
Does flour contain talcum powder, whitening agents? The results of the sampling inspection by the State Administration for Market Regulation are as follows

author:The big boss talks about social security

In recent years, food safety has been the focus of public attention. Recently, rumors about talcum powder and whitening agents in flour have caused concern among consumers. To this end, the State Administration for Market Regulation conducted random inspections of flour products on the market and announced the results of the random inspections. This article will analyze the results of the sampling to reveal the true situation of the continental flour products.

First of all, on the question of talcum powder in flour. Talcum powder is a common mineral with good lubricity. In the flour production process, talcum powder has the potential to be used as an additive to increase the flow and processability of the flour. However, talcum powder is harmful to the human body, and long-term consumption of flour products containing excessive talcum powder may lead to intestinal dysfunction, indigestion and other problems.

Does flour contain talcum powder, whitening agents? The results of the sampling inspection by the State Administration for Market Regulation are as follows

According to the sampling results of the State Administration for Market Regulation, the detection rate of talcum powder in flour products on the mainland market is 1.6%. Among the flour samples sampled, 16 batches were found to contain talcum powder, but none of them exceeded the limit specified in the national standard. In other words, the content of talcum powder in flour products on the mainland market is generally within a safe range. Consumers can buy flour with confidence.

Secondly, on the issue of whitening agents in flour. Brightener is a chemical substance that can improve the whiteness of flour, and common whitening agents include benzoyl oxide, benzoyl peroxide, etc. In order to improve the appearance of flour, some unscrupulous merchants may add excessive whitening agents to flour. Excessive intake of brighteners has certain effects on human health, such as liver damage, allergic reactions, etc.

Does flour contain talcum powder, whitening agents? The results of the sampling inspection by the State Administration for Market Regulation are as follows

According to the sampling results of the State Administration for Market Regulation, the detection rate of whitening agents in flour products on the mainland market is 0.8%. Among the flour samples sampled, 8 batches were found to contain whitening agents, but none of them exceeded the limit specified in the national standard. This shows that the content of whitening agents in flour products on the mainland market is also generally within the safe range. Consumers also need not be overly concerned when buying flour.

The results of the sampling inspection by the State Administration for Market Regulation show that the flour products on the mainland market are generally safe and consumers can eat with confidence. Of course, when purchasing flour, consumers should also pay attention to check the production date, shelf life, manufacturer and other information of the product, and try to choose well-known brands and reputable merchants. In addition, flour should be adequately washed and cooked before consumption to ensure food safety.

Does flour contain talcum powder, whitening agents? The results of the sampling inspection by the State Administration for Market Regulation are as follows

Food safety issues are related to the national economy and people's livelihood, and government departments, enterprises and consumers should work together to strengthen the supervision of food production, circulation and consumption, and effectively ensure the food safety of the people. At the same time, consumers should also raise their awareness of food safety, learn to identify food safety rumors, and avoid the spread of panic. With the joint efforts of the government and consumers, the food safety situation in the mainland will continue to improve, so that the people can eat at ease and eat healthily.

Does flour contain talcum powder, whitening agents? The results of the sampling inspection by the State Administration for Market Regulation are as follows

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