second year of the festival, Han sent Zheng Ji and others to plow the ditch in Tuntian, after the autumn harvest, Zheng Ji and others broke through the Cheshi Jiaohe City, but did not capture the Cheshi Wang Wugui, which coincided with the exhaustion of military rations and could only return to the canal plow. In the third year of the Dijie (67 BC), Zheng Ji and others attacked Wugui Shicheng again. Wugui fled to the Xiongnu for help, but because the Xiongnu did not send troops, he returned to the Cheshi and surrendered to Zheng Ji. After the Xiongnu heard about it, they sent troops to attack the Che Division, and Zheng Ji and others led troops to meet them. Wugui was afraid that the Xiongnu would be killed after coming, and fled to Wusun. In the fourth year of the festival (66 years ago), Zheng Ji sent soldiers to Tuntian Cheshi. The Xiongnu sent troops to attack the Tuntian soldiers and besieged Zheng Ji and others in the Cheshi city. In the second year of Yuankang (64 years ago), Emperor Xuan ordered Chang Hui to lead the troops to raise his might beside the chariot division, the Xiongnu soldiers retreated, and Zheng Ji and others returned to the canal plow. Because Wugui fled to Wusun, Han Fu established the former prince as the king of the chariot division, and the people of the chariot division went to the canal plough and gave up the hometown of the chariot division. In the second year of Shenjue (60 years ago), the Xiongnu descended to the Han Dynasty, and the Han sent Zheng Ji to surrender, and broke the Cheshi Douzi City, and the Cheshi returned to the Han Dynasty. Soon after, the Western Han Dynasty was in the north of the Cheshi country, and divided the Cheshi into two countries. In the first year of Emperor Yuan (48 years ago), he was the captain of Wuji, and the former royal court of the Tuntian Cheshi. The Xiongnu set up another Dou Mo as the king, and led the rest of the people to live at the northern foot of the Bogda Mountain. Since then, the division has been divided into front and rear.

3. Xiongnu (Southern Xiongnu, Northern Xiongnu)

The Xiongnu were a nomadic people of the ancient Mongolian plateau. In the second year of Emperor Xuan's reign (60 years ago), the Xiongnu chased the king of the Xiongnu and the sages of Shan and held Yanqu to be in discord, and led the people to surrender to the Han Dynasty. Since then, the social crisis of the Xiongnu has intensified day by day, the contradictions within the ruling group have deteriorated, splits and internal strife have occurred, and a chaotic situation of "five singles in contention" and "brothers fighting for the country" has emerged. The outstanding leader of the Xiongnu, Hu Han Xie Shan Yu, was attached to the Han Dynasty and unified the various ministries with the help of the Han Dynasty government. However, during the period of Wang Mang, due to the wrong ethnic policy, the relations between Han and Hungary deteriorated again. In the early days of the Eastern Han Dynasty, the Xiongnu forces re-emerged, on the one hand, they joined forces with the emerging Xianbei tribe, and at the same time colluded with and supported the local separatist forces in the Central Plains, and directly participated in the separatist activities in the Central Plains. In 48 A.D., stationed in the south of the Xiongnu and in charge of the eight tribes in the south, the right Dian Tartar Ri Zhuwang Bi (Hu Han Evil Shan Yu Ji Hou Shan's grandson, the name of the ratio) was attached to the Han Dynasty, and established himself as Hu Han Evil Shan Yu (that is, the corpse of the corpse was chased by the Han Dynasty), and re-accepted the order of the Han court in the Central Plains, and the Xiongnu were divided into two parts, the south and the north.

4. Mr. Moon (大月氏, 小月氏)

The Yueshi were a nomadic people who lived in the Hexi Corridor and the Qilian Mountains before the rise of the Xiongnu. However, because the Yueshi posed a threat to the Xiongnu, Mao Dunshan Yu launched an attack on the Yueshi. In the fourth year of Emperor Wen (176 BC), Emperor Wen received a letter from Mao Dun Shan Yu, which wrote: "Today, with the defeat of the small officials, I will punish the right Xian Wang and make him seek to attack the Yue clan in the west." With the blessing of the sky, the officials are good, and the horses are strong, so as to destroy the Yueshi clan and kill it. Dingloulan, Wusun, Hujie and the twenty-six countries next to them all thought that the Xiongnu. All the people who draw the bow, and they are one family. This shows that most of the Western Regions were conquered by the Xiongnu at that time, and the Yueshi people were difficult to live in their homeland. The old place was occupied, and most of the surviving Yueshi people left their homeland forever and moved west to the Ili River and Chu River valleys. History calls these Yueshi people who migrated west as "Da Yue Clan", and the few old and weak people who stayed in place are called "Xiao Yue Clan".

5. Turkic (Eastern Turkic, Western Turkic)

In the process of expansion, the Turkic Khanate had already formed two major systems, the Eastern Turks headed by Tumen and the Western Turks headed by Murdianmi. In the fifth year of Emperor Kaihuang of the Sui Dynasty (585), Tubo Khan died, and his will (Da Luo Ben, the son of Limu Pole Khan, was the Khan) was opposed by the people of the country, led by Shi Tu. Photographed Lizara as Khan. However, fearing the retribution of the Great Logo, the Khan of Tara gave up the Khan's throne to the Shottu, who was known as the Khan of Shabalu. In return, the photo took the second khan of Luo, stationed in the Duluo River Basin. The picture also made concessions to Da Luo, and took Da Luo as Apo Khan, and returned the department. After the accession to the throne of the Western Turk Datou Khan, he witnessed the internal strife within the Eastern Turks and had the ambition to seize the throne of the Great Khan. The Sui Dynasty also launched an offensive against the Turks at this time. Under the counterattack and division of the Sui Dynasty, a war broke out between Apo Khan and Shabalu Khan, Apo was defeated and asked for help from the Western Turkic Datou Khan, so Datou Khan took the opportunity to intervene in the Eastern Turkic civil strife, and the Turkic Khanate fell into a full-scale civil war. The Turkic Khanate was completely divided.

(2) Completely duplicate the name

The phenomenon of complete duplicate names exists in the Western Regions in large quantities, and can be subdivided into different duplicate names, different duplicate names, and different generations of duplicate names according to the specific situation.

1. Nicknames

In the records of the ancient kingdom of the Western Regions, it is often the case that the name of the ancient kingdom is the same as the name of a certain city. For example, the country of Shule and the city of Shule will be recorded as Shule in historical books. For example, Shanshan Country and Shanshan County will be recorded as Shanshan in historical books. If it is not clear whether it refers to the name of the country or the name of the city, it will lead to a misunderstanding of the content of the historical books to a certain extent, and at this time, it is necessary to conduct more careful research in combination with specific historical materials. We can call this situation a heterogeneous name.

The name of Shule was first seen in the "Hanshu Western Regions Biography": "Shule country, the king ruled Shule City, and went to Chang'an for 9,350 miles. It is 2,210 miles to the east and 560 miles to Shache in the south. There are city columns, and the west is when the big moon family, Dawan, and Kangju Road are also. From this historical record, it can be seen that in the Han Dynasty, the king ruled the city of Shule (in present-day Kashgar), and Shule was not only the name of the country, but also the name of the city-state.

The name of Shanshan is found in the "Hanshu Western Regions Biography": "Shanshanguo, whose real name is Loulan, Wang ruled the mud city, went to Yangguan for 1,600 miles, and went to Chang'an for 6,100 miles." According to records, Loulan is located in the traffic rush, is the westward Han envoy must go, sent to usher, carry water and food, this is overwhelmed, after the king of Loulan returned to the throne, by the Xiongnu rebellion, repeatedly blocked and killed the Han envoy and the envoys sent to the Han Dynasty by Anxi, Dawan and other countries. When Angui's younger brother Wei Tu Qi surrendered to the Han Dynasty, he revealed these circumstances and plates. In the fourth year of Emperor Zhao Yuanfeng (77 BC), the general Huo Guang ordered Fu Jiezi, the eunuch of Pingdong, to assassinate King Angui of Loulan. The Western Han Dynasty then set up the pro-Han Wei Tuqi as the king and "renamed his country Shanshan". Shanshan suffered many disasters of annihilation, and finally died in the fifth year of the Sui Dynasty (609). After the Sui destroyed Tuguhun, Shanshan County was established because of the old city of Shanshan.

In the ancient kingdoms of the Western Regions, the phenomenon of the same name as the state and the king was very common, and a total of 13 of the "36 countries" belonged to the same name. In addition to Shule, there are also Jimo, Jingjue, Humi, Pishan, Shache, Puli, Wuxi, Wensu, Yuli, Weixu, Shan Huan, and Weitou, accounting for more than one-third of the total.

2. Duplicate names in different places

The renaming of different places refers to the fact that in the history of the development of the Western Regions, there have been similar places or reconstructions in different places, or gratuitous coincidences. Yangguan, Luntai, Shanshan, and Shule all belong to the category of "different places with different names".

(1) Yangguan. The name "Yangguan" first came from the "Book of Han" of Bangu in the Eastern Han Dynasty. "Hanshu Geographical Chronicles" Dunhuang County "Longle County" said: "There are Yangguan and Yumen Pass, all of which are governed by Duwei. "During the Western Han Dynasty, the setting of Yangguan was closely related to the Silk Road traffic, and the Yangguan was often used as a benchmark when recording the location, distance, and traffic roads of the countries in the Western Regions in the Hanshu Western Regions. Yangguan and the Yumen Pass in the northwest of Dunhuang are set up opposite to each other, and are located in the southwest direction of Dunhuang. In 1977, the cultural relics team of the Gansu Provincial Museum excavated the Han Dynasty slips at the Fengsui site of the Han Dynasty in Maquanwan, 90 kilometers northwest of Dunhuang. With the excavation of Han Jian at the Maquanwan site, many scholars believe that the vicinity of the Maquanwan site should be the site of the Hanyumen Pass, but many scholars have different opinions. So where is the former site of Yangguan? Yang Jianxin judged that it was in the antique beach of Nanhu Lake in Dunhuang County. The Qing Dynasty's "Atlas of the Western Regions of the Imperial Emperor" recorded Qianlong's article "Imperial Yangguan Examination", which believed that "Yangguan and Yumen are both west of the Dang River. Yangguan is west and south, so there is a name of Yang, and the situation is in the southwest of the Dang River and near the Hongshan Pass." Xiang Da also holds the same view in "Two Miscellaneous Examinations". In addition, the Qing Dynasty's "Gansu Xintongzhi" and "Dunhuang County Chronicles" believe that Hongshankou is Yangguan.

To sum up, the opinions of the academic community are not unified on the ruins of Yangguan, which also causes the renaming of Yangguan place names in different places. In fact, in the Sui and Tang dynasties, the ancient city of Yangguan has been abandoned and slowly barren, and was gradually destroyed by water and buried in sand, leaving only the north side of the antique beach called "Yangguan Eyes and Ears" Dundun Mountain Fengsui stands in the desert Gobi. Therefore, due to climate, environment and other factors, it is not impossible for Yangguan to be rebuilt in another place.

(2) Wheels. Luntai is one of the states in the "36 countries of the Western Regions" in the Han Dynasty, located in the middle of the Western Regions, and is the key point of the northern Silk Road. During the period of Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty, for the sake of Dawan's "heavenly horse", Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty appointed Li Guangli as the "Second Division General" to go to Dawan. The first conquest failed, in the third year of Taichu (102 BC), Li Guangli "resumed, there were many soldiers, and all the small countries he went to were not welcome to give food to the army." To the wheel, the wheel does not go down, attack for a few days, slaughter". The Luntai Kingdom was destroyed by Li Guangli, and the inhabitants fled in all directions. In the last years of Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty, in order to manage the Western Regions, Sang Hongyang once suggested Luntai Tuntian, but it was not adopted. During the period of Emperor Zhao, Sang Hongyang's suggestion was adopted, and Lai Dan, the prince of Humi, was the general of the school captain, and Tuntian Luntai. Since then, Zheng Ji has accumulated food here, led his troops to fight, and won many victories. Regarding the location of Luntai in the Han Dynasty, scholars believe that there is an old city more than 50 miles south of Luntai County, "the name of the city is Keyou Keqin, that is, the meaning of being destroyed by fire." It is the earliest building of this city, and it may be the site of the Hanlun Tou Kingdom."

In the Tang Dynasty, there was also a place called "Luntai", although the name of the Han Dynasty Luntai was used, but it was obviously not in the same position as the Han Luntai south of the Tianshan Mountains. The name of Tang Luntai, according to records, in the fourteenth year of Zhenguan (640), after the pacification of Gaochang, Tang Taizong changed the name and establishment of the county of the Western Regions, and set up Tingzhou in the north of the Tianshan Mountains, under the jurisdiction of Jinman, Pu and Luntai three counties, which is the first time that Luntai was recorded in the historical records of the Tang Dynasty. As for why the Tang Dynasty established Luntai County north of the Tianshan Mountains, some scholars believe that it was due to the Han Dynasty's greed for leaving the country. However, there are four opinions on where Luntai was located in the Tang Dynasty: first, it is said in Fukang; The second is said near Miquan; the third is said near Changji; Fourth, the ancient city of Wulabo in the southern suburbs of Urumqi said. The jury is still inconclusive.

(3) Shanshan. The ancient Shanshan Kingdom is in Ruoqiang in present-day Korla City, and present-day Shanshan County belongs to Turpan City, and the two places are far apart. Today's Shanshan County, in the Western Han Dynasty, was the land of Huhu, and in the Eastern Han Dynasty, it was incorporated into the former country of Cheshi, and had no relationship with the ancient Shanshan country. And the origin of such an error began with Wei Yuan and became Rao Yingqi at the end of the Qing Dynasty. Today's Shanshan County in the Tang Dynasty has belonged to Gaochang, according to the "Northern History, Shanshan Biography", "Book of Zhou, Exotic Chronicles" and other records, Shanshan State has repeatedly suffered the difficulty of breaking the country, the people first migrated to the end of the country, and then gradually migrated to Gaochang. In the Qing Dynasty, Wei Yuan marked Loulan and Shanshan in the lower right corner of the front of the Cheshi in the "Atlas of the Sea Kingdom", and noted: "Today's exhibition." In the twenty-eighth year of Guangxu (1902), Rao Yingqi, the governor of Xinjiang in Gansu Province, wrote in the memorabilia of upgrading and adding prefectures and counties: "The area under the jurisdiction of the exhibition inspection is far away, and the products are quite rich. The land is the ancient Shanshan country, which is named Shanshan. In this way, Shanshanguo, which was originally in the southwest of Lop Nur and Bailongdui, appeared in the northwest of Bailongdui and Lop Nur.

(4) Shule. Shule and Qiuzi are both ancient countries in the Western Regions. King Qiuci was originally established by the Xiongnu, he relied on the power of the Xiongnu to break through Shule, kill its king, and set up another Qiuci people to be named the king of Shule. In the spring of the seventeenth year of Yongping (74), Ban Chao came to Shule and sent the official Shitian to arrest him alive, and set up the son of Shule's late brother Zhong as the king. In the eighteenth year of Yongping (75), Emperor Ming died, Yanqi and other countries rebelled and killed Chen Mu. Qiuzi and Gumo repeatedly sent troops to attack Shule, and Ban Chao was isolated and helpless, but he still fought hard to defend Shule. The Shule Kingdom mentioned here, whose king ruled the city of Shule, is in the city of present-day Kashgar. Today's Shule County is not far from the present-day urban area of Kashgar.

However, in the relevant records of the Book of the Later Han Dynasty, there is obviously a "Shule".

In the eighteenth year of Yongping (75), the Xiongnu Beidan Yu sent the king of Zuogu Li to attack the Cheshi, and Geng Gong led his troops to rescue him, but he was unsuccessful. The Xiongnu then killed the Cheshi Hou Wang Ande and attacked Jinmancheng (Cheshi Hou Wang Ting). Geng Gong felt that Jinman City was difficult to defend, so he moved to the nearby Shule City. The Book of the Later Han Dynasty recorded: "There is a stream of water near the city of Gongyi Shule, and in May, it is the basis for attracting troops." "Shule City is close to a deep stream and can be defended.

Obviously, the Shule that Geng Gong insisted on and the Shule where Ban Chao was stationed are not the same. Under the strong attack of the Xiongnu at that time, Geng Gong still chose to transfer from Jinmancheng to Shule City in an emergency, which proves that Shule City will not be too far from Jinmancheng. The Jinmancheng of the Han Dynasty was more than 10 kilometers north of Jimsar County, Urumqi, and Shule, where Ban Chao was stationed, was under the jurisdiction of present-day Kashgar, and the two places were far apart. Therefore, in the Han Dynasty, there were two Shules in the Western Regions, which were located in the north and south of the Tianshan Mountains.

3. Different generations have the same name

Alternate renaming refers to the fact that a place name has a record of its existence in different eras. The development process of this place name is clearly presented in the historical records, which is evocative.

The name Luntai has been discussed in "Duplicate Names in Different Places". The site of Luntai in the Han Dynasty was 60 kilometers south of present-day Luntai County, and its main role at that time was to serve as the tuntian of the Han Dynasty, in order to obtain military supplies or tax grain. However, after the pacification of Gaochang, Tang Taizong changed the name and establishment of the county of the Western Regions, and set up Tingzhou in the north of the Tianshan Mountains, with the three counties of Jinman, Puzi and Luntai under its jurisdiction.

Yangguan first appeared in the Han Dynasty. After the victory of the Battle of Vawan, all the countries of the Western Regions sent envoys to make offerings. In order to facilitate the connection with the Western Regions, Dunhuang Zhijun was also put on the agenda. In the second year of the Tianhan Dynasty (99 years ago), it was a historical practice to place Dunhuang County and Border County at the same time, so Yangguan was also established at this time. However, with the opening of the new trunk road in the Western Regions, Yangguan has no place to play its function as a border pass, so after the Yumen Pass moved west in the eighteenth year of Yongping (75), Yangguan was even more unnecessary and was abandoned. And today there is still the name "Yangguan", Yangguan Town is located at the foot of the ancient Yangguan 64 kilometers southwest of Dunhuang City, is the most remote township in Dunhuang City. In September 2007, the original Nanhu Township of Dunhuang City was withdrawn from the township to build a town and renamed Yangguan Town.

Shanshan country, this Lou Lan country, Yuanfeng four years (77 years ago) changed its name to Shanshan. Today's Shanshan County, the Northern Wei Dynasty was named Baithorn City, belonged to Gaochang County, Tang Dynasty belonged to Xizhou Jiaohe County, Song Dynasty belonged to Gaochang Uighur Kingdom, Ming Dynasty was incorporated into Turpan Sutan, called "must be disabled", Qing Yongzheng five years (1727) built Zhan City, belonged to Turpan Zhili Hall. In the twenty-eighth year of Guangxu (1902), he borrowed the name of the ancient Shanshan country, changed the exhibition to Shanshan, and set up Shanshan County. In April 2015, the State Council approved the withdrawal of land in Turpan and the establishment of a city, and Shanshan County was subordinated to Turpan City.

Shule, the Han Dynasty belonged to the Anxi Protectorate, Tang Zhenguan 22 years (648) built Shule Town, and Qiuzi, Khotan, broken leaves are the same as "Anxi Four Towns". In the middle of the Shangyuan Dynasty of Gaozong, the Shule Governor's Mansion was placed, which belonged to the Anxi Metropolitan Protectorate, and then moved the capital to Jiashi City, which was abolished after about the sixth year of Zhenyuan (790), and was annexed by the Uighur Black Han King in the Northern Song Dynasty. In the eighth year of Guangxu of the Qing Dynasty (1882), Shule Prefecture was placed, which is now Kashgar City, directly under Gansu Province, and changed to Xinjiang Province two years later. In 1913, it was located in Shule County, near the city of present-day Kashgar.

The names of Yangguan, Luntai, Shanshan, and Shule of the above-mentioned different generations have been used since ancient times, so they can be classified as "ancient and modern names".

(3) Duplicate names in fiction and reality

The name of the virtual and the real mainly refers to the existence of a certain name in both legends and reality. For example, Khotan in Buddhist legends and Khotan in history.

The name "Khotan" was first seen in "Historical Records: The Biography of Dawan Lie". In the 2nd century B.C., the Wei Chi clan was established in the Khotanese country, the king ruled the western city, and the two years of the god lord (60 years ago) belonged to the Western Regions Protectorate, and the Eastern Han Dynasty was merged by Shache at the end of the Wu. In the sixteenth year of Yongping (73), Guangde annexed Shache and returned to the Eastern Han Dynasty. Ban Chao took this as a base, attacked Gumo in the north, broke Shache and Shule in the west, and sent troops to help in Khotan, and still paid tribute to the Central Plains Dynasty during the Wei, Jin, Southern and Northern Dynasties. Khotan later annexed Ronglu, Humi, Qule, Pishan and other countries. During the Western Jin Dynasty, Khotan, Shanshan, Yanqi, Qiuci, and Shule were great powers in the Western Regions. During the Northern Wei Dynasty, Khotan was attacked by Tuyuhun and Rouran, and the country's strength gradually declined. In the twenty-second year of Zhenguan (648), it was located in Khotan Town, which was one of the "Four Towns of Anxi" in Tang Dynasty. In the sixth year of Zhenyuan (790), the ministers belonged to Tibet. Around 851 A.D., he got rid of Tibet. In 960 AD, a religious war broke out between Khotan and the Qarakhanid dynasty that lasted for nearly forty years. In the eighth year of Guangxu (1882), he placed Khotan Zhili Prefecture, led to Khotan and Luopu counties, and was subordinate to Kashgar Dao.

In the Buddhist records, one can see a completely different state of Khotan. In the "Records of the Western Regions of the Tang Dynasty", which records Xuanzang's westward journey to seek the law, there is also a "Qu Sadana Kingdom", that is, Khotan. But there is a gap between this and Khotan recorded in the historical books.

There is a contradiction in "The Legend of the Western Regions of the Tang Dynasty". There is a cloud in the book: "In the past, Buddhism in this country has not been used. "Since Yun Yu Khotan did not believe in the Dharma, the bhikshu spread the Dharma to Khotan, but it is also said that the first king of Khotan, the earth milk, was given by Bishamentian, and when the land was not yet established, Bishamentian lived here. Bishamentian is one of the four heavenly kings of the Buddhist protector gods, which shows that there was already Buddhism in Khotan at that time. However, according to the "Book of the Later Han Dynasty", during the period of Emperor Ming of the Han Dynasty, Khotan "its vulgar belief in witches", in 73 AD, the Han army Sima Banchao to Khotan, when Guangde had just annexed Shache, and was very arrogant to Banchao. The Khotanese sorcerer said to the king of Khotan, "Why does the wrath of the gods want to go to Han? The Han envoy has a horse, and he is anxious to take the shrine to me. After hearing this, Guangde "sent an envoy to invite horses", and Ban Chao saw through the wizard's plan, killed the wizard, and condemned Guangde. This incident also proves that when Ban Chao came to Khotan, Khotan believed in witchcraft, and sorcerers could influence the government.

It can be seen that there is little correlation between the legendary kingdom of Qu Satan (Khotan) in Buddhism and the actual state of Khotan in historical records. Therefore, this constitutes a situation where the virtual and the real have the same name.

3. Explanation of the original reason for the renaming

In the above article, various types of duplicate names in the Western Regions are listed respectively, which shows that the phenomenon of duplicate names presents a splendid historical, geographical and cultural landscape. So, what are the internal and external factors of the renaming of place names in the Western Regions that are worth inducting and thinking about? Looking at the political, economic, social, natural and other development conditions and processes of the ancient countries in the Western Regions, it is not difficult to find that the rights and wrongs of internal and foreign affairs, and the victory or defeat of wars and attacks, will undoubtedly directly cause the division of the political system and the migration of tribes.

(1) Internal factors

There are many states in the Western Regions, and the special and complex internal reasons of individual states will lead to the occurrence of the phenomenon of duplicate names in place names. There are two main points discussed here, namely the model of government and the struggle for royal power.

1. The mode of government

Although the political models of the states in the Western Regions are not without differences, on the whole, their political systems are less perfect than those of the Central Plains. The supreme leader of the Xiongnu was Shan Yu, forming a seemingly systematic ruling network, but it did not form a strong centralized power, and eventually it was inevitable to disintegrate. The Turkic Khanate built a vast nomadic empire, but it was a regime based on a mobile, decentralized nomadic economy, and a decentralized, or even "maintained" mode. As a result, the Turks were divided into two tribes, Eastern and Western, and under the Great Khan, there were also small Khans who were held by the Khan's sons or clans, each with corresponding independence. Moreover, the Xiongnu, like the Turks, belonged to a combination of their own and conquered peoples, and relied only on force to maintain them, which in itself lacked cohesion and stability. Therefore, the loose political structure fundamentally determines the fate of its split. The division of the Turks into the Eastern Turks and the Western Turks is typical.

2. The struggle for royal power

The struggle for royal power is an internal contradiction, and it is almost a common phenomenon for states, large and small, to compete for supreme dominance. For the sake of their own ambitions, the Xiongnu kings continued to fight among themselves, which not only caused political chaos, but also led to the weakening of the Xiongnu. Because of the "five singles in the contention", because of the Punu single in and the right Xuan day to fight for the king, the Xiongnu were finally split into the Southern Xiongnu and the Northern Xiongnu in 48 AD. The internal disputes within the Eastern Turks over the Khans of Setu, Urla, and Daluoban greatly stimulated the ambitions of the Western Turkic Datou Khan. The internal and external contradictions of the Turkic Khanate tended to intensify, which eventually led to the collapse of the Turkic Khanate. Wusun around the Yuan Guimi and Nimi enthroned Kunmi issue, there were serious differences and crises, the Han court intervened and mediated in time, Wusun was divided into two departments, each with Kunmi, so it has the big Wusun, the little Wusun said.

(2) External factors

There were often frictions or wars between the states of the Western Regions, as well as between them and the royal court of the Central Plains. War may bring about the growth and decline of the political system, and the change of place names will lead to the occurrence of the phenomenon of duplicate names. There are two main points discussed here, namely, the war attack and the Han and Tang strategies.

1. War attack

The political and geographical changes between the ancient states of the Western Regions, as well as the subsequent changes in place names, were mostly due to wars. The Yueshi were originally an important ethnic group living in the interior, mainly active in the Qilian Mountains of the Hexi Corridor, and the main reason for forcing them to move west was war. Mao Dun established himself as a single Yu, "the west struck away the Yueshi, the south and Lou Fu, the king of Baiyang Henan". In 176 BCE, Mao Dunshan Yu defeated the Yue clan again. At that time, Lao Shangdan launched the most fierce attack against the Yue Clan, squeezing the Yue Clan to move westward. Since then, the migrants have been called the Otsuki clan, and those who remain have been called the Otsuki clan. As an important state in the northern part of the Western Regions, Cheshi was the object of contention between the Han court and the Xiongnu. From the third year of Yuanfeng (108 BC) to the second year of Dijie (68 BC), the "five contentions" between Han and Hungary eventually led to the division of the two major factions of pro-Han and pro-Hungarian, and there was a situation where the kings of the two chariot divisions in the north and south stood side by side. It can be seen that the division of the Cheshi into the former country of the Cheshi and the later country of the Cheshi is the historical product of the fierce competition between the Han Dynasty and the Xiongnu in the Western Regions.

2. Hantang strategy

The Western Regions states had various connections with the Central Plains royal court, and the relevant policies of the Central Plains Dynasty would also directly or indirectly affect it. Wang Mang took back the "Xiongnu Shan Yu Xi" granted by the Western Han Dynasty, changed it to "New Xiongnu Shan Yu Zhang", and renamed "Xiongnu Shan Yu" to "Slave Shan Yu" without authorization. Emperor Wen of Sui pursued a policy of "long-distance friendship and close attack, separation from the strong and weak alliance" against the Turkic Khanate, and tried to unite the Apo Khan and the Datou Khan to jointly deal with the Shabalu Khan, so as to achieve the goal of weakening the Turkic Khanate. Luntai in the south of the Tianshan Mountains and Shule, Shanshan and so on are all in the ancient Silk Road, the geographical location is very important, so the Han Dynasty Emperor Zhao Emperor Tuntian Luntai. After the Tang Dynasty pacified Gaochang, Tingzhou was established in the north of the Tianshan Mountains, and Luntai was one of the three counties under its jurisdiction. With the further development and construction of the Western Regions, the Tang Dynasty also established Luntai Prefecture and Luntai Governor's Mansion. Interestingly, the same name of "Luntai", but there is a difference between "Han Luntai" and "Tang Luntai", and after figuring out the ins and outs of the same name, you can know that this "Luntai" is not the other "Luntai".

(3) Natural factors

Internal factors, external factors, in fact, are human factors. Natural factors, i.e., non-human factors, such as geography and the size of the city-state, fall into this category.

1. Geography

Many place names are often named because of the physical context in which they are located. As for the reason for the renaming of the two "Shule" in the Western Regions, we can cite and refer to the relevant academic theories. Some scholars believe that "there were three Shules with the same name in western China in ancient times, one in the Kashgar region in the west of the Tarim Basin south of the Tianshan Mountains, one in the area near Jimsar in the north of the Tianshan Mountains, and the other in the Anxi region in the west of the Hexi Corridor. These three Shules actually have the same meaning, that is, the Old Turkic word for 'there is water'. This situation, like a place name named after "Shahe", can be found everywhere: Shahekou (village name, Yitai Town, Wuhu, Anhui); Shaheya (village name, Shouzhang Town, Yanggu County, Shandong); Shahezi (the name of the market town, Wuchang City, Heilongjiang Province); Shahedian (name of the market town, Quanjun Township, Jinzhai County, Anhui Province); Shahe District (the old name of the district, Anshan City, Liaoning Province, later renamed Qianshan District); Shahe County (the name of the old county, later renamed Shahe City); Shahe City (county-level city name, Xingtai City, Hebei Province). And the name of the township named after "Shahe Town", according to the "Dictionary of Ancient and Modern Geographical Names of China", there are as many as 17, and the situation of provinces, cities, counties and districts (in the order of pinyin) is: Nanqiao District, Chuzhou City, Anhui Province, Changping District, Beijing, Linze County, Gansu, Tianhe District, Guangzhou City, Guangdong, Qingxin County, Guangxi, Bobai County, Jilin, Dongfeng County, Ganyu County, Jiangsu, Zhanggong District, Ganzhou City, Jiangxi Province, Anshan City, Liaoning Province, Suizhong County, Liaoning Province, Jiuyuan District, Baotou City, Inner Mongolia, Laizhou City, Shandong, Xixiang County, Shaanxi, Gao County, Sichuan, Chaotian District, Guangyuan City, Sichuan, Nanjiang County, Sichuan.

2. The size of the city-state

Among the ancient states in the Western Regions, there are many states whose names are the same as those of the king, such as the thirteen city-states with different names such as Jimo, Jingjue, Humi, and Pishan in the "Ancient Thirty-six Kingdoms of the Western Regions". These city-states are relatively small in size among the "36 states", as shown in Table 1:

Interpretation of the historical and geographical connotation of the phenomenon of duplicate names in geographical names in the Western Regions

The so-called victorious soldiers, that is, those who can participate in the war as soldiers, can be inferred from the reference to the number of households, about 1 to 2 strong men per household. The largest of the "Thirteen Kingdoms" is the Humi Kingdom, but it has only 24,000 people, at best, the size of a township. The larger of the "Thirty-six Kingdoms" is the Dawan Kingdom, with a population of 300,000, which is equivalent to a medium-sized county now, Wang Zhiguishan City. The largest of the "Thirty-six Kingdoms" is the Wusun Kingdom, with a population of 630,000, and the king ruled Chigu City, which is equivalent to a county-level city now. In some of these counties and cities, there should be more than one city, so the state and the king do not have the same name. However, among the "Thirteen Kingdoms", the largest one is now the size of a township, there are only 5 with more than 8,000 people, and most of them are "tribes" with less than 5,000 people, or large villages, and the smallest single Huan is only 27 households with 194 people, which is also a "country". A small number of the "Thirteen Kingdoms" occupy the oasis in front of the mountain, and most of them live in the valleys of Kunlun or the Tianshan Mountains, which are like small mountain villages in the style of Wubao, with one "state" and one "city", and the city is also this state, and the country is also this state. Therefore, such an ancient country in the Western Regions, a state and a king, it is difficult to have a name that does not have the same name!

Author: Jiang Jianyun, Dong Mengxiang, Li Xuerong

Source: Journal of Taiyuan Normal University (Social Sciences Edition), Vol. 22, No. 3, 2023

Draft: Song Shanran

Editor: Zhu Qi

Proofreader: Yang Qi

Reviewer: Ji Mengfei

Editor-in-charge: Li Shuqi

(Due to the limited space, please refer to the original text for the content of the article notes)

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