
Three points – what the class sees

author:The first appearance of life

October is coming to an end, and I happened to be invigilating in the class today. Due to the position factor, I come into contact with a lot of outstanding students every year, and I come into contact with different students, and find that this law seems to be followed in the class, so I briefly summarize what I saw in the class:

One is that for high scores, in terms of learning, I believe in talent, but this is a minority after all; Most of us need to work hard to get it, whether you believe it or not, the effort is directly proportional to the success. Is it possible if we want to get it if we don't want to give? Is this realistic? This is inconsistent with our law of conservation of mass, so the harder we work, the more we pay, the more we gain and get, which is proportional to our life, and may be different from what we expect, but no matter what, it is the accumulation of "heavy" life and different experiences.

Three points – what the class sees

The second is about the students' grades. I don't know if you have noticed: students who like to sit in the front row and are close to the teacher have a more obvious improvement in academic performance, which may not be representative: but when students actively approach and move closer to the teacher, this is in subjective behavior: it is a manifestation and motivation of active learning; When a person becomes proactive in things, all the motivation is to be proactive, and do things and expectations develop in the direction of our expectations? Maybe it's a bit far-fetched, but it's really a phenomenon that exists in the class.

The third is about the importance of notes to us. To be honest, I'm a person who doesn't like to take notes and don't realize the importance of notes. But as I entered the class and checked the notes of different students, I gradually realized the importance of notebooks.

Three points – what the class sees

Because the notebook itself is an examination of our comprehensive ability, for example, when we see a good note (when the record is good): you will find that the note is clean and tidy, organized, and focused, and every time you look at it, you will focus on it... You will find a lot of highlights and unique things, the greater the reward. The better the grades, the better at taking notes, and I think that's why everyone likes the notes of the top students.

In fact, when I checked the notes, I found that a notebook not only records what we have learned, but also reflects our personal planning ability. For example, the same notebook, different people, have different notes planning, which also reflects our personal planning ability and other comprehensive strength.

Three points – what the class sees

But no matter what you do, I believe in the law of conservation of mass to follow: to reap, pay first; If you want to live a sweet life, you have to be bitter first and then sweet! It's the same with life!