
Global and Chinese high-end equipment industry market supply and demand pattern analysis and investment prospect forecast evaluation report

author:CICC Enterprise Credit International Consulting

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Global and Chinese high-end equipment industry market supply and demand pattern analysis and investment prospect forecast evaluation report

High-end equipment manufacturing industry, also known as advanced equipment manufacturing industry, refers to the production and manufacturing of high-tech, high value-added advanced industrial facilities and equipment. High-end equipment mainly includes high-tech and high-value-added equipment required for the transformation and upgrading of traditional industries and the development of strategic emerging industries. The high-end equipment manufacturing industry mainly includes five major subdivisions: aviation equipment industry, satellite manufacturing and application industry, rail transit equipment manufacturing industry, marine engineering equipment manufacturing industry, and intelligent manufacturing equipment industry.

The characteristics of high-end equipment are mainly manifested in high technical content, intensive knowledge and technology, and high-precision technology in multiple disciplines and fields; At the high end of the value chain, with high value-added characteristics; Occupy the core position of the industrial chain, and its development level determines the overall competitiveness of the industrial chain.

In 2022, the profit of the equipment manufacturing industry will increase by 1.7% over the previous year, accounting for 34.3% of the above-scale industry, an increase of 2 percentage points over the previous year, of which the profit of the railway, ship, aerospace and transportation equipment industry will increase by 44.5% over the previous year; The profit of the electrical machinery industry increased by 31.2%, which is the manufacturing industry that drives the largest growth of industrial profits.

High-end equipment is the premise and key to the development of the manufacturing industry, and vigorously developing high-end manufacturing equipment is the fundamental policy and the only way to improve the level of the mainland's equipment manufacturing industry and narrow the gap with the manufacturing industry of developed countries. At the same time, high-end equipment occupies a very important position in our entire national economy, and the development of high-end equipment plays an important role in promoting manufacturing and industrial transformation and upgrading.

1) CICC Enterprise Credit International Consulting Co., Ltd. (full name: CICC Enterprise Credit (Beijing) International Information Consulting Co., Ltd.) is a foreign-related investigation license unit of the National Bureau of Statistics & AAA enterprise credit certification agency, which is committed to "providing industry certification & certification, product certification & certification, credit & credit investigation and evaluation, project feasibility & business plan professional solutions for enterprise strategic decision-making".

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Chapter 1 Overview of the high-end equipment market

1.1 Product definition of high-end equipment industry

1.2 Analysis of market growth trend of high-end equipment industry

1.3 Analysis of the main application market of high-end equipment

1.4 The main characteristics of the development of the high-end equipment industry

1.5 Analysis of entry barriers in the high-end equipment industry

Chapter 2 Analysis of the development environment of China's high-end equipment industry from 2019 to 2023

2.1 The political and legal environment of the high-end equipment industry

2.2 Analysis of the economic environment of the high-end equipment industry

2.3 Analysis of the social environment of the high-end equipment industry

2.4 Analysis of the technical environment of the high-end equipment industry

2.4.1 Technical analysis of high-end equipment

2.4.2 The level of development of high-end equipment technology

2.4.3 The main technological development trends of the industry

Chapter 3 CICC Qixin International Consulting - Research on China's High-end Equipment Downstream Market Segments

3.1 Proportion of downstream demand for China's high-end equipment and future trends (2023-2029)

3.2 Proportion of downstream sales of China's high-end equipment and future trend (2023-2029)

3.3 Proportion of downstream sales of China's high-end equipment and future trends (2023-2029)

Chapter 4 Analysis of the market competition in the global and Chinese high-end equipment industry

4.1 Analysis of the overall situation of the global high-end equipment market

4.1.1 Global High-end Equipment Industry Market Size and Growth Rate Analysis (2019-2029)

4.1.2 Global high-end equipment market structure analysis

4.1.3 Analysis of the market supply and demand pattern of the global high-end equipment industry (2019-2029)

4.1.4 Global High-end Equipment Industry Market Consumption and Sales Revenue Analysis (2019-2029)

4.1.5 Analysis of global high-end equipment industry capacity, output and development trend (2019-2029)

4.1.6 Analysis of the output value and market share of high-end equipment in major countries in the world

4.2 Analysis of the overall situation of China's high-end equipment market

4.2.1 Market size and growth rate of China's high-end equipment industry (2019-2029)

4.2.2 Analysis of the structure of China's high-end equipment market

4.2.3 Analysis of market supply and demand pattern of China's high-end equipment industry (2019-2029)

4.2.4 Market consumption and sales revenue analysis of China's high-end equipment industry (2019-2029)

4.2.5 Analysis of production capacity, output and development trend of China's high-end equipment industry (2019-2029)

4.2.6 Analysis of the output value and market share of high-end equipment of key enterprises in China

Chapter 5 Overview of the development of China's high-end equipment industry

5.1 Analysis of the development status of China's high-end equipment industry

5.1.1 The development stage of China's high-end equipment industry

5.1.2 Overall overview of the development of China's high-end equipment industry

5.1.3 Analysis of the development characteristics of China's high-end equipment industry

5.2 Development status of high-end equipment industry from 2019 to 2023

5.2.1 Market size of China's high-end equipment industry from 2019 to 2023

5.2.2 Analysis of the development of China's high-end equipment industry from 2019 to 2023

5.2.3 Analysis of the development of China's high-end equipment enterprises from 2019 to 2023

5.3 The dilemma and countermeasures faced by China's high-end equipment industry from 2023 to 2029

5.3.1 The dilemma and countermeasures faced by China's high-end equipment industry

5.3.2 Analysis of the development dilemma and strategy of China's high-end equipment enterprises

Chapter 6 Global High-end Equipment Market Size Growth Rate and Development Trend in Major Countries (2019-2029)

6.1 Analysis of the development trend of the global high-end equipment market

6.1.1 Global High-end Equipment Market Size and Growth Rate (2019-2029)

6.1.2 Global High-end Equipment Market Demand and Development Trend Forecast (2019-2029)

6.2 Analysis of the development trend of the European high-end equipment market

6.2.1 Europe High-end Equipment Market Size and Growth Rate (2019-2029)

6.2.2 European High-end Equipment Market Demand and Development Trend Forecast (2019-2029)

6.3 Analysis of the development trend of China's high-end equipment market

6.3.1 China's high-end equipment market size and growth rate (2019-2029)

6.3.2 Forecast of China's high-end equipment market demand and development trend (2019-2029)

6.4 Analysis of the development trend of the North American high-end equipment market

6.4.1 North America Premium Equipment Market Size and Growth Rate (2019-2029)

6.4.2 North America High-end Equipment Market Demand and Development Trend Forecast (2019-2029)

6.5 Analysis of the development trend of Japan's high-end equipment market

6.5.1 Japan High-end Equipment Market Size and Growth Rate (2019-2029)

6.5.2 Forecast of Japan's High-end Equipment Market Demand and Development Trend (2019-2029)

6.6 Southeast Asia (omitted)

6.7 South Korea

6.8 India

Chapter 7 Research on Regional Market Segments of China's High-end Equipment Industry: CICC International Consulting

7.1 Characteristics and changes of the overall regional structure of the industry

7.1.1 Overall characteristics of the regional structure of the industry

7.1.2 Industry regional concentration analysis

7.1.3 Analysis of regional distribution characteristics of the industry

7.1.4 Analysis of regional distribution of industry scale indicators

7.1.5 Analysis of regional distribution of industry benefit indicators

7.1.6 Analysis of the regional distribution of the number of enterprises in the industry

7.2 Regional market analysis of high-end equipment

7.2.1 Analysis of high-end equipment market in Northeast China

7.2.2 Analysis of high-end equipment market in North China

7.2.3 Analysis of high-end equipment market in East China

7.2.4 Analysis of high-end equipment market in South China

7.2.5 Analysis of high-end equipment market in Central China

7.2.6 Analysis of high-end equipment market in southwest China

7.2.7 Analysis of high-end equipment market in Northwest China

7.3 2019-2023 high-end equipment market capacity research and analysis

7.3.1 Capacity analysis of China's high-end equipment market from 2019 to 2023

7.3.2 Analysis of market share of high-end equipment of different brands from 2019 to 2023

7.3.3 2019-2023 high-end equipment market capacity analysis in different regions

Chapter 8 Analysis of the upstream and downstream industrial chains of China's high-end equipment industry

8.1 Overview of the industrial chain of high-end equipment industry

8.1.1 Definition of industrial chain

8.1.2 High-end equipment industry chain

8.2 Analysis of the development of major upstream industries in the high-end equipment industry

8.2.1 Development status of upstream industries

8.2.2 Supply analysis of upstream industries

8.2.3 Upstream supply price analysis

8.3 Analysis of the development of major downstream industries in the high-end equipment industry

8.3.1 Development status of downstream industries

8.3.2 Downstream industry demand analysis

8.3.3 Research on the most promising products/industries in the downstream

Chapter 9 Analysis of the market competition pattern of China's high-end equipment industry

9.1 Overview of the historical competition pattern of China's high-end equipment industry

9.1.1 Analysis of the concentration of high-end equipment industry

9.1.2 Analysis of the degree of competition in the high-end equipment industry

9.2 Competitive analysis of China's high-end equipment industry

9.2.1 Competition in the high-end equipment industry

9.2.2 Analysis of China's high-end equipment industry clusters

9.2.3 Comparison of the competitiveness of Chinese and foreign high-end equipment enterprises

9.2.4 Brand competition analysis in high-end equipment industry

9.3 Analysis of the market competition pattern of China's high-end equipment industry

9.3.1 2019-2023 domestic and foreign high-end equipment competition analysis

9.3.2 2019-2023 competition analysis of mainland high-end equipment market

9.3.3 Analysis of brand competition from 2019 to 2023

Chapter 10 Analysis of the competitiveness of leading enterprises in the high-end equipment industry

10.1 Competitiveness analysis of Company A

10.1.1 Basic information on development

10.1.2 Main Product Analysis

10.1.3 Competitive Advantage Analysis

10.1.4 Analysis of business conditions

10.1.5 Recent Developments

10.1.6 Development strategy analysis

10.2 Company B's Competitiveness Analysis

10.2.1 Basic information on development

10.2.2 Main Product Analysis

10.2.3 Competitive Advantage Analysis

10.2.4 Analysis of business conditions

10.2.5 Recent Developments

10.2.5 Development Strategy Analysis

10.3 Competitiveness Analysis of Company C

10.3.1 Basic information on development

10.3.2 Main Product Analysis

10.3.3 Competitive Advantage Analysis

10.3.4 Analysis of business conditions

10.3.5 Recent Developments

10.3.6 Development Strategy Analysis

10.4 Company D's Competitiveness Analysis

10.4.1 Basic situation of development

10.4.2 Analysis of key products

10.4.3 Competitive Advantage Analysis

10.4.4 Analysis of business conditions

10.4.5 Recent Developments

10.4.5 Development Strategy Analysis

10.5 Company E Competitiveness Analysis

10.1.1 Basic information on development

10.5.2 Main Product Analysis

10.5.3 Competitive Advantage Analysis

10.5.4 Analysis of business conditions

10.5.5 Recent Developments

10.5.6 Development Strategy Analysis

Chapter 11 Global and China Key High-end Equipment Enterprises Output Value, Production and Market Share Analysis (2019-2023)

10.1 SWOT analysis of key global and Chinese high-end equipment enterprises

10.1.1 SWOT analysis of key global high-end equipment enterprises

10.1.2 SWOT analysis of key enterprises of high-end equipment in China

10.2 Output, output and market share of global high-end equipment enterprises

10.2.1 Global High-end Equipment Enterprises by Output Value and Market Share (2019-2023)

10.2.2 Global High-end Equipment Enterprises Production Capacity and Output Analysis (2019-2023)

10.3 Output value, output and market share of China's high-end equipment enterprises

10.3.1 China's High-end Equipment Enterprises by Output Value and Market Share (2019-2023)

10.3.2 Capacity and output analysis of China's high-end equipment enterprises (2019-2023)

Chapter 12 2023-2029 China High-end Equipment Industry Prospect Survey: CICC Enterprise Credit International Consulting

12.1 Analysis of the investment status of high-end equipment industry

12.1.1 Analysis of the investment scale of high-end equipment industry

12.1.2 Composition of investment funds in the high-end equipment industry

12.1.3 Analysis of the composition of investment entities in the high-end equipment industry

12.2 Analysis of investment characteristics of high-end equipment industry

12.2.1 Analysis of entry barriers to high-end equipment industry

12.2.2 Analysis of profit model of high-end equipment industry

12.2.3 Analysis of profitability factors in high-end equipment industry

12.3 Analysis of investment opportunities in the high-end equipment industry

12.4 Analysis of investment prospects in high-end equipment industry

Chapter 13 Analysis of CICC Qixin International Consulting's 2023-2029 Investment Planning Suggestions for China's High-end Equipment Enterprises

13.1 Background significance of investment prospect planning of high-end equipment enterprises

13.2 Basis for formulating strategic planning for high-end equipment enterprises

13.3 Strategic planning and strategy analysis of high-end equipment enterprises

13.4 Conclusions and Recommendations of CICC Enterprise Credit International Consulting Study

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