
The wife has been cheating for 7 years, and the 45-year-old husband pretended not to divorce, but used her as a tool

author:Xiaolong speaks

The relationship between husband and wife is the most precious emotional bond in life, carrying the love and trust of both parties. However, the relationship can sometimes be tested and requires the joint efforts of both parties to sustain it. Today, we are going to talk about an ordinary man, his name is Mr. Zhang. His story may be ordinary, but there is a deep emotion in the ordinary.

The wife has been cheating for 7 years, and the 45-year-old husband pretended not to divorce, but used her as a tool

Mr. Zhang's background and starting point of marriage

The wife has been cheating for 7 years, and the 45-year-old husband pretended not to divorce, but used her as a tool

Mr. Zhang's married life began with a "second marriage". The wife is a simple and kind woman, and after marriage, they have experienced the ups and downs of life together. However, married life is not as happy as they imagined. In the family, Mr. Zhang plays the role of husband and father, and he cherishes his family and vows to cherish this marriage.

The wife has been cheating for 7 years, and the 45-year-old husband pretended not to divorce, but used her as a tool

Hardships for the family

The wife has been cheating for 7 years, and the 45-year-old husband pretended not to divorce, but used her as a tool

For the sake of family happiness, Mr. Zhang resolutely decided to leave his hometown and work in other places. He recalls the difficult apprenticeship days when he was young, and he worked hard and worked silently for the sake of his wife and children. In his eyes, family is his biggest motivation and the direction in which he keeps moving forward.

The wife has been cheating for 7 years, and the 45-year-old husband pretended not to divorce, but used her as a tool

The discovery of infidelity and the decision to calm down

The wife has been cheating for 7 years, and the 45-year-old husband pretended not to divorce, but used her as a tool

However, a fortuitous discovery brought Mr. Zhang's world to the rocks. When he came home from vacation, he found some family planning supplies in a garbage bag, which made him suspicious. He begins to wonder if his wife is cheating. At this moment that haunted him, he made a calm and rational decision.

The wife has been cheating for 7 years, and the 45-year-old husband pretended not to divorce, but used her as a tool

Determination to pretend not to know

The wife has been cheating for 7 years, and the 45-year-old husband pretended not to divorce, but used her as a tool

Mr. Zhang decided not to get a divorce, but chose to pretend not to know. He used his wife as a "tool man" and decided to hide his pain in order not to let his children lose a complete family. He began to save money, no longer buying things for his wife, but spending his savings on his parents and children. He had a hard time, but he chose to persevere.

The wife has been cheating for 7 years, and the 45-year-old husband pretended not to divorce, but used her as a tool

Hidden pain deep in the heart

Although on the surface, Mr. Zhang looks like a strong husband and an indifferent father, deep down, his pain is unspeakable. He silently endured the betrayal and hurt in his marriage, but he chose to remain silent. He knows that this is a kind of helplessness, but also a kind of responsibility to the family.

The importance of trust, respect and communication

This story shows us the importance of trust and respect in the relationship between husband and wife. Marriage is not only the union of two hearts, but also the union of two souls. In marriage, communication is the key to solving problems, and cheating is not only a betrayal of your partner, but also of yourself. This story is a warning to marriage and a call to family.


In the world of feelings, there is not only laughter and happiness, but also endless challenges and tests. But it is in these trials that we can truly see ourselves and understand our inner tenacity. May every couple walk hand in hand on the road of marriage, trust, respect, and create their own happiness together. May every family be full of warmth and happiness.

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