
Know the hardships of the countryside and be a ferryman! Remember Li Zhuobin, a teacher at The Center School of Qisi Town center in Huaibin County

author:Henan Education News Agency

When the gardenia blossoms, he bid farewell to the campus; when the osmanthus blossoms first bloomed, he stepped onto the podium. The corn and peanuts dried on the side of the road indicate that it is a harvest season; the newly turned land in the field, emitting an intoxicating fragrance, waits for the hope of sowing. In September 2010, he paranoidly returned to the homeland where he was born and raised, stared at the expectant eyes of his father and fellow villagers, firmly chose to be a rural teacher, and determined: to do his best to open a window to the world for the "flowers of the countryside".

He is Li Zhuobin, a party member teacher at the Central School of Qisi Town in Huaibin County, Henan Province.

"A magnetic needle in the heart of the subject" - intoxicated education and forge ahead

Know the hardships of the countryside and be a ferryman! Remember Li Zhuobin, a teacher at The Center School of Qisi Town center in Huaibin County

He was attentive and enthusiastic on the podium, a lesson like a piece of music tugging at the heartstrings, the children's eyes jumping with him, poetic and light guidance like invisible magic to lead the class to depth. Behind the countless days of reading at night, it is the teaching design that has been overturned and restarted countless times, and the deep self-examination of taking the initiative to undertake township teaching and research classes countless times. In particular, on behalf of Zhi Sizhen, the teaching attempt of "learning first and teaching later" is not only the focus of the school, but also the parents have doubts.

To this end, he carefully prepared lessons, repeatedly deliberated, and worked tirelessly late at night. In order to let students better grasp the key points and break through the difficulties, he carefully designed the pre-assignment list and constantly improved the teaching method. After several years of arduous exploration, the new teaching model has begun to bear fruit and gradually spread.

"Flowers from the fragrance to call spring" - demonstration leads to the role model

Know the hardships of the countryside and be a ferryman! Remember Li Zhuobin, a teacher at The Center School of Qisi Town center in Huaibin County

Due to her outstanding teaching achievements, Ms. Li has become a regular visitor to the "Zhisi Town Education and Teaching Work Sharing Meeting". Teacher Li, who has a strong sense of education, is gradually no longer satisfied with the excellence of his class, he wants to lead more children to experience the joy of harvest, and lead more teachers to the road of self-improvement. In the summer of 2015, after sending off the first batch of sixth-graders, he decided to use his research to recommend teaching work for the whole school.

"Innovation with regrets is always higher than flawless mediocrity." In teaching, he constantly looked for a breakthrough in "one problem and multiple solutions", summarized the reasons for children's loss of points, and wrote many articles such as "Using the Carrier of "Wrong Questions" to Strengthen the Awareness of Examination Questions" and "Using Mathematics Preview Sheets as the Carrier to Cultivate Good Preparation Habits".

Slowly, the research went deeper, and he successively led his colleagues to do the school-level project "Research on the Effectiveness of Mathematics Classroom Organization and Teaching", the county-level project "Research on The Construction of Efficient Classroom Teaching Strategies in Primary Schools", the municipal project "Research on the Exploration and Strategy of the Work Art of Primary School Class Teachers", and the provincial-level project "Research on the Autonomy, Cooperation and Inquiry of Primary School Students' Learning Models". Under the inspiration of Teacher Li, the educational enthusiasm of colleagues around him has gradually increased, the teaching effect has been significantly improved, and the sense of honor of teachers has gradually increased.

"Don't wait for the whip to fight yourself" - the test is like fire, refining real gold

Know the hardships of the countryside and be a ferryman! Remember Li Zhuobin, a teacher at The Center School of Qisi Town center in Huaibin County

Year of the Rat, Jingchu Plague. Teacher Li took the lead in exploring "online teaching". He taught himself live courses, observed day and night, docked with the class preparation team leader, explored new methods of induction, and paid off his efforts, and finally formed a new model of mathematics classroom under the new learning situation: "pre-homework, one lecture and one practice, and after-class consolidation".

Then, he carefully discussed various details with the school leaders and technical backbones, and formulated a live class schedule and timetable, which provided a strong technical guarantee for the school to smoothly carry out online work.

"Teaching in the Clouds" for more than two months, his manuscript has been thick and thick, horizontal and vertical to see the ingenuity, skimming the total concern, he buried his head in the foreshadowing, is the most beautiful scenery.

During the anti-epidemic period, he took the school as his home, was on duty every day, sorted out the epidemic information, reported the daily report of the live broadcast situation, and completed the guidance work of online teaching in the Academic Affairs Office of the command center school, silently undertaking every work given to him by the school, and doing his best.

"Self-distress can help others" - benevolence and love for the elderly and the young

Know the hardships of the countryside and be a ferryman! Remember Li Zhuobin, a teacher at The Center School of Qisi Town center in Huaibin County

Teacher Li not only has a high level of business, but also loves students. "Xiao Yan" students, their clothes are stained, their eyes are dodging, and the class is wandering in all directions... In order to find out the reason, Teacher Li decided to visit the family and learned that his parents were divorced, his grandfather died of illness, and he and his grandmother were dependent on each other, and the burden of life naturally fell on the shoulders of the 9-year-old Xiaoyan.

Looking at the adult-like Xiaoyan, Teacher Li was heartbroken, tears in his eyes, and after controlling his emotions, he patted Xiaoyan's shoulder and said: "Every successful person has a different childhood, and your experience will be the background of your legend." So, when suffering comes, smile and face it bravely! On weekdays, Teacher Li always encourages and cares for Xiaoyan, and takes the initiative to bear the cost of Xiaoyan's newspapers, school uniforms and school supplies.

Know the hardships of the countryside and be a ferryman! Remember Li Zhuobin, a teacher at The Center School of Qisi Town center in Huaibin County

Deeply aware of the hardships of the countryside, but also to be a ferryman. The career of the ferryman is the cause of a lifetime, in the years to come, Teacher Li will definitely carry out the love to the end, the karma is sweaty, and the love is a flower. Teacher Li used his perseverance to whip the horse in the years, and will make the chalk shine for thousands of years.

Editor-in-Chief: Fu Jianwei Editor: Ding Yanli

Planner: Du Zhonghai, Wang Pei, Zheng Wei

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