
A new phenomenon in the South China Sea, China's law enforcement delegation entered the waters of Thitu Island, demonstrating its sovereignty

author:Panpan 0W3o

The Chinese law enforcement delegation entered the waters of Thitu Island to enforce the law, demonstrating the country's determination to sovereignty over the waters of Thitu Island. Although Thitu Island is still controlled by the Philippines, its sovereignty belongs to China in an indisputable manner. This move is reasonable and reflects the sovereign will of the state. Looking back at history, during World War II, China's warship "Thitu" regained Thitu Island and returned it to the Chinese government at the time according to the Potsdam Proclamation. In the 70s of the 20th century, a typhoon caused the Kuomintang government troops stationed on the island to retreat, and the Philippines took the opportunity to occupy Thitu Island. Although China has now dispatched a law enforcement coast guard to enforce the law in the coastal waters of Thitu Island, and the land of Thitu Island has not yet returned, this move is significant, similar to China's law enforcement operation in the waters off the Diaoyu Islands. It is first and foremost a declaration of sovereignty, but it also sends a warning to disputed countries in the South China Sea, such as Vietnam, demonstrating China's deterrent power. The situation is similar to that of Spratly Island, which was returned from Japan after victory in World War II but is now occupied by Vietnam, so law enforcement on Thitu Island is of great importance.

A new phenomenon in the South China Sea, China's law enforcement delegation entered the waters of Thitu Island, demonstrating its sovereignty

In the current international situation, China is in an advantageous position. The United States has always claimed that it can deal with two wars at the same time, but now that they are facing the dual challenges of the Russia-Ukraine battlefield and the Middle East theater, they are no longer able to make trouble in the South China Sea again. In this case, China can use this opportunity to enhance its deterrence capabilities in the South China Sea. The Philippines, which has previously sparked a dispute at Second Thomas Shoal and is preparing to resupply Scarborough Shoal, hopes to use the opportunity to reclaim the sea and build an unsinkable aircraft carrier that will play an important role in the defense of the eastern South China Sea.

A new phenomenon in the South China Sea, China's law enforcement delegation entered the waters of Thitu Island, demonstrating its sovereignty

How to deal with the situation in Thitu and Scarborough Shoal is an important issue. A real recapture of Thitu Island may require armed conflict, and what impact this will have on the bigger picture of China's rising rise will need to be thoroughly assessed. The best strategy at the moment is to carry out regular law enforcement on Thitu Island, while focusing on the reclamation of Scarborough Shoal, which is the best policy. It may be to recapture Thitu Island by unscrupulous means, which will involve a certain level of force and may involve a lot, but does the United States really dare to intervene? Not necessarily, because they are currently facing tremendous pressure from the Russian-Ukrainian battlefield and the Middle East battlefield, and it is okay to consider such an operation. The worst-case scenario is to only carry out regular law enforcement on Thitu Island, and no action is taken against Scarborough Shoal, which is the next policy.

The Chinese law enforcement delegation entered the waters of Thitu Island to enforce the law, demonstrating the country's determination to sovereignty over the waters of Thitu Island. While the situation on Thitu remains complex, China's move is significant and can strengthen deterrence in the South China Sea. For China, it is necessary to consider various factors and formulate the best response strategy when dealing with the problems of Thitu Island and Scarborough Shoal.

A new phenomenon in the South China Sea, China's law enforcement delegation entered the waters of Thitu Island, demonstrating its sovereignty

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