
North Korea's military parade unveiled all kinds of new weapons, and the United States changed its attitude that day, calling on China to help promote talks

author:Xiao You, ouch

According to a report by Huanqiu on July 28, 2022, in order to celebrate the 70th anniversary of the victory in the Korean War, North Korea held a grand military parade and displayed a variety of newly developed weapons, which attracted close attention from countries such as the United States and South Korea. At the parade, the DPRK emphasized the unity between China, Russia, and the DPRK and strengthened its determination to strengthen the DPRK's national defense capabilities. At the same time, the weapons displayed at the parade raised concerns in countries such as the United States and South Korea, including the Hwasong-17 intercontinental ballistic missile.

North Korea's military parade unveiled all kinds of new weapons, and the United States changed its attitude that day, calling on China to help promote talks

While it's unclear how the missile, known as the "monster," is performing, the missile is known to have the ability to launch a nuclear warhead anywhere in the United States, Reuters reported. In other words, if the United States insists on escalating the situation on the peninsula, North Korea has the ability to fight back forcefully to defend its national security. In addition, the DPRK also displayed a variety of new weapons such as newly developed drones and tanks. It should be emphasized that at this important moment, the Chinese and Russian delegations invited to participate in the commemorative activities are conducting in-depth exchanges with the DPRK, which once again demonstrates the friendly relations between China, Russia and the DPRK.

North Korea's military parade unveiled all kinds of new weapons, and the United States changed its attitude that day, calling on China to help promote talks

Before the military parade, the DPRK leader personally paid respects at the Chinese People's Volunteers Martyrs' Cemetery, and then held cordial talks with a high-level Chinese delegation to discuss Sino-DPRK relations and other issues. Chinese Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Mao Ning said that China is willing to work with the DPRK side to promote new and greater development of bilateral relations, which will be conducive to the well-being of the two peoples and will also contribute to peace and stability on the peninsula. At the same time, the DPRK also held friendly talks with Russian Defense Minister Sergei Shoigu on strengthening relations between the two countries and other issues of common concern, although the details were not made public. Shoigu also brought a handwritten letter on behalf of Russian President Vladimir Putin, and the two sides exchanged gifts. Subsequently, the DPRK also invited Shoigu to visit the DPRK's new weapons and equipment, which had never been displayed to the outside world before, which was also a concrete manifestation of the friendly relations between the DPRK and Russia.

North Korea's military parade unveiled all kinds of new weapons, and the United States changed its attitude that day, calling on China to help promote talks

At the same time, South Korea has bluntly expressed concern about North Korea's newly disclosed weapons and said it is analyzing them. Chung Se-hyun, the former minister of unification of South Korea, criticized the government's current policy toward North Korea, saying that it focuses too much on deterrence and is leading to a dangerous situation of "another war."

North Korea's military parade unveiled all kinds of new weapons, and the United States changed its attitude that day, calling on China to help promote talks

According to the Russian Satellite News Agency, the United States unreasonably accused Russia of failing to stop North Korea's weapons development on the 27th, once again exaggerating the so-called "North Korean threat," and claiming that North Korea's ballistic missile and nuclear weapons programs pose a so-called "serious threat" to world peace and security. U.S. State Department Deputy Spokesman Patel expressed his willingness to engage in dialogue with North Korea, but without preconditions, once again ignoring North Korea's security concerns and reiterating that his commitment to North Korea's denuclearization has not changed.

However, the reality is that the United States has repeatedly exaggerated its rhetoric, which is one of the main reasons for the erosion of mutual trust between the United States and the DPRK. After Patel reversed black and white and accused Russia of supporting North Korea's weapons program, Biden called on China to play a role in promoting dialogue between the United States and North Korea, but turned a blind eye to the "double standards" of the United States on the Korean Peninsula issue and tried to "morally kidnap" other countries. The U.S. move is essentially asking China to put pressure on North Korea to force it to re-engage in dialogue. If the United States and other countries continue to provoke, attempt to engage in unequal dialogue with the DPRK, or even take dangerous actions to exert pressure, it will only backfire and will not be beneficial to resolving the Korean Peninsula issue.

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