
Why do many elderly people not like to come to their homes? Three 70-year-olds told the truth

author:Xiaolong speaks

Life after retirement in old age is, for many, a wonderful and tranquil stage, full of free and relaxed times. However, there is a problem that many elderly people find uneasy, and that is that people often come to visit their homes and disturb their peace. In this article, we will focus on three elderly people in their seventies, exploring their views on the phenomenon and the impact it has on their lives in retirement.

Why do many elderly people not like to come to their homes? Three 70-year-olds told the truth

Aunt He's experience

Why do many elderly people not like to come to their homes? Three 70-year-olds told the truth

Aunt He, 72 years old, has spent many years in retirement. For her, old age is usually a lonely time. She has lost her husband, her children are married, and she is alone with a loyal dog. Therefore, she prefers to enjoy this tranquility alone, and does not want to be disturbed by others.

Why do many elderly people not like to come to their homes? Three 70-year-olds told the truth

When talking about why she doesn't like to visit the door, Aunt He said that she is not good at dealing with the inconvenience that visitors may cause. Her home is neatly and orderly furnished to suit her lifestyle. She keeps her time organized and develops her own habits. She feared that the arrival of visitors might upset the order and make her feel uncomfortable. While she doesn't have an aversion to socializing, she prefers to be able to actively choose when to socialize with others rather than being interrupted by obligatory visitors.

Why do many elderly people not like to come to their homes? Three 70-year-olds told the truth

Uncle Tian's experience

Why do many elderly people not like to come to their homes? Three 70-year-olds told the truth

Unlike Aunt He, 73-year-old Uncle Tian retired and lived a life with a hobby of fishing. He likes to fish in the small pond in his yard, which is peaceful and pleasant. However, he was often embarrassed because he didn't like people visiting his door. For Uncle Tian, fishing is not only a hobby, but also a kind of inner peace. He enjoys the tranquility and the time when he has only fish and nature.

Why do many elderly people not like to come to their homes? Three 70-year-olds told the truth

He was always embarrassed when someone came to visit him, especially when he was fishing. He doesn't want to be interrupted from his breaks, and he doesn't like to talk to people for a long time. This puts him in an awkward position where he doesn't know how to politely turn down guests without hurting their feelings. Therefore, Uncle Tian often feels uneasy and troubled after the visit of the guests.

Why do many elderly people not like to come to their homes? Three 70-year-olds told the truth

Uncle Wang's experience

Why do many elderly people not like to come to their homes? Three 70-year-olds told the truth

Another 70-year-old man, Uncle Wang, has a very different personality. He is an energetic and enthusiastic person who always enjoys getting together with friends and neighbors. However, his reputation in the community did not live up to his expectations.

Why do many elderly people not like to come to their homes? Three 70-year-olds told the truth

Uncle Wang's cheerful personality and enthusiasm did not have a good interaction with the visiting guests. He was often troubled by an unpopular community reputation. He is a firm believer in the importance of social interaction in old age, but not all of his neighbors share the same view. As a result, he often faces friction with other residents in the community.

Why do many elderly people not like to come to their homes? Three 70-year-olds told the truth


Why do many elderly people not like to come to their homes? Three 70-year-olds told the truth

From the experiences of Aunt He, Uncle Tian and Uncle Wang, we can see why some elderly people don't like to visit their doors. Different people have different personalities, interests, and lifestyles, and these differences can lead to embarrassment and discomfort. However, we can also see that senior living is diverse, and everyone should choose a lifestyle that suits them according to their preferences and needs.

Why do many elderly people not like to come to their homes? Three 70-year-olds told the truth

It is very important for visitors to know and respect the wishes and lifestyles of the elderly. Communication and mutual respect can help reduce awkwardness and discomfort, allowing seniors to enjoy their retirement the way they like. Most importantly, we should emphasize respect and goodwill for the life of the elderly, so that every elderly person can live a happy and contented life.