
The crazy woman Jin Xing scolded Zhang Yimou, shocking the truth and making it creepy

author:Qi Qing

Recently, there has been a sensational controversy in the Chinese entertainment industry, when a Jin Xing, who has always been bold and domineering, publicly denounced director Zhang Yimou's film "Solid as a Rock".

The crazy woman Jin Xing scolded Zhang Yimou, shocking the truth and making it creepy

The film was once hailed by Zhang Yimou as the pinnacle of Chinese cinema, but Venus's vitriolic harshness brought the audience into an unacceptably harsh reality. The movie "Solid as a Rock" is set in troubled times,

The crazy woman Jin Xing scolded Zhang Yimou, shocking the truth and making it creepy

It tells the story of a heroic young man who perseveres in the war and overcomes difficulties. Zhang Yimou always showed magnificent scenes and shocking audio-visual effects in the film, but Jin Xing's attack completely destroyed it all.

The crazy woman Jin Xing scolded Zhang Yimou, shocking the truth and making it creepy

She sharply sarcastically said: "The film has no real emotion, no spiritual core. It looks gorgeous on the surface, but in fact, it was just Zhang Yimou who covered it up with packaging and publicity. "Venus's onslaught makes one think,

The crazy woman Jin Xing scolded Zhang Yimou, shocking the truth and making it creepy

What is the truth she vaguely revealed? This incident sparked heated discussions among the audience, and at the same time made Zhang Yimou speak out again under the pressure of public opinion. He responded to Jin Xing's accusations on Weibo, calling his film a "real blockbuster",

The crazy woman Jin Xing scolded Zhang Yimou, shocking the truth and making it creepy

And said that Venus's criticism was groundless. He also mentioned the filming process of the film and the hard work of the crew members, trying to prove the authenticity and dedication of the film. however

The crazy woman Jin Xing scolded Zhang Yimou, shocking the truth and making it creepy

Such a response could not hide the audience's concern about the Venus pouring cold water on the incident. In fact, Jin Xing's attack on Zhang Yimou is not untargeted. The movie "Solid as a Rock" is adapted from a novel of the same name,

The crazy woman Jin Xing scolded Zhang Yimou, shocking the truth and making it creepy

However, the crew only relied on the title and star cast to attract the audience. During the filming process, Zhang Yimou changed the plot and character settings many times, resulting in the loss of the logic of the film and the coherence of the plot. What's more,

The crazy woman Jin Xing scolded Zhang Yimou, shocking the truth and making it creepy

Jin Xing's revelations undoubtedly shocked the entire film industry. The controversy has sparked reflections on the film industry. Film, as a cultural product, should convey emotions and ideas, not just gorgeous packaging.

The crazy woman Jin Xing scolded Zhang Yimou, shocking the truth and making it creepy

Audiences are expecting more and more from films, and they want to see something that really has depth. However, this controversy has made people question whether the film industry is driven by commercial interests.

The crazy woman Jin Xing scolded Zhang Yimou, shocking the truth and making it creepy

This has led to a scarcity of real works of art. It also makes us think about whether the film industry needs more reform and innovation to meet the needs of audiences. This controversy undoubtedly gave the audience a chance to think,

The crazy woman Jin Xing scolded Zhang Yimou, shocking the truth and making it creepy

They can see the flaws and problems of the film industry from it. With the development of the Internet, audiences have more and more choices about movies, and they can express their opinions and opinions through social media and online reviews. therefore

The crazy woman Jin Xing scolded Zhang Yimou, shocking the truth and making it creepy

The film industry needs to pay more attention to the feedback and needs of the audience, and launch better works in order to win the hearts of the audience. Finally, I would like to ask everyone, what are your thoughts on the controversy of the movie "Rock Solid"?

What kind of reform and innovation do you think the film industry needs to undertake? Feel free to leave your thoughts in the comment section. Note: The above rewritten content is for reference only, and the specific modification shall be subject to the user's own modification.

The crazy woman Jin Xing scolded Zhang Yimou, shocking the truth and making it creepy

Mr. Zhang's films have always been known for their lavish sets and special effects, but Mr. Jin's recent bashing has revealed one of the key problems: Mr. Zhang seems to have neglected the actors' acting abilities and characterization. In filmmaking,

Actors are used as a tool for publicity and box office rather than really using their talents. This kind of impact of commercial demand and the pursuit of box office not only deprives the soul of film art, but also deviates from the original intention of the film to shape the image of the characters.

The crazy woman Jin Xing scolded Zhang Yimou, shocking the truth and making it creepy

In the Chinese film industry, the pursuit of stunning and gorgeous visual effects has always been the mainstream. However, artistic and emotional depth is often overlooked. Jin Xing's scolding is undoubtedly a difficult look at the Chinese film industry. We should think,

The crazy woman Jin Xing scolded Zhang Yimou, shocking the truth and making it creepy

Is the failure of "Rock Solid" the price of the industry's excessive pursuit of commercial gain? Jin Xing's criticism not only revealed the problems of Zhang Yimou's directorial style, but also triggered more audiences to think about the current situation of Chinese films.

The crazy woman Jin Xing scolded Zhang Yimou, shocking the truth and making it creepy

Cinema shouldn't just focus on gorgeous appearances, it should be a medium to express emotions and thoughts. Only on the premise of truly respecting the art of film can Chinese films truly rise and become world-class film and television productions.

The crazy woman Jin Xing scolded Zhang Yimou, shocking the truth and making it creepy

In this era of information explosion, audiences are increasingly in need of authentic and thoughtful films. Jin Xing's scolding undoubtedly sounded the alarm for the Chinese film industry. Filmmakers need to re-examine their creative ideas and values.

The crazy woman Jin Xing scolded Zhang Yimou, shocking the truth and making it creepy

and the destruction of film art by commercialization. It is only through authentic and in-depth works that the audience can truly feel the power of cinema. I believe that under the common call of the audience,

China's film industry will usher in a profound introspection and change. Filmmakers should take the interests of the audience as the starting point, create more works that can touch people's hearts, and return to the essence of film art. Let Chinese films truly go to the world stage.

Question: What kind of warning does Jin Xing's scolding pose to the Chinese film industry? How do you think filmmakers should respond to this wake-up call?

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