
Unexpectedly, the host Meng Fei, who gradually "disappeared".


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"Zibo barbecue" is popular in April 2023. The host Meng Fei recently expressed his unique views on barbecue in a post. However, this simple statement has attracted public criticism and controversy. In this novel introduction, we will rearrange Meng Fei's story to reveal his life experiences and achievements, to peek into the development of his career and love, and how he finally overcame adversity to succeed.

01, a rebellious teenager Meng Fei is not a top student, his studies are not outstanding, but he has a heart full of vitality and dreams. Although he was originally from Chongqing, he spent most of his teenage years in Nanjing. During this period, he had a very close relationship with his grandmother, who always tried her best to fulfill his wishes and not force him to study. However, his parents were very demanding of his academics and set him a strict study plan, which caused him to feel stressed academically. The rebellious teenager Meng Fei prefers to immerse himself in literary novels, and words have become an outlet for him to vent his emotions and a way for him to maintain his mental health. Although he was mediocre in mathematics, physics and chemistry, he excelled in language. The results of the college entrance examination were not satisfactory, and his total score in mathematics, physics and chemistry was less than 100 points, and he almost did not receive an admission letter.

Unexpectedly, the host Meng Fei, who gradually "disappeared".

Meng Fei's high school was full of setbacks, he did not have a high IQ like Sa Beining, and he was not escorted into CCTV to become a host. Instead, he chose to go south to Shenzhen to work after the college entrance examination, and went through a series of hard work, from moving bricks on the construction site to serving dishes in the restaurant, to moving at the dock and delivering food and water. This time has trained his willpower, but it has also made him doubt his future. However, a chance chance allowed him to return to Nanjing and start a new chapter in his career.

2. Career and love are favored by God In 1991, Meng Fei returned to Nanjing and found a job as a printer in Jiangsu Radio and Television News Printing Factory. However, he had a serious accident on the shop floor, which forced him to re-examine his life. His mother's decision pulled him out of the trough and helped him get the opportunity to work at Jiangsu TV Station. For Meng Fei, this was an important turning point, and even if it was just a temporary job, he cherished it very much.

Unexpectedly, the host Meng Fei, who gradually "disappeared".

As his career progressed, Meng Fei reunited with his high school classmates, especially a girl named Li Xue. Li Xue once regarded Meng Fei as an idol, but because of her low self-esteem, she did not take the initiative to approach him. However, when she learned of Meng Fei's predicament, she took the initiative to contact him and express her feelings. This support inspired Meng Fei and gave him back his self-confidence. With the encouragement of Li Xue and his mother, he applied for Nanjing Normal University and started a new academic career. Meng Fei not only worked hard to learn photography techniques, but also actively learned post-editing and video production skills from his predecessors, which made his career flourish. At the same time, the love between him and Li Xue is also constantly sublimated, and the two decided to enter the palace of marriage.

Unexpectedly, the host Meng Fei, who gradually "disappeared".

However, Meng Fei's marriage proposal was hampered by some difficulties as he did not have a decent house. But Li Xue understood his situation and took the initiative to propose marriage. She was willing to share a small house with Meng Fei, and this decision made Meng Fei feel extremely happy. Meng Fei's career was thriving, and he was given some important shooting opportunities, working as a photographer and writer for some successful documentary films. His hard work and persistence have allowed him to take a leap forward in his career, and at the same time, he has also received the support and understanding of Li Xue.

This vivid story tells us that Meng Fei's success stems not only from his tenacity and hard work, but also from a deep love and dedication to his dreams. His life experience also teaches us that adversity is not the end, but only a part of the road to success. Meng Fei's story tells us that as long as we have firm faith and perseverance, we can all overcome difficulties and move towards a bright future.

Unexpectedly, the host Meng Fei, who gradually "disappeared".


The story is full of life's ups and downs, hard work, and luck, and gives us some important implications. First of all, we see that although Meng Fei did not achieve brilliant results in his studies, his persistence and hard work enabled him to overcome adversity and achieve success in his career. This tells us that it is not necessary to have excellent academic results to succeed in a career, and that diligence and perseverance are equally important.

Second, Li Xue's support and encouragement played a key role in Meng Fei's success. Love and family support can be a great motivation for a person's career development. This also highlights the importance of family relationships and love relationships in life.

Unexpectedly, the host Meng Fei, who gradually "disappeared".

In addition, Meng Fei in the story shows that one can improve one's career by constantly learning and developing new skills. He went from being a printer to a photographer and choreographer, which was achieved through his own study and hard work. This reminds us that lifelong learning and the ability to adapt to change are the keys to success.

Finally, the story also highlights the need to be prepared for opportunities. Meng Fei continued to accumulate experience and skills in life, and it was these preparations that enabled him to seize opportunities and thus achieve success in his career. This shows that we should constantly work on it in our daily lives so that we can be ready when the opportunity arises.


In this story, we see Meng Fei's bumpy growth and career development, although he is not outstanding academically, but through diligence and perseverance, he finally embarked on the road to success. His parents supported him in difficult times, and love became a big motivator in his life. Meng Fei's continuous learning and skill development have enabled him to seize opportunities and achieve career success. This story teaches us that success depends not only on academic performance, but also on hard work, perseverance, family support, and constant learning and ready opportunities. Everyone has the opportunity to achieve their dreams, as long as they put in the effort and believe in themselves.

In addition, Meng Fei's story also shows us the spirit of not being afraid of failure and adversity. Although he did not perform well in the college entrance examination, he did not choose to give up or repeat the year, but resolutely moved forward. This kind of persistence and courage is a quality that everyone who strives for success should have. Even if you encounter failure at the beginning, don't let the setbacks knock you down, but learn from them and move on.

Another important lesson is the power of love and family. Li Xue's support and understanding enabled Meng Fei to overcome many difficulties, and they experienced the ups and downs of life together, and finally walked towards a happy future together. This underscores the value of family and love relationships in our lives, and they can be a strong backing for us in our pursuit of career success.

Finally, Meng Fei's achievements also reflect the need to be prepared for opportunities. By constantly learning and accumulating experience, he has made himself more competitive in his career, so that he can seize the opportunities that come his way. This tells us not to stop learning and growing, because future opportunities may arise at the most casual moments, and these opportunities can only be better utilized if you are well prepared.

Overall, Meng Fei's story is a story full of ups and downs, hard work, and luck, and it provides us with many valuable revelations. It teaches us that success depends not just on academic achievement, but on perseverance, family support, the power of love, and the opportunity to keep learning and prepare. The story also highlights the spirit of not being afraid of failure, perseverance, and the need to be prepared for opportunities. No matter what difficulties we encounter, as long as we maintain a positive attitude and the belief to move forward, we all have the opportunity to realize our dreams and embark on the road to success, just like Meng Fei.

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