
Children with diabetes mellitus have high fasting blood sugar, how to use hypoglycemic drugs or insulin?

author:Director Li of Childhood Diabetes

Childhood diabetic patients or adult diabetic patients, facing high blood sugar every day, have been trying to stabilize blood sugar, mild adult prediabetes patients can adjust their diet, strengthen exercise to achieve the purpose of regulating blood sugar, this method is especially effective for patients with excess weight.

Children with diabetes mellitus have high fasting blood sugar, how to use hypoglycemic drugs or insulin?

But it is different for children with diabetes, now the incidence of diabetes in children is getting higher and higher, there are many children who have never been fat since childhood, normal weight or even thin, then this kind of children through diet and exercise conditioning has not achieved the desired effect, and often such children regardless of the degree of blood sugar, are accompanied by pancreatic damage, can not rely solely on diet and exercise conditioning, must find a way to make the child's pancreas recover, so as to fundamentally solve the problem, At present, the most effective is the targeted conditioning of traditional Chinese medicine, but before many children come to treatment, they still need to use insulin or hypoglycemic drugs to regulate blood sugar.

Children with diabetes mellitus have high fasting blood sugar, how to use hypoglycemic drugs or insulin?

Fasting blood sugar is high and postprandial blood sugar is high, and the method of lowering blood sugar is different, and the treatment is also different.

There are generally four reasons for high fasting blood sugar, the first is that you eat too late the night before, or you eat too much greasy food or staple food, it is easy to have high fasting blood sugar the next day, this situation is easier to solve, take care of your mouth, adjust the diet of the previous night can be avoided.

The second is that poor sleep causes high blood sugar, such as staying up late and insomnia will lead to sympathetic nerve excitement, and the body will secrete glycemic hormones, which will affect blood sugar, so don't stay up late, try to ensure six to eight hours of sleep every night.

Children with diabetes mellitus have high fasting blood sugar, how to use hypoglycemic drugs or insulin?

The third situation is the Su Mujie effect, its outstanding performance is that the blood sugar after dinner or before bed is very good, but there may be hypoglycemia at night, the body in order to protect itself, there will be a rebound blood sugar rise, if this situation leads to high fasting blood sugar, it is necessary to follow the doctor's advice to reduce the amount of insulin before bedtime, which must be noted to reduce the dosage, or add a little meal before going to bed.

The fourth situation is the dawn phenomenon, which looks very similar to the Su Mujie effect, but the treatment is completely opposite, it is characterized by no problem with blood sugar before bedtime, and there is no hypoglycemia at night, but the blood sugar is high before dawn morning, and it is necessary to increase the amount of hypoglycemic drugs before meals and before bed under the guidance of doctors.

Because the phenomenon of Su Mujie and Liming is more specialized, parents must record their children's diet and blood sugar, and then communicate with the doctor in detail, and the dosage of insulin or hypoglycemic drugs should be added or subtracted, and it is not recommended to change it at will.