
The Chinese side was 21 to 4, the Philippine ships were surrounded, Marcos was determined to expand the army, and the United States, India, Israel and South Korea have responded

author:Xinfu Xiaoxiang

"The South China Sea Game: The Philippines' Military Buildup and China's Resolute Position" In the waves of the South China Sea, Ren'ai Jiao has become the focus of international attention. The Philippines' move, an attempt to flex its influence in this sensitive region, has created fierce friction with China's assertive stance. Recently, four Philippine vessels attempted to carry out so-called "resupply" activities in the waters of Second Thomas Shoal, despite repeated warnings, but were decisively intercepted by the Chinese coast guard. In this confrontation, China dispatched five coast guard vessels and deployed 16 steel fishing boats in nearby waters, forming a solid cordon, with the strength of 21 ships against four Philippine ships, showing an overwhelming advantage.

The Chinese side was 21 to 4, the Philippine ships were surrounded, Marcos was determined to expand the army, and the United States, India, Israel and South Korea have responded

In this contest at sea, the Philippines does not seem to have learned from the setbacks, but has chosen to increase military investment and significantly enhance its confrontational posture. Manila is moving forward with the third phase of its 15-year military modernization plan, which includes advanced weapons such as multirole fighter jets, radar systems, missiles and naval vessels in an attempt to boost its military capabilities in the region. In the process, some outside countries, such as the United States, India, South Korea and Israel, have shown support for the Philippines by selling it weapons and equipment, including missiles, artillery rocket systems and transport aircraft.

The Chinese side was 21 to 4, the Philippine ships were surrounded, Marcos was determined to expand the army, and the United States, India, Israel and South Korea have responded

Israel and South Korea have similarly spared no effort in military cooperation. The Philippines has acquired several Israeli-supplied Arzero-class gunboats and intends to continue to expand this weapons fleet. South Korea has also pledged to provide corvettes and patrol ships in the coming years, and has offered to sell its self-developed conventional submarines at preferential prices to further strengthen the Philippine Navy.

The Chinese side was 21 to 4, the Philippine ships were surrounded, Marcos was determined to expand the army, and the United States, India, Israel and South Korea have responded

China's Ministry of Foreign Affairs responded solemnly to the Philippine action, noting that Ren'ai Jiao undoubtedly belongs to Chinese territory. China urged the Philippines to stop its provocative acts and dangerous maritime activities, and stressed that it will continue to take necessary measures to safeguard its territorial sovereignty and maritime rights and interests. In response to the U.S. intervention, China made it clear that the U.S. should not meddle in the matter, stressing that it will neither provoke trouble nor be afraid of challenges. Conclusion: The ocean has been a stage of competition and cooperation between countries since ancient times. On Second Thomas Shoal, the Philippines' actions reflect the country's attempt to establish a clearer position on the South China Sea. However, confrontation between states is not only about the display of military power, but also about diplomacy, strategic patience, and international law. While asserting its territorial sovereignty, China has also demonstrated its determination to address challenges through domestic and international law. The Philippines' expansion plans, despite the support of some countries, remain vulnerable in a fierce geopolitical environment in the absence of sufficient strategic depth. The Philippines must recognize that, no matter how its military capabilities may grow, true security and peace can only be achieved through dialogue and cooperation, not through military confrontation. Both sides should strive to find a mutually trusting and win-win solution to avoid further escalation and ensure lasting peace and stability in the region.

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